RE/MAX vs. PGA…Could Tiger Compete?

RE/MAX vs. PGA…Could Tiger Compete?

RE/MAX vs. PGA…Could Tiger Compete?

pga vs remax

What Would Happen?

A few days ago we brought up something that we thought was sure to spark some debate (A fictitious story about a “PGA Long Drive Event” on Sept. 1st), but to our dismay, the debate did not rage on. It didn’t do much of anything actually! Now, I’m not going to say I’m disappointed in all of you, but…I’m disappointed in all of you! Ok just joking, but nevertheless, it turns out that after some research, the debate does rage on…all over the internet…as to just what WOULD happen if the big-hitters of the PGA competed against the biggest hitters of the RE/MAX Long Drive Championships.

Tiger and Daly vs. RE-MAX Guys

Based on my assertations, it seems that there is a pretty gigantic divide between two very adamant camps:

  • One side believes that no matter what, Tiger, Daly and all of the other long-hitters on the PGA Tour, could never compete with the long-drivers that actually do it for a living, namely those in and around the RE/MAX Long Drive Championships.
  • On the other side of the fence, sit those that believe that with the amazing arsenal of golf skills at Tiger’s disposal, if given awhile to train and prepare for a Long Drive event, he would not only compete, but give them a serious run for their money.

And so it goes, and so it will continue to go, I am sure all over golf forums, blogs, and random websites the world around.

We Have No Doubt

My two cents, is that Tiger, Daly and the other big boys of the PGA Tour could absolutely compete, maybe not win, but compete in the RE/MAX Long Drive contest. If given adequate time, equipment and yes, even instruction in the “art” of the Long Drive, I have no doubt that those capable of actually dominating in all aspects of the game (not just driving, not just power) could figure out a way to successfully fine-tune their swings, swing speed, trajectory and carry that would enable them to not only hit the grid, but challenge those that stick primarily to just one aspect of this fine game of golf.

‘Most Watched Event of the Season’

The point is, it is and probably always will be impossible to really tell. 99.99999% of PGA Pros have never trained for an event like a Long Drive Contest. To be honest, most of them probably only swing at 100% of their speed and potential on rare practice matches or goof off sessions with friends on the range. PGA Pros train for score, Long Drivers train for distance. The point behind this is, we NEED to see this event happen! We need to get some of the big-hitters on the PGA Tour to train and at least try this, even if it is only once. If they get beat, they get beat, but at least all of US will finally know. And in the end at least they would not be so dependent on Tiger to produce their ratings. I truly feel even if Daly or Bubba went up against the RE-MAX crew it would be the ‘Most Watched Golf Event of the Season’. What do you think?

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      WHo cares is an Idiot

      13 years ago

      Did you read any of the above comments and did you do any research on any of this? Look some of the guys are big but not all, including the best (Jaime Sadlowski). Bubba Watson is one of the longest drivers of the golf ball on tour and Jaime smoked him with a regular driver. Hell I saw one thing on the golf channel where Sadlowski even hit one left handed (Sadlowski is a righty) with Bubba’s own pink shafted driver and it went 300 yards. Now I am definitely not saying that they could play on tour or anything rediculous like that but I do not honestly think that anyone on tour could compete with the best of the long drive guys. Btw yes the drivers have longer shafts which add distance but also makes it harder to flush a ball as well as hit it straight. One other note on the drivers, they have reduced smash factors which has to do with how then the wall of the club is and how fast the ball comes off. The reduction of the smash factor cuts distance. If they put regular club heads on the long shafts then the LD guys would only be able to hit it about 10-15 times before the driver breaks or goes dead. I have played golf for a long time and am from the south where the air is thick and I am still extremely long off the tee’s but I know I am not as good as them just like I can’t score like PGA guys even though I am pretty good.


