


This is a story about a putter junkie. It’s an affliction to which many of us can relate. It’s 1996, and Nick Venson is 13-years old.

Like many kids his age, Nick is into collecting baseball cards and stickers, but there’s one item which has his undivided attention. Remember the 1992 cult classic Wayne’s World and Wayne’s obsession with a certain ‘64 Pre-CBS Fender Stratocaster? That bit is responsible for the memorable quote, “It will be mine – Oh yes, it will be mine.”

Nick’s Stratocaster was a Scotty Cameron Santa Fe putter with a gun blue finish. Objectively, it was well out of Nick’s reach, but that didn’t stop him doing odd-jobs around the house and neighborhood with the hope of scrapping enough cash together to buy it. It was a white-whale obsession with a much happier ending.

Taking possession of something he wanted so badly was a little surreal. He’d never experienced something like it before, and it ignited a passion in Nick, the full measure of which he couldn’t comprehend. All he knew was he wanted to learn anything and everything he could about Scotty Cameron and his putters.

The more he studied, the more invested he became – not just in the physical collection, but to the nuances of each putter; the history, design, specific details, and finishes. Why were some bumpers more rounded? What was the ideal geometric relationship between the flange and bumper? What role did sole draft play? Nick may not have been as precise with the lingo at the time, but these were the questions which kept him up at night. The more he learned, the more understood just how much more there was to discover.

His next putter was another Cameron – a Newport Tei3. Venson refinished it look like the Pro Platinum Plus VJ Singh used in winning the 1998 PGA Championship. It wasn’t long before he borrowed $500 from his parents, who rightfully questioned his sanity, to purchase another rare Cameron putter. Nick Venson had a disease, and the only cure – or at least the only treatment – was more Cameron.

Collecting can be an addictive pursuit, but for Venson, it became more than a hobby. When he studied putters, he didn’t acquire information as much as he absorbed it. Venson didn’t memorize release dates and model types to show off to friends or impress anyone –  it was a byproduct of an organic devotion. The information just stuck with him.

By the time Venson could legally drive, he was more than just a putter gearhead. He’d become entirely captivated by the game of golf, and for less than $300, he could play as much golf at the local course as daylight would allow. His parents would drop him off in the morning and pick him up for dinner, and in-between Venson and his buddies rarely played fewer than 36 holes, and any downtime was quickly filled with putting and chipping contests for candy bars or a couple of bucks, and always bragging rights.

Venson gained a reputation as the kid who’d always show up with something new and crazy in his bag. It might be a new putter or the distinct purple and yellow UST Pro Force V2 shaft. It was kind of a big deal at the time.

In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell references a “10,000-hour rule” (roughly 3.5 years of a full-time job) as the amount of intentional practice necessary to master any domain. Seinfeld references notwithstanding, it’s likely Venson exceeded this number well before his high school graduation. He was every bit an expert on all things Scotty Cameron, but few realized the depth of Venson’s knowledge, including himself.

The internet was expanding, and with it, chatrooms and blogs were emerging.  And while the structure now seems as outdated as an @aol email address, Bill Vogeney had started a collector’s group on Yahoo as a virtual meeting place for Cameron enthusiasts. Through this medium, Venson was able to collect, learn, and conduct business without anyone ever questioning his age. This level of anonymity allowed Venson to operate based on the merits of his knowledge. “I was fairly well spoken and didn’t really carry myself like a typical teenager,” recounts Venson. He could have been 14, 34, or 64 and no one would be any the wiser.


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Venson continued to amass an encyclopedic knowledge of Scotty Cameron putters as well as the economic dynamics present in a collector-based market. For example, he noticed some of the Cameron Classics models were very popular in Japan (where people would readily pay far more than face value) but in short supply. Conversely, several models were readily available stateside and presented an easy profit opportunity.

The money he made flipping putters was quickly reinvested in – you guessed it – more putters. It was a strategy straight out of Warren Buffet’s playbook. Venson’s world, apart from basic required attention to schoolwork – was dedicated to growing his collection. His status in the semi-virtual online world of Cameron collectors was close to that of a deity.


