


Who Are We

At MyGolfSpy, our mission is to help simplify your purchasing decisions.

From drivers down to putters and golf shoes to rain gear, if golfers buy it, we want to test it. Our goal is to make it easy for you to pick the best products and be confident in your decisions. Our job is your game.

We are independent, unbiased and will always put the #ConsumerFirst.

What We Do

Finding the products that will perform best for your game is difficult. It can be confusing and time-consuming.

We spend thousands of hours testing and researching products so we can be sure we have selected the absolute best products for your game. Our testing and proprietary algorithms help solve this complex problem for golfers all over the world. This year we will collect over 100,000 swings & 1,000,000 data points. In 2018, our testing helped over 8 Million golfers make more informed buying decisions.

2019 Most Wanted Testing

The majority of the golf equipment manufacturers support our testing efforts, however, there are occasions where a company declines to participate. While we understand they may decline based on their individual business interests, our only interest is you, the consumer. When leading brands decline our invitations, we don’t exclude them. With your support, we buy their gear.

Who Is In & Who Is Out

For 2019, we’ve received commitments from a wide swath of the industry. We’re excited to add brands like PXG, New Level, Sub70, and Directed Force to Most Wanted Testing.

As is typically the case, there are also a few brands that either declined or chose not to respond to our invitation.

Today, we ask for your help in purchasing what we need to ensure that all major brands are represented in our test. Following the tradition we started 3 seasons ago,  everything you give us will be given back to our supporters (more on that below).

What We Want To Test For You

Below is the list of products we plan to buy and test for you:

What You Get For Donating

For everything you give to us, we will give back to you plus a little more.

All those that donate today and support unbiased testing will get the following:


Support Unbiased Testing.

DID YOU KNOW: If only 1% of MyGolfSpy readers donated $25, we would be able to become completely independent in 12-months. With every donation, you create change.

Would you be willing to help by giving a donation? Every dollar will help. Make a donation to support our independent and expert golf equipment research. A PayPal account is not required in order to donate.

Donate to MGS



For You

For You

LIV Golf
Feb 5, 2025
USGA Makes Sensible Move By Creating LIV Qualifying Pathway
Feb 5, 2025
PING G430 Versus G440 Drivers (What’s New for 2025?)
Maxfli Honors Maxfli Honors
Buyer's Guides
Feb 5, 2025
Head To Head: Most Expensive Versus Least Expensive Stand Bag
Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

Sam is the Director of the MyGolfSpy Lab X Testing Facility in Yorktown, VA. He works day in and day out to ensure the tests we produce are unbiased, independent, and accurate. From Head to Head tests to Most Wanted, Sam has you covered. #PowerToThePlayer

Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

Nov 21, 2017 | 104 Comments
2017 Most Wanted $15,000 Raffle!
Nov 9, 2017 | 73 Comments
Spec Check: 2017 Most Wanted Hybrids
Oct 26, 2017 | 5 Comments
Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

Sam Robinson

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      6 years ago

      I, for one, love the fact that MGS buys the items from non-cooperative companies, and donated what I could before I hit my limit- play some hardball, guys! Besides, they might win, then they’d really have to eat crow…



      6 years ago

      I appreciate what you guys do very much. I donated. Hope you get more women involved in your testing this year (not ladies equipment – I play stiff and regular flex clubs). Can’t wait to see how it goes!



      6 years ago

      I waited all of last year for testing on the cobra f max and never got it. This year I’m thinking of the cobra f max superlite complete set review. All the way from driver, woods, Hybrids, irons, and wedges. Why do you only review the $600 drivers. Everyone can’t afford that. Review the f-max superlite so we can buy a whole set for people that can’t afford the big money. I’ll donate when you finally review the f-max superlite



      6 years ago

      Donated as usual.

      Your analysis is greatly appreciated. My go to resource before any purchase.


      david struwe

      6 years ago

      Many thanks for the testing you do. From the results of those tests I have purchased a Click Gear 3.5+ push cart; Nike Air Hybrid II stand bag; Ping G400 LST (with the Kuro Kage shaft) and an Evnroll putter for which I was fitted at Guerin Rife’s studio in Carlsbad, Ca. which was such a cool experience! Every purchase enhanced my enjoyment of the game we all love. I made a donation this morning to show my gratitude. Thanks again.


