Admit it, you’ve been wanting to build a home simulator for a while now. There’s just one problem, though. The equipment you need can add up in a hurry. There’s the launch monitor, mat, screen, enclosure, projector…you get the idea. However, if you’re ready to get the ball rolling, the deal I have for you today is going to save a BIG chunk of change.
Accurate Data in a Portable Package
The Bushnell Launch Pro comes equipped with unlocked ball data, giving you carry distance, ball speed, total spin, vertical and horizontal launch angle, spin tilt axis and back and side spin. Designed for use indoors and out, you can take it to the range during the season and rely on sound data indoors during the off-season.
Having an option to work on your game year round can be a difference maker in how you perform season to season if you live in colder climates. Take advantage of this great deal and get that home simulator underway!
1 month ago
This is absolutely not a 50% off deal. It’s $250 or $500 off, depending on whether you get the ball-only or ball and club package.
Fix your headline!