      WHo cares

      13 years ago

      LD are putting up 450-550, hilarious, perfect conditions, thin air gives you at least 20-40 more yards easy, come down south and hit some balls in thick conditions with min roll. I watch remax and it is like the grid is hard as concrete, why is that? It’s called ratings, people are fascinated with numbers, oh joe blow hit it 420 with 80 yards of roll with a 5 degree drive whoopity doo..haha..I can hit it 350 easy on the fly and do not even practice and if I get the 100 yards of roll wow I am at 450, I am only 5 9 190. some of those guys on LD remax are 6 5 250, they should beat their heads against the wall if they cannot hit it further than me as much they work out and swing a driver only…


      Tim J

      13 years ago

      Nice to revisit this thread after we found out that with a stock driver Sadlowski was around 50+ yards longer than Bubba! Game Over – Sorry PGA the 22 year old 5’10” 170 pound World Champion has proved to all that that PGA guys are not as long as a professional long driver. You can scrape the bottom of the tallent pool in 2011 RE/MAX World Finals and they will still beat the longest on the PGA…with any clubs you want to use.

      Check ou this clip kids!

      Hey Zascar… Check your stats. LDA guys are putting up 450-550 now a days! Longest drive in professional golf also belongs to a professional LD Mike D. 551 sir.



      15 years ago

      Here is the 2008 and 2009 Champion.
      CBS Swing Vision w Peter Kostis
      At the HP BYRON NELSON with Tour Players

      Judge for yourself…
      The 2009 RE/MAX World Long Drive Championship premieres on ESPN
      Sunday, December 20, 2009 at 1:00-2:30PM EST and again on Friday, December 25, 2009 at 2:00-3:30PM on ESPN2.



      15 years ago

      Hey i live in Mesquite, NV so i’ve seen all these guys up close and personal. Bottom line is that all these guys can rake. Top distance this year was 401 i think.( at long drive) Really not that much longer in reality. You would be amazed how much harder and better you can hit a little white ball standing next to these guys. So to think you Tiger and some of the other big hitters can’t at least compete is is Ridiculos.



      15 years ago

      Daly was a member of the Pinnacle long drive team a few years ago and, as mentioned above, was defeated a few times in the national finals when he represented the team against 10 qualifiers. However he did use his regular tour driver, and not the longer shafted and non grooved heads that his oppenents were using. This was before the new rules on shaft length were introduced too.

      Daly has said that while he can swing his driver above 140mph the accuracy tails off dramatically so he keeps it below that. I think with practice in the specific LD environment and equipment he could compete, and a few of the other PGA pros too. His longest measured PGA drive is 440 yards at Royal St Georges in 1993.


      Mike Gorton

      15 years ago

      I have competed in long driving for 27 years. I also have worked as a tour rep on the PGA and Nationwide Tours for 13 years. So I have 1st hand knowledge of who hits it further. If a player reached 190 mph ball speed on the PGA Tour the guy is called freakily long. That is 29 mph less than Jamie and several other long drivers achieve. If you figure about 4 yards per mph that is a difference of 116 yards.
      Now there is no question of who plays better golf. But as far as hitting it long there is also no question.
      As far as using roids, we have been tested and not a single person came back positive. Can the tour say that? We also had club length limits 2 years before the PGA.
      On another note, it might be possible for say Tiger to work on his driving and be somewhat competitive, but I think he like playing for the kind of money he currently is.



      15 years ago

      Hey Mike – thanks for stopping by MyGolfSpy and giving us that info. I thiink it is a good insight for our readers to see.


      Tim Johnson

      15 years ago

      Did anyone happen to see Zuback make Bubba look like a child off the tee in the Kraft ? how about when Daly tried to beat unranked Long Drivers in NY a few years ago ( at his peak) and came up 30+ yards short and had to hand over 100K, twice!. Do the research…PGA has no chance against a average Long Drive professionals…FACT. This has been proven. Rory will tell you what it is all about, he could not make it past stage 1 of the tournament. Tiger Vs. Sadlowski…. Sorry Tiger.



      15 years ago

      I would love to show that on MGS…never looked for either on Youtube.