      Dave H

      6 years ago

      Keep up the good work. Just sent in my contribution



      6 years ago

      If those companies don’t want to send you product then screw em. I find the idea of paying $40,000 for clubs asinine. Everyone knows pros play clubs for $$$, six figures up to Tiger money. If they don’t want to accept an invitation to the dance I don’t think you should pay them to come.



      6 years ago

      Haha exchange rate is a killer!
      Oh well. Every little bit helps.


      robin w letvinchuk

      6 years ago

      ty for the honest testing sent a little to help out



      6 years ago

      How ironic that the three biggest players (Scotty, TM and Callaway) doesn’t want to support performance based testing!! Oddly enough, TM and Callaway are usually top performers in the categories.
      Guess they all rely more on reputation rather than hard data???


      P.J. Evans

      6 years ago

      Sent you some cash via PayPal. Keep up the great work!
      — P.J.



      6 years ago

      Done, I was not able to contribute to this last year as I had major surgery and was not even aware of this opportunity to help out MGS and have a chance in the raffle. I gave last year anyway and will always continue to support MGS as long as I am a member, I appreciate what y’all do that much. Thanks for all that you do!



      6 years ago

      You guys do great work. That being said, I and I would assume a lot of us members would really like to see results of 2019 new gear compared to earlier years gear and gear prices. Is there really more advantage latest gear versus previous years. As most of us are concerned with all the marketing hip and increasing equipment $$$$



      6 years ago

      To add to this, can previous years category winners be included in the New Years performance results



      6 years ago

      Just donated to help keep you all moving forward with the 2019 testing. I think it’s important to have Callaway and Taylormade included in the testing. I’m ok giving money to help fund those purchases. Hopefully TM and Callaway will see the light at some point and start furnishing product to MGS. Best wishes on a great 2019.



      6 years ago

      Here’s a few $$$ to keep the testing and conversations going, because, as Lincoln said:

      You can’t make everyone happy, but you sure can piss some people off.


      Andy Cunningham

      6 years ago

      Keep up the great work, always look forward to analysing your findings! Gave a donation and well worth it!!



      6 years ago

      Still disappointed Ben Hogan acquired SCOR 4161 wedges. Mine in bag since 2012 and have tried them against about every other brand thinking newer might be better. For me, only new SCORs could be better. Hogan offers no chance to try theirs out and told me I would not send them back if I tried them. That’s a guarantee? No thanks Hogan, I will just refurb mine until something I can actually try out comes along that can get them out of my bag.



      6 years ago

      I think the SCOR lineup was actually the brain child of the Kohler group. When the “Hogan” company started up again, he was one of the folks that had a big hand in it. Hence, the TK wedges. I think he is out now, and so is the design. I did hear that he is starting a new project though… so you may see the design come back at some point.

      Hogan has been surprisingly rigid in the way they deal with orders. It makes sense, over loaded inventory nearly killed them.

      I play with 8 clubs, abbreviated set, I have contacted them on several occasions to see if could purchase single irons or mix the Ft. Worth irons with some of their other offerings… you can, but you will have to buy a full set of the irons, then buy the addition al clubs on top of that….

      Sad really, for me, as I think they are nice sticks. But, EVERY other manufacturer allows customization of their sets.



      6 years ago

      Thx for info. The SCOR wedges just fit my short game better than anything in my 40 yrs of golf. Will be watching to see if they surface again

      Mike McFalls

      6 years ago

      I completely agree with your comments on scor wedges. Have been in my bag for 5 seasons and absolutely love them. To that end, what would it take to add Hogan wedges to this testing? I’ve donated to MGS in the past (and for this effort) and would consider donating a larger amount if it’s possible those funds go to specific requests. Mind you, I understand the logistics of accomplishing specific requests like this may not be feasible, especially if these are one off requests- however is it possible to do so within the constructs if you’re already performing these test?


