TaylorMade P790 Irons (2021 Model)

TaylorMade P790 Irons (2021 Model)

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TaylorMade P790 Irons (2021 Model)

This article was updated in June 2023 for clarity and accuracy of information.

  • With a new P790 Irons, TaylorMade has updated the quintessential player’s distance iron.
  • Enhancements include a newly engineered SpeedFoam Air filling and refined cosmetics.
  • Retail price is $1,399 for a seven-piece set.

A photo of the 2021 TaylorMade P790 Irons

Man, it sure is tough out there for a player and, by player, I mean golfers. Tee times are in short supply. New gear is even tougher to come by, especially if it’s custom. Pick any manufacturer and they’ve probably got heads. Sure, they probably don’t have shafts and they definitely don’t have much in the way of grips but two out of three ain’t bad, right?


Industry-wide, backorders, delays and outright unavailability are par for the course these days. In the best of scenarios golfers get fitted, order, cross their fingers and wait … and then wait some more.

Some of that’s on you. You should have known better than to order MCC Plus4s. Back of the line. No soup for you!

Manufacturers face a slightly different challenge. What do you sell when you don’t actually have anything to sell?

If you’re TaylorMade, you offer up something that doesn’t … or at least didn’t exist before today.

Back in my tech days, we called that vaporware.

Taylormade P790 Irons – From Vaporware to Reality

P790 teaser

After TaylorMade ran all the way out of the 2019 iteration of P790, it made the unusual decision to offer up the 2021 model pre-embargo and with no details. Information was limited to a blacked-out image and a spec sheet. That’s it.

Specifics be damned. For golfers compelled to roll the dice on the new Taylormade P790, all that was needed was a credit card and a whole lot of faith in TaylorMade. The fact of the matter is you really didn’t know what you were buying.

Trust TaylorMade.

I think I read something like that on a hat once. Regardless, it was the only choice.

Look, you’ll never hear me suggest you should buy off-the-rack, let alone near literally blind. I wince at the suggestion that any piece of golf equipment is better for everyone but if you’re going to gamble on anything in the iron category—particularly in the player’s distance category—I suppose the TaylorMade P790 offers decent odds.

TaylorMade P790 Irons – Setting the Standard

Now entering its third generation, the Taylormade P790 iron is the talisman for the player’s distance category. Even in a time when the category wasn’t clearly defined, the original (2017) P790 and its SpeedFoam injected cavity set the standard. From there, TaylorMade has done nothing but build. In fact, it built an entire P-Series franchise around P790.

So what’s behind the success of the Taylormade P790?

TaylorMade would no doubt point to its SpeedFoam-driven performance. For sure, some of TaylorMade’s competitors are dubious about the purported benefits (one industry insider refers to it as “Sound Foam”) but the story resonated with consumers which I suppose is the ultimate benchmark. So, yeah, performance plays a role for sure but I believe just as much, if not more, of the credit for P790’s success should go to TaylorMade’s increasingly clean look and the general versatility of the irons.

 A look at the side profile of the P790 irons

A Different Kind of Utility Iron

Aesthetics are subjective and we’ll come back to them but it’s TaylorMade’s fitting data that I find most compelling. The sweet spot for the P790 iron sales is right about where you probably expect. It’s exceedingly popular with high single-digit to low double-digit handicappers but the span of golfers being fitted into P790 in measurable numbers runs from +4 to 25.

That’s a hell of a range. I suppose that makes P790 an entirely different kind of utility iron.

Still, I wouldn’t suggest you order anything without seeing it (and ideally getting fitted for it) but at least we can fill in some details for you before the line gets too long.

TaylorMade P790 Irons – What’s New

By no small measure, what TaylorMade faces in trying to evolve the P790 isn’t much different than what Titleist faced when trying to make a better T100. Golfers love what they already have. Fitters love it even more and, so innovations and enhancements aside, not screwing up a good thing is at least half the battle.

While the outside of the P790 iron reveals a cosmetic evolution that’s almost certainly for the better, the most significant changes can be found on the inside.

