Jack Nicklaus Will Custom Build A Course For Your Backyard (COST= $1 Million Bucks)
Go ahead, re-read it.
Yes, THE Jack Nicklaus, Golfer of the Century turned world-renowned course designer will acually come to YOUR house and design a course in your backyard! This is not BS…it is straight from Neiman Marcus Christmas Book. Which back in the 1920’s was for their most elite customers…but now seems to be more of a clever marketing ploy. But nevertheless…Jack will actually come if you got the million beans.
Your Very Own 3-Hole Course
Yep, your very own custom-designed three-hole course. Jack will actually study topography, aerial photos, and landscape maps for your yard, then send his team to survey the property. He’ll create a formal design plan and color renderings for up to three holes and a practice area, depending on the size of your backyard of course. Then your construction crew will build from Jack’s plans, with supervision from Jack’s world-class design team (the same team pursued by premier club owners worldwide).
How Much Would Your Buddies Like This?
Now to sink the winning putt; when your course is finished, the Golden Bear himself will stop by to play the first round with you, personally. Want more? He’ll also sign his club and ball for your collection and throw in a custom set of Nicklaus clubs, including a personalized bag. So do you have a spare MILLION sitting around
Well if so then drop your putter, dig your cell phone out of your golf bag, and call 1.877.9NM.GIFT.
16 years ago
Sorry for the multiple submissions…..had a human generated technical problem on my end. My huge apologies and kindest regards.