      Nick Aquilino

      6 years ago

      It looks like the costs of the clubs needed are full retail. Surely one or more of golf professionals or a major retail outlet who likes the MGS program can obtain the need clubs at pro-prices. Am I missing something?


      Cameron Pongs

      6 years ago

      Could that retailer or pro introduce some small measurement of bias? Based on their relationships and or incentives to sell said product. I could see how that may bring some question into play



      6 years ago

      Product still has to be tested by MGS doesn’t it?


      6 years ago

      I wonder if some of the folks complaining about how awful the companies are that don’t donate clubs are the same folks who don’t donate to help GolfSpy but love to read their research.



      6 years ago

      Surprised by the ones who declined and also surprised by Titleist, Ping and PXG accepting.



      6 years ago

      Me too, I’m pleasantly surprised by Titleist and PXG in particular, good for them! PXG always has a lot to lose in these tests by being more expensive, so we’ll have to see how this shakes out. TM and Callaway, the egg is on their face this year.



      6 years ago

      Except that PXG driver this year is $575 and right in line with other manufactures


      6 years ago

      Looks like the love affair is over with Ben Hogan Golf and MGS. I was very interested in the Hogan range when they first came out, but as they have a truly limited global reach despite being an online only vendor now – that was that. Even Wishon will ship clubs to Australia, but Hogan didn’t seem interested in even entertaining it. Oh well. Recent test results haven’t been overly impressive anyway.



      6 years ago

      Yep I had issues with them I’m in Canada. They also wouldn’t figure out a way for me to demo their stuff. I said I would pay all costs going to and from the USA and needed just 1 club or 2 so I could judge to buy a set.
      They said not interested.
      I don’t support companies like that they can go under (again…) for all I care


      Jasen Campbell

      6 years ago

      It’s really shitty they won’t enter there products. I have just decided I will never buy another one of their products ever again. All the other people here should do the same. That will send a message.



      6 years ago

      Just curious as to why no X-flexes being tested? Is it because not a large portion of your followers don’t play X’s? Having a swing speed of 124+, hard to take solace in these results (I love the CG reports/graphs though). Would it be possible to implement X fle testing for the “Low Spin” models?



      6 years ago

      I realize you provide driver data for 105+, but 105 compared to 125 is significant and should warrant another testing category.



      6 years ago

      I am also interested in 120-125+ swing speed testing. I’m new and was confused by last years distance numbers until I saw the upper speed was 105+.


      6 years ago

      Would it be possible to publish the list of equipment that is being tested before we see the results?



      6 years ago

      Leaving out those companies and not trying to pay for them shows a bias against them. The goal is to not have any bias. I’ll also vote for adding the previous winner to the testing this year. This would help so much with the year to year understanding of what is improving.


      Mike E.

      6 years ago

      It doesn’t show bias… it just doesn’t test them. Now, if they bought them then purposefully made them look bad, that’s bias.

      Come to think of it, there’s more bias in calling out the names of the people who did and didn’t decline to participate than there is in just not testing those who don’t participate.



      6 years ago

      Agreed, they should want their product tested and compared, or maybe not. Funny that some of these companies will cite bias in testing, but we all know there is no bigger bias in testing than that from the manufacturers themselves. Problem is if their bias in testing sells enough product why risk it.


      6 years ago

      Shows no bias at all. More like they are afraid of the completion



      6 years ago

      I would love it if they added the winners from last year. Year over year is always what we really care about (or maybe just me). I realize it puts a lot more data points but they are valid. Gotta beat the best!



      6 years ago

      That response from Hogan could ring true for TM and Callaway as well. Or they just don’t want to donate product. Doesn’t mean they’re hiding anything given that their clubs have finished high on various MGS tests. Given MGS’ position in the industry I have a tough time believing you have to buy clubs retail and don’t know someone who knows someone to get it at a lower cost.



      6 years ago

      I would say they just don’t want it tested. Hogan’s response sounds legit to me. If I heard that from TM/Callaway I wouldn’t believe it as they already have equipment in play or available for pre order in the coming week.