Hollow Versus Filled

An image showing the construction of the 2021 TaylorMade P790 Iron

As I’ve mentioned before, there are two prevailing ideologies when it comes to how to design a hollow-body iron. Titleist, PING and Mizuno believe there’s no better filler than air. The argument is that anything behind the face slows the face and, with everyone trying to generate more speed, that approach doesn’t make much sense.

The other perspective is evident in designs from PXG, TaylorMade and, to an extent, Callaway. Their position is that foams, assorted polymer goos and microspheres can be used to improve sound and feel while supporting a face that’s thinner than would be possible without the filling.

The bottom line is that there’s more than one way to create speed in an iron so there’s probably not one perfect answer here but I’d wager the effectiveness of any material (or lack of material) is tied to other design considerations. What’s clear to me is that either approach can work.

SpeedFoam Air

With that said, I did chuckle when I learned that TaylorMade’s new filler material for the P790 iron is called SpeedFoam Air. Best of both worlds, perhaps?

The bits that matter about SpeedFoam Air are that it’s lighter and softer than the previous SpeedFoam. Also, SpeedFoam Air is red. The original SpeedFoam was orange so there’s that.

By the numbers, SpeedFoam Air is 69-percent less dense than the original SpeedFoam.

The idea here is that you can retain feel (the foam plays a significant role in feel), save a bit of weight and presumably let the face flex a bit more for more speed.

The weight savings aren’t limited to what SpeedFoam Air allowed for. Using what it calls thin wall construction, TaylorMade shaved the upper back portion of the iron to one millimeter (down from 1.6), freeing up 15 grams of mass (in addition to the 3.5-4.5 grams saved by SpeedFoam Air).

I’ll give you one guess what TaylorMade did with all that extra weight.

(Please don’t say tungsten …)

Tungsten Weighting (sorry)

construction of the taylormade p790 irons

Here’s the deal. I’m guessing you care only slightly less about tungsten than I do. which is to say hardly at all, but this tungsten bit is important for explaining where the requisite performance gains come from.

Inside the 2021 P790 Iron is upwards of 31 grams of tungsten. That’s up from 13.5 grams in the previous model. And while that doesn’t put TaylorMade anywhere close to being able to claim the No. 1 use of tungsten in golf, on percentage, it’s a massive jump from the prior generation.

The tungsten weight is placed low and slightly toe-ward. The positioning servers two purposes. The first is that it drives weight down for higher launch (and lower spin) compared to the 2019 model. It also pushes the center of gravity towards the toe where it works in conjunction with other aspects of the P790 design (like TaylorMade’s inverted cone technology and the 1.5mm (at its thinnest) 4140 forged L-face) to increase the size of the sweet spot.

P790 irons

Intelligent Sweet Spot Design

You’ve heard similar stories. Golfers’ miss patterns consistently reveal that misses are most often either high toe or low heel. With that in mind, the goal of TaylorMade’s Intelligent Sweet Spot design wasn’t simply to make the sweet spot larger but also to extend it in directions that would help the golfer. You would likely benefit from a bit more speed preservation in the high toe region, high heel … not so much.

TaylorMade’s claim is that it has increased the size of the sweet spot by 30 percent. For reference, TaylorMade defines the sweet spot as the part of the face with a COR of .800 or higher.

Unchanged are topline and sole widths along with the offset. The thinking is that the existing values work just fine and if you’re looking for something different than what you get with P790, TaylorMade has several other P-Series offerings that might appeal to you.

The ’21 TaylorMade P790 iron performance summary reads like this: More speed, more consistent speed, higher launch, a bit lower spin and ultimately more distance.

Taylormade P790 close up

Refined Aesthetics

The final piece of the 2021 P790 story is refined cosmetics. While the ’17 and ’19 iterations looked fairly similar, the ’21 model is an as-significant-as-it-can-be departure from the previous generations. The thinking inside TaylorMade was that the guy who bought ‘17s probably didn’t buy ‘19s but going on five years later, he might be ready to re-up with some ‘21s.