The putter world was fun, but it didn’t exactly scream career path, so Nick enrolled in college. Like many kids his age, he understood the theoretical value of an advanced degree but didn’t have a specific idea as to what he’d do with one. He continued his side business of buying and selling putters, and in 2005 Nick joined an elite group of putter distributors in California to help operate the Art of Putters, a concierge service and outlet for rare, collectible and tour-issued Cameron putters. Nick dropped out of college and headed west to put his Master’s degree in Scotty Cameron to good use. According to Venson, in 2005 there were three people who rightfully claim to be the foremost authority on high-end, collectible Cameron putters. “It was Bill Vogeney, Scotty Cameron, and myself. That’s it.”

Nick received an education unlike anything he could have found in a traditional institution of higher learning. He saw the underbelly and experienced the inner workings of an industry which was operating at a fevered pitch. In 2005 Tiger was on a tear. He had rebounded from a two-year major winless drought to capture two majors (The Masters (In YOUR life…) and The Open Championship) and regained his status as the #1 player on the planet. As went Tiger, so too went Scotty Cameron, as there wasn’t a more visible or iconic putter in the world than Wood’s Excalibur – a Scotty Cameron GSS Newport 2.

The market for Cameron collectibles and tour putters was climbing with no limit in site. Cue whatever scene from “Wolf of Wallstreet” seems apropos.

Over the next three years, Venson learned as much as he had in the previous decade – particularly the psychology of collectors and what exactly it was that drove them to spend five-figures on a putter and hundreds more on headcovers, divot tools, and ball markers.

But Nick wasn’t wired for LA, and couldn’t see himself living and raising a family in Southern California. So, in 2008 he went back to his Midwest roots, returning to Chicago with intentions to finish his education and test the job market.

Many will wonder, Why give all of that up to go back to school amidst the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression? For Venson, it was simple. The previous three years answered some questions while creating others which couldn’t be answered by spinning his wheels. Venson is one to follow his intuition, perhaps to the point of being called stubborn at times. After all, that’s how this whole adventure started.

As serendipity would have it, Doug Hardman, who launched TheCameronCollector website, was close with Venson and asked him to spend a little time with Chicago-based putter maker, Bob Bettinardi. A 20-minute conversation turned into a 5-hour brainstorming session, the result of which was a handshake agreement for Venson to serve Bettinardi in the same capacity as he had for Cameron.

In 2008, Bettinardi had just finished an OEM contract to produce putters for Mizuno and wanted to establish his putters as an elite standalone brand. Admittedly, in this space, it was Cameron and everyone else. Bettinardi, like so many other challengers, was mostly an afterthought, but Venson had a roadmap for how to get Bettinardi where he wanted to go. Save for a handful of people still working with Cameron, Venson was quite possibly the only person Bettinardi could have enlisted to help him accomplish what he wanted to.

Over the next nine years, Venson would take on a larger role with Bettinardi than he had with Cameron. He was more involved in design and strategic planning sessions. Much like any other employee, some of his ideas were accepted, while many others were rebuked. There was also a family dynamic for Venson to navigate. In 2013, Bob’s son Sam graduated from college and immediately joined the family business where he now serves as its Executive Vice President.

As an objective reality, this would limit Venson’s potential with Bettinardi, and though he’d been a fundamental part of expanding Bettinardi’s brand and establishing its upper echelon status, he’d always be a bit of an outsider, which wasn’t all bad.

With both Cameron and Bettinardi, Venson was the authorized distributor and not a direct employee. It was a distinction with a difference as he reaped the benefits of inside knowledge and behind the scenes access without expectations of total allegiance. Though he’d hit the ceiling at Bettinardi, Venson understood how rare and special his journey had been.

“I’m exceptionally thankful for everything I learned working with Scotty (Cameron) and Bob (Bettinardi). I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.”


Venson was an entrepreneur long before he knew what one was. He always wanted to see what was over the next hill. “I hate being told no – and I don’t always listen to what other people tell me…sometimes to my own detriment,” says Venson. But sometimes no serves as a powerful motivator.

Venson had been told by higher-ups at Bettinardi that some of his designs were too edgy and not suitable for “our clientele.” What Venson hoped is the decision-makers would see and trust his designs explicitly because of his expertise and first-hand knowledge of what collectors wanted.

Such instances, while initially frustrating, allowed Venson to come to the realization he wouldn’t know if some of his ideas were any good unless he could test them in the open market where collectors vote with dollars.

It would be a sizeable risk to go out on his own, but in some ways, it was the most logical next step. There wasn’t another Cameron or Bettinardi and frankly even if there was, Venson already had relationships