      6 years ago

      it looks like Hogan might have deceived us, here is what MGS said:

      The actual response we got from Ben Hogan Golf for not participating is below:

      1.Their new product launch schedule is fluid.
      2. They were very concerned and disappointed by the editorial coverage and negative comments in the Ben Hogan Equalizer wedges in our recent wedge review.

      One Day At A Time

      6 years ago

      You guys have given me a lot. I have never given MGS any money. I am going to have to turn cash into plastic and then submit the funds.

      I hope the (crude description of its true name) money sucking fund that bought Taylormade liquidates it for a loss in the coming bear market and that the employment of the people at TM that care about the game and the product is mitigated with reciprocal care, though I know better than to expect anything resembling that.

      Callaway has disappointed me. Upper management. Not the guys that answer my call and provided the second best level of Customer Service I experienced in 2018. That even flow snapped at the most odd place and the Epic crown flew off twice, which, did allow us to see jailbreak.

      I’m sure they would say the same about the account that ordered a mere dozen drivers fairways and hybrids in 2018 and two sets of irons, six wedges and three putters.

      Mizuno, TourEdge, Ping and Titleist are the companies I look forward to meeting with when they come out. Rusty Boomer Mike Nick. Sounds like 1930’s wedge driver putter iron.

      Thank you Sam. Thank you Tony. Thank You all.

      Headed to the bank.



      6 years ago

      Very surprised Ben Hogan is not participating, seems like this would be good press for them because of recent success in previous tests and the business model revamp. And honestly, as a fan of Callaway, its a shame they make the people pay for results on their clubs. Interesting how titleist is participating but not scotty cameron.


      Ben Hogan Golf

      6 years ago

      Hi Jackson – We couldn’t accommodate MyGolfSpy’s testing schedule. Our new products will be launched after they have been thoroughly tested and are worthy of Mr. Hogan’s signature. MyGolfSpy needed products on 1/1/19 for testing, and we weren’t going to submit any product that we didn’t believe was ready for market.



      6 years ago

      The actual response we got from Ben Hogan Golf for not participating is below:

      1.Their new product launch schedule is fluid.
      2. They were very concerned and disappointed by the editorial coverage and negative comments in the Ben Hogan Equalizer wedges in our recent wedge review.


      6 years ago

      After Callaway acquired BH, keeping the “Apex” name, didn’t they sell the name to another company who went bankrupt, and then another company acquired the name in the last year or two? Just remember, BH is not BH. The original company is gone! Anyone can acquire a name and produce a product…maybe good, maybe not.


      6 years ago

      Please don’t Astroturf i.e. fake support of “grassroots” (which in this case players that love performance)

      I expect new products to be in next years testing then.

      I was expecting better results from Ben Hogan Equalizer as well so I’d love it if company had the in-depth data (per player analysis) and a “right of reply”. Would like to hear more from “Inside Ben Hogan Golf” – but can keep the marketing spiel. Ben Hogan is not going to be personally signing off on your wedges any time soon.


      6 years ago

      Tony & Adam, you guys should share the actual email so we can all have a look at the deceit coming from Ben Hogan on this. Shameful. This isn’t a pay to play Ben Hogan! His signature is apparently worth nothing at this point.

      the club nut

      6 years ago

      If they decline to participate – they should remain out. You’re just playing into the hands of the large OEM. If they don’t want to send you product to test, they’re banking (LITERALLY) on you wanting to purchase them so you’re just making them more money directly. Spend that money on more testers, better features, and refining the process instead.



      6 years ago

      I agree ,if you have to buy it don’t test it ! They are banking that you want them more than they want you.What have they to gain they already have people fooled in thinking they are the only ones .(TM,CAL.) Test without them !!!!



      6 years ago

      MGS knows they need Callaway and Taylormade to complete their testing. Callaway and Taylormade don’t need the advertising. While disappointing, it’s easy to see why they made the decision.


      the club nut

      6 years ago

      @jeff – if they NEED anyone, then it’s not a very good test. Unbiased testing of equipment is the name of the game – either buy EVERYONE’s products, or buy none of them and do it that way. I think MGS has enough of a name to warrant submissions from manufacturers. If they don’t want to participate then they shouldn’t reap the rewards of such testing.


