Introducing: Dick DeLaCruz
Before we get started I would like to introduce the writer of Thursday’s article to all the MyGolfSpy readers. This man is special to me in many ways. If you have not heard of him before…its’ ok…because we plan on changing that over the coming months at MGS. We feel like anyone who loves this game and especially golf club designs in general should get the chance to know who and what this man is all about. I feel both honored and extremely fortunate to have befriended him in my lifetime and I am sure you will all feel the same after you get to know Dick better through his articles on MyGolfSpy.
One Of Most Important Men in Golf?
Dick DeLaCruz has not only been one of the most influential people in my golf career but more importantly it could be argued that he is the single most important and influential person in modern golf club designs…period!
He is responsible for putting companies like Callaway, Cobra, Orlimar, Founders Club, Yamaha, Spalding and many more on the map. He literally made Callaway what they are today…first by moving them from their former home of Palm Springs to Carlsbad, CA…and secondly by designing the S2H2 system back in 1988. Which they still use today…it’s not often in golf that you see a technology that can last over 20 years!
He is also responsible for the “1st Ever CNC Milled Putter”…where would Scotty Cameron be without this guy. The list of his accomplishments in his golf club design career go on and on and are all jaw-dropping. Many of the most popular drivers and irons over the past 20 years were all Dick’s designs.
Always 3 Steps Ahead
Dick was then and still is always 3 steps ahead of the market. Where many designers are looking at the horizon Dick is looking past it…and into a space that not many even know exist. For example, when he developed the first 100% milled driver (yes, a driver…not a putter) at Goldwin Golf called the ADVP System…no other company had even fathomed trying this feet. I still think it would be considered a master-piece if it were re-released today. There is still nothing like it some 20 years later…amazing to me.
Dick also created the first ever CNC Milled putter…sounds crazy but what do you think the game would be like if we didn’t have milled putters today?
Do you remember how Cobra got put on the map? If you guessed the “King Cobra Line” then you guessed right. And if you guessed Dick DeLaCruz was the man behind the design you would be right again.
He Outdoes Them Again
Then came the adjustable weight technology craze…and you guessed it…DeLaCruz had outsmarted them all again. Where companies like TaylorMade and the others were literally racking their brains on how to actually move enough weight on a driver to alter ball flight patterns (no…moving 8 gram weights on the toe is not enough). Dick blew their doors off…he had figured it all out already…he not only tripled the amount the other companies were capable of moving (60 Grams!) but he also developed a driver made of a material never used before in the game of golf. The driver was called the MagCruzer…and if it had not been so far ahead of its time you would have heard much more about it.
A Few More Tricks Up His Sleeve
You see…the majority of companies spend MILLIONS trying convince you to replace your last driver with something that has no more then a new paint scheme and a flashy new logo. But Dick …goes by a moto of “Revolutionizing not Evolutionizing”. If he is going to do it…it is going to be something that can changes the game. He has proven this time and time again. And when you see his new putter you will realize that he really has done it again. And get used to it because from what we hear from Dick has a few more tricks up his sleeve that will rock the golf world. And we sure are looking forward to it!
Coming Soon…Dick DeLaCruz Tells All
Dick literally has hundreds and hundreds of some of the most interesting stories you could ever imagine. His career has taken him through some of the largest changes the industry has seen over the past 3 decades and for the most part he has been personally involved in all of them…He has also met any and everyone you could think of from owners of every major OEM to some of the most famous actors and athletes the world has seen. The stories he has shared always leave me wanting more…I’m always wishing the readers at MyGolfSpy could be flies on the wall. Because all of you would feel like an 8 year kid during nap time when your teacher used to read to you. I just hope that some of that comes through in the translation from speech to text and you can get the same out of it that I have from speaking with Dick.
More To Come From Dick DeLaCruz on MyGolfSpy (Must Read!)
Thursday – Dick tells the story of how the 1st CNC Putter was made.
Next Week – Dick will introduce his latest project and giveaway (1) of his new putters.
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