With that in mind, TaylorMade wants to convey the message that this isn’t a third P790, it’s an all-new P790 (even if the recipe for the secret sauce hasn’t changed dramatically). TaylorMade’s Matt Bovee describes the aesthetic, which includes a new pearlescent chrome finish as “minimalistic, yet contemporary,” going so far as to say that the P-Series is the best-looking iron family in the market.

One could make a reasonable argument for Mizuno or Titleist, I suppose, but there aren’t many who would reasonably dispute that TaylorMade absolutely belongs in that conversation which, if nothing else, shows just how far the company has come from the RSi days. Best? Maybe. Do they look drooly-mouth delicious? Absolutely.

Hands-On With the TaylorMade P790 Irons

I had the chance to try the new P790 at a recent TaylorMade event. It’s not an iron I’ve spent any real time with previously but I certainly didn’t find any struggle to hit them on the range (the course is always a different story) and the feel is excellent. Not pure forging excellent but more than satisfying.

Nitpicking a bit, the topline is a bit blunt for my tastes but it’s one of those things that I could easily get over if the performance proves to be there.

One media member in attendance raved about the 8-iron while another played the new P790 for the duration of the three-day event before ultimately deciding he wasn’t giving them back. We’ll see if that makes it into one of those TaylorMade “straight in the bag” commercials with four PGA TOUR Pros and a rando media guy. He was due for an upgrade anyway.

Taylormade P790 Iron Specifications

the specification sheet for the 2021 TaylorMade P790 irons

As noted, the core specifications for the P790 haven’t changed. We’re still topping out at a 45-degree pitching wedge and keeping the 4-iron above 20 degrees (21). I’m all for a player’s distance iron that doesn’t cheat too far to the distance side. Ultimately, I think that gives golfers more flexibility at both ends of the bag.

With that said, there is a growing realization that, as with drivers, there’s no single iron loft specification that’s right for everyone. To that end, TaylorMade’s fitting carts will include different P790 loft options to help fitters dial in the appropriate loft progression for a given golfer.

When you’re custom fitted for P790, lofts are only as jacked as you need them to be.

For those who prefer to play combo sets, TaylorMade’s P-Series combo guide can help you choose the appropriate lofts (and gaps) no matter how you choose to blend your set.

TaylorMade P790 Stock Options

TaylorMade is taking a sensible approach to its stock shafts. This time around it has chosen a DG 105 (stiff) and DG 95 (regular) as the stock shafts. They’re lighter than past stock offerings. The thinking is that the stock off-the-rack buyer tends to be a more aspirational player … a guy more likely to reach outside of his skillset. That’s a nice way of saying a guy who isn’t as good as he thinks he is. For that guy, it makes sense to leverage a shaft that’s going to help him get the ball in the air and get more out of the P790.

For the guys who are going to get fitted, the stock shaft isn’t of much consequence anyway. With TaylorMade’s Any Shaft, Any Head program you can put whatever shaft you want in the P790 (assuming TaylorMade has it in inventory).

The stock graphite option is the Mitsubishi MMT in A (55), R (65), and S (75) flexes. Again, the idea is to help the target demographic get the ball in the air and enjoy the game a bit more.

The stock grip is a Golf Pride Z-Grip (+2).

The TaylorMade P790 iron is available in 3-PW, GW. Retail price for a seven-piece set is $1,299 (or $185 per iron).

TaylorMade P790 UDI

a photo of the TaylorMade P790 UDI utility iron

I love it when a story is easy to tell so I’m going to love our brief little chat about the TaylorMade P790 UDI.

The technology of the P790 UDI is identical to the irons. SpeedFoam Air, Intelligent Sweet Spot Design, Pearlescent chrome finish … you name it, the UDI has it.

Buyer beware, however. The UDI may not have exactly the same broad reach as its namesake iron. With its low/mid flight, low-spin characteristics, Bovee says the target audience for the P790 UDI is the better player (5 handicap and below) with a high swing speed.