      6 years ago

      Honestly I’m good with not having Callaway/TM tested. Even if either one of their pieces of equipment were #1 in testing I wouldn’t run out to buy any of there equipment. Lets be realist, all the new equipment performance differences are negligible. I mean 3mph was the difference in the top and bottom performer in ball speed for drivers tested last year. A fitting would gain you that ball speed if not a little more. I don’t know I guess I just don’t care for looks of these clubs put out by them and that’s a deal breaker for me….and with that I’ll be done with my gripe. Oh ya get off my lawn!



      6 years ago

      If there’s so little difference, what are we doing here?!

      With Callaway and TM two of the top companies, they must be doing something right…I know I got fitted for Callaway irons after hitting numerous other companies. Those companies do make quality products whether you like them or not. I’d like to see the data on the newest stuff.



      6 years ago

      Tony, I understand where you are coming from and there is value for having them being tested. However TM and Callaway can be found anywhere. From your local pro shops, big box stores, local fitters and what not. I’m more interested in the equipment that’s not shoved down your throat everywhere you go. I live in a rural-ish type area where there are no PGASS, Club Champions etc(closet big boy fitter is prolly 2-1/2hr drive), but we do have a Dick’s sporting goods and another local smaller golf shop along with the local pro shops that carry TM/Callaway/Titleist. So seeing the data from them isn’t exactly as important to me as I can go get this data myself first hand, much like what I would assume most of everyone else visiting this site could. Now I’m not saying their equipment isn’t top notch because it is but like I just said they are everywhere available to everyone, but that’s just my opinion I guess.


      6 years ago

      Would I care if you DID NOT test product from Callaway, Taylormade, Hogan or Cameron? Absolutely not. They are on a slippery slope with your audience, IMO.


      Felix Martinez

      6 years ago

      Honma is not on the list, have almost 18 months with my TW737v irons and happier than ever. Why dont you consider testing Honma, at least the Tour World line.


      Jim Lee

      6 years ago

      I was about to ask them that until I read your comments. Why not all the JDM since PXG is on the list. Maruman, Fourteen, Seven, etc. Would be interesting to see JDM products being tested.



      6 years ago

      If you need to get a discount on these clubs, let me know. I am curious for all of them to be reviewed but, if we can get them at a lower cost in order to make sure they are all included. That should be looked at.



      6 years ago

      Keep up the great work!!



      6 years ago

      At least Ping and Cobra have the balls to compete, sad that Callaway and Taylormade backed out, even though their clubs usually end up testing okay


      Gary Sohosky

      6 years ago

      I find it very odd that Callaway and Taylor Made have chosen not to participate. You’d think they’d want their equipment to be validated by unbiased testing. Cameron’s are overpriced and don’t really deliver any new technology to their putters. Thanks for continuing the unbiased testing!



      6 years ago

      I couldn’t care less about SC, after all of the putter testing they have never impressed or done particularly well. If I was them I would be trying to hide from MGS as well!


      Jonathan Follett

      6 years ago

      Would love to know how those Mack Daddy wedges play. Hope the donation helps, and I can’t wait for the results!



      6 years ago

      Hey guys – Hope the donation helps! Proud to be a part of it. Could you include BOBBY GRACE putters in your testing? PLEASE?!

      And, to the companies who are in on the unbiased testing… THANK YOU! It says a tremendous amount about your brand.




      6 years ago

      OOOPS! Sorry for the dupe.



      6 years ago

      Hey guys – Hope the donation helps! Glad to be a part of it. Can you include some BOBBY GRACE putters in your testing? PLEASE?!

      And, major props to all the companies who are supporting the unbiased testing! Thank you!


      Steve Chandler

      6 years ago

      You’ve got to include the previous years winner in the testing for this year.



      6 years ago

      This year can we please get the testers data chart like in the early days? It would be great to be able to hone in on the similar swing speed, age and handicap range. I used to look at the data for tester Dan and his data got me honed in on what to demo before a fitting.



      6 years ago

      Why would you need 2 of each driver? Couldn’t you just order one in stiff and another model in regular and swap shafts?



      6 years ago

      SeeMore putters should be tested. They are a great company and are doing some great things!



      6 years ago

      I agree that SeeMore putters should be on the list of putters to be tested. Using a SeeMore putter has done more to improve my putting stroke and results than any putter ever has (that includes an Evnroll ER7). Now, even when I use a “normal” putter, I’m far more consistent. The SeeMore acts as both a training aid and an excellent quality putter on course. The fitting process and adjustability of their putters is hard to beat as well.


      Nick Thurgood

      6 years ago

      Will Donate! Would you consider adding Krank? They have the most outlandish claims in the industry and I would love for them to be “checked.” Will donate more if so!



      6 years ago

      I concur with the gentleman’s request above. Would love to see how Krank (drivers) compare.



      6 years ago

      If i’m not mistaken they were included a few years ago and did not fare well at all. Maybe around 2015?


      John Perry

      6 years ago

      So I donated $25 to this last year because I appreciate what MyGolfSpy does for the game. Late last month, I received an email about the Most Wanted Raffle for those who had donated and attempted to watch. I don’t do social media so I tried to watch on the MGS website. It required some secret password that was supposed to be sent to all donors so they could watch. It was not sent to me.

      I tried to contact MGS to get this password and got no reply. After the raffle was over, I sent another email asking if there was anywhere that a list of prizewinners was posted so that I could see if I or any of the many friends that I had recommended MGS to had won anything. Again no reply.

      If you can’t seem to keep track of who donated and give those people the information required to sign in, I am letting you know right now that even though I believe in what you are trying to do, I am not likely to donate again.

      The least you could do is reply to my contact attempts.


      Steve S

      6 years ago

      I had the same issue. I would hope they would contact you thru email if you are a winner but not sure they have done that. I tried poking around on the site but didn’t find anything.


      Johnny N

      6 years ago

      Same here. Was pretty excited at 1st. Ended up being pretty anti-climatic.


      6 years ago

      I actually was a winner and they notified me by email. Never won anything before so it was a great surprise.


      6 years ago




      6 years ago

      I had the same experience as John Perry, couldn’t get the “raffle giveaway” to work on the website. Disappointing. Also, someone mentioned that the year’s previous winner should be included in new testing – this makes great sense.



      6 years ago

      Thanks for sharing John, I was considering donating some money until I saw your response and others having the same issue.


      john vu

      6 years ago

      Looks like posting in the comments section doesn’t help solicit a response either. At least one person who benefited was able to share a positive experience.

      But I hear you guys. You may not expect to win but you’d at least like to participate with the hopes of winning.

      Raymond CHASTEL

      6 years ago

      JUSTIN ROSE has just endorsed HONMA .
      Why don’t you test their clubs ?



      6 years ago

      I like that suggestion.


      One Day At A Time

      6 years ago

      Probably because trying to find an account that is within 100 miles of most of us is not possible. In other words, Honma is going to make itself much more accessible, and in 2020-2021, you’ll see it around. The last time I saw them was years ago and they were in the bag of someone that was probably the best iron player I knew and he was switching to Mizzy.



      6 years ago

      Is this the first year Taylormade has declined to participate? If so, wonder why?


      john vu

      6 years ago

      This may have been asked already but I’m curious…what happens to the equipment after testing is done? Do you guys raffle it out to those who have donated?



      6 years ago

      If memory serves me correctly, I believe they declined last year. I Think the list is very similar.



      6 years ago

      Taylormade- not surprised…..Callaway- mildly surprised……Ben Hogan- moderate surprised, but MGS has forum tested all their new offerings so not likely to see any changes……Scotty Cameron- no surprise as their knockoffs outperform their OEM putters


      Johnny Cowboy

      6 years ago

      No wonder Scotty Cameron doesn’t want to participate. They have been getting trounced by Ping and Evnroll.