      15 years ago

      If you were to train like a top flight long driver and took steroids you couldn’t wipe you own a$$ after a month, much less swing a club. When taking steroids your muscles gain a tremendous amount of bulk but don’t help you joints and tendons that hold those muscles in place. With that said, would you want to increase you chance of injury, and lose out on hitting in LDA events, indy events, and even worlds? Swinging a club over 130 is tough on the body, and even tougher on the body when swing over 140 mph.
      In long drive you don’t need to be tall. I have shook hands with Zubak and he is shorter then me and I’m 5’10” with shoes. Zubak works his butt off every second of everyday so he could achieve what he has achieved.


      Lisa Joyce

      15 years ago

      First off, I am not denying Tiger or any of the PGA Pro’s abilities. Some of them are quite long off the tee. But, they are not peeling off four bills on a daily basis and they probably never will. A long driver who has trained to be a world long drive champion, has a lot going for them. There are very specific drills, and training methods that maximize distance. Tiger is more concerned with his short game and hitting greens in regulation. I am a long driver and this is my 8th year in competition. Most long drivers have fundamentally correct golf swings, which is so important because we hit into a grid! So, please restrain yourselves from acting like all we do is beat balls and rarely hit them in the right direction because that is not the case. Everyone always acts like long drivers are steriod using monsters. That is DEFINITELY NOT TRUE! Look at the current Re/Max World long drive champion. He’s not a giant. He is one of the “smaller” guys in the sport. I don’t believe that size plays a role in the sport of long drive. I’m only 5 ‘3 and I’m a past junior world champion and record holder. Easily, a seasoned long driver would out shine a PGA player on any given day in long drive. It’s a totally different aspect of golf. I would venture to bet that a PGA pro would break down on the world championship tee in mesquite, with music blasting, stands of thousands of people only a few feet behind you, espn cameras taping from all angles, and the bright white lights in the grid that blind your eyes. It is an intense sport and if you don’t have experience in this specific type of competition, even the best player in the world, would be hard pressed to hit the drive of their life on the tee.



      15 years ago

      I saw the 2008 champion at a Junior clinic at the John Deer Classic….5’11” 170 MAX

      No steroids here….just amazing talent.



      15 years ago

      You all are forgetting that these RE/MAX guys are obviously roided the Fck out. I have met a few of them and there is no doubt. I read something about they are starting to test a while back but we all know there are ways around that. I played collegiate sports and I can tell you first hand that that shit is not natural. Give any pga player six months and a few cycles that these guys are juicing on and they wouldn’t have a chance.



      15 years ago

      Great video Steve!


      15 years ago

      Spoken like a true genuine clueless, ball less, little person in a gentlemans game


      Brian Cass

      16 years ago

      I agree with Paul Cummings…these guys cannot play golf with tour golfers in a million years….but Tiger and Sergio and Nick Kim are NOT built like Linebackers from the Dallas Cowboys as are the Long Drive Boys….yes Tiger and Daly and Bubba Watson can hit bombs…but can they do it on flat ground…consistently…I’m not sold on that but it would be a ton of fun to watch.



      16 years ago

      … I don’t think height has much to do with it, it was the “All like 6?3? – 6?5?..” comment from Paul I was referring to … again, I’ll mention Camilo Villegas who might be 5 8″ on a good day and lets not forget Lorena Ochoa who is maybe 5 5″ … if you interchanged her LPGA stats, she would be ranked 3rd on the PGA …. 320 “dead on the money” yards seems to be no struggle for her..



      16 years ago

      Well CRay you might be right about his height…he is short…but his height has not stopped him from crushin’ the damn golf ball.



      16 years ago

      .. The only problem with Zuback is, he can’t putt and he can’t play his irons … he’s only about an inch taller than Camilo Villegas and Natalie Gulbis is taller than both of them…


      Paul Cummings

      16 years ago

      I think Zuback and the crew would crush Tiger and Daly. I mean look at Zuback’s arms and the guys on the REMAX tour. Those guys are all huge. All like 6’3″ – 6’5″ and all train like an animal.


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