If that’s not you, you’ll probably be better off with the SIM UDI, SIM UHI or one of TaylorMade’s Rescue offerings. It’s a safe bet that some of you are going to ignore the advice and make a bad decision but, whatever, I’ve done my part.

TaylorMade P790 UDI Specs

Taylormade P790 irons

The TaylorMade P790 UDI is available in a 2U (17 degrees) for right-handed golfers only. The stock shaft is a Project X HZRDUS Smoke Black RDX 90S or 100X.

The stock grip is a Golf Pride Z-Grip (+2).

Retail price is $249.

TaylorMade P790 Irons and P790 UDI are available for preorder now. Full availability begins September 3rd.

For more information, visit TaylorMadeGolf.com.

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Tony Covey

Tony Covey

Tony Covey

Tony is the Editor of MyGolfSpy where his job is to bring fresh and innovative content to the site. In addition to his editorial responsibilities, he was instrumental in developing MyGolfSpy's data-driven testing methodologies and continues to sift through our data to find the insights that can help improve your game. Tony believes that golfers deserve to know what's real and what's not, and that means MyGolfSpy's equipment coverage must extend beyond the so-called facts as dictated by the same companies that created them. Most of all Tony believes in performance over hype and #PowerToThePlayer.

Tony Covey

Tony Covey

Tony Covey

Tony Covey

Tony Covey

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      Dr Tee

      12 months ago

      Definite improvement in performance and looks from the 19’s to the new 21’s. Got fitted this time around–might be the change from Nippon 950 GH to Steelfiber FC 90’s rather than the head responsible for better distance and feel, but for sure the ’21 head is perhaps the most GORGEOUS club on the market…question is, do I upgrade to the next iteration ??



      3 years ago

      Do you know if they are coming out with a black version like the other irons?


      David Patterson

      3 years ago

      Not buyers regret here….I LOVE MY PXG’S…but these seem to be very similar to what I have and i would definitely try these and i love the the look!


      James Hunt

      3 years ago

      Oh boy! Thank you for the update!! I have been waiting for pics and news on the new model, and I am so excited! I just got the 2019 P790s this year, so I can’t justify buying them right now, but boy I sure would love to!! I agree about the 2.5 degree difference between 4 and 5. I guess though, if you have a distance iron, with jacked lofts, you are going to run into a log jam at the top of bottom of the set with only so many degrees to work with. Either way, way to go TM! Beautiful set!!


      Lee H

      3 years ago

      Hit the P790 7 iron the other day. Loved the feel and definitely saw consistent flight and distance numbers… Still gonna keep my mizuno jpx921hm pros though. Took me too long to get them.



      3 years ago

      Surprised you waited on the mizuno irons. Tour pros normally get what they want



      3 years ago

      I hope the finish is much better than the 2019 model, some of my irons have already starting to show signs of corrosion !



      3 years ago

      Great review as usual. I have the 2019’s.. Play 8-5, Ping short irons and wedges.
      Does the speed foam start in the 7 iron like previous models? I found a different feeling in mid-long vs short irons.. (8 iron feels different than 7,6,5
      Thanks so much



      3 years ago

      I couldn’t care less about any TM product, but 2.5° gap between the 4 & 5 iron? Most amateurs can’t tell the difference in 2.5° in an iron loft (me included). Misprint maybe. TM makes good looking stuff, but IMHO + experience with TM, that’s all it is.



      3 years ago

      Yeah I noticed the same thing, extremely strong loft on the the 3-4-5… honestly most player won’t really have a use for the 3 and the 4, I can foresee a lot of 5 to AW set for the slower swing speed players. But lets be honest, they look good as always.



      3 years ago

      It’s been fairly common practice for some time to go from 4-degree gapping to 3-degree gapping in the longer irons. 2.5-degrees isn’t a big deal. The only way to truly know if 2.5-degrees between lofts is enough for you is to get fit and then do a gap analysis once you have the full set in-hand. If you’re gapping is based purely on loft and not on distance and overall performance, you’re doing it wrong.


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