      6 years ago

      Exactly my thoughts, those with groove tech are topping the tests and they don’t do it…



      6 years ago

      Good putting is about a lot more than the supposed advantage of “groove tech”. Take a look at the results in the Most Wanted testing from the past few years. There are a lot of very good performing putters in the top 4 with no “groove tech” at all. Lots of pros winning on Tour with no “groove tech” either. If something provided a significant quantifiable advantage on tour that meant the difference between winning and not then there would be wide-scale adoption of it. We aren’t seeing that with “groove tech”, at least not yet.

      Steve S

      6 years ago

      Last years 2nd most wanted putter had no groove tech. The Tommy Armour AND it was by far the least costly of any of the putters.


      6 years ago

      Brad, my take on the PGA and Evnroll is that they have much more consistent putting strokes and probably don’t miss the sweet spot very much, thus the tech wouldn’t help them very much. Guys like me, I miss a lot and need that to help out. Also, money is involved for them, pay to play.

      Patrick McCloskey

      6 years ago

      If Callaway etc don’t want to participate, why bother testing them? I’m happy to buy other brands. Why should they get the benefits of your testing without opting in?



      6 years ago

      I agree with this opinion. Put the pressure on them. When they see they are losing market share because they are not contributing to you guys, they may change their minds. I am glad to only buy stuff that is independently tested by you guys.



      6 years ago

      I thought the same thing about TM & Scotty. Why bother testing any of them? Just to say to them that they are important enough to test regardless of their participation? I don’t get it



      6 years ago

      I agree Patrick. Unless they issue statements for a good reason not to participate, it looks shady. I wax thinking of trying some Hogan irons out this spring. Since they’ve opted out, I don’t know if I will now…without a decent excuse.



      6 years ago

      It’s hard to not have TM or Callaway in the mix since they dominate the industry so much. Scotty…yeah I think you could leave that out and no big deal. In fact I would say in every review that Scotty refused to participate in testing and the audience is free to draw any conclusions they want.



      6 years ago

      Lol!!!! Is this a joke? The reason why MGS need to include them is because they are the industry gold standard. If you remove Taylormade and Callaway you are losing the integrity of the test!

      If anything Most Wanted result will be losing credibility rather than big OEM losing sales for not being included!.

      Dont be so close minded that you abandoned logic



      6 years ago

      I think it is about keeping the integrity and transparency of the testing MGS has been known for – and built their reputation on. They should include it and they should continue to stand by being unbiased. The rest of us, the #consumer, then decides if we will support brands that don’t support the voice of us, the #consumer. Thanks for holding the line MGS team!



      6 years ago

      This is it! Very well stated.


      6 years ago

      Patrick, this is supposed to be unbiased testing so isn’t it inherently biased NOT to include a company (especially 2 of the big dogs of the industry) just because they won’t donate equipment to test? By not including them you may be endorsing the wrong equipment as being the best. I would rather be able to rule out a company’s equipment based on its data than their declining to provide their equipment. That would be like going to the store and only trying Cobra and Callaway and assuming you have the best clubs for you without even trying Taylormade, Ping, etc.



      6 years ago

      I agree that in your product reviews that you should mention that TM, Callaway and Scotty declined to participate in unbiased testing. Let the consumer decide if those companies are being arrogant jerks (probably). Leaving out Scotty is no big deal. I would never buy one of their putters anway.


      6 years ago

      Curious, I sent Hogan a message about this and kudos to them for their quick reply:

      “Hi Marc – we appreciate the feedback.

      We couldn’t accommodate MyGolfSpy’s testing schedule. Our new products will be launched after they have been thoroughly tested and are worthy of Mr. Hogan’s signature. MyGolfSpy needed products on 1/1/19 for testing, and we weren’t going to submit any product that we didn’t believe was ready for market.”

      Now that’s a good answer.

      Patrick McCloskey

      6 years ago

      Tony, that’s true to some extent. But they are creating bias by not participating. MYGOLFSPY is forced to buy the equipment, and we are being asked to help pay for the clubs. Bottom line is that it costs us nothing to get test results for Cobra, for example, but we have to make an investment in the other clubs to get the info. That prejudices my view from the start. Either they are being arrogant or have something to hide. If they are included in testing, they would have to be shown to be MUCH better than the willing participants for me to become interested. At this point, the differences among top manufacturers are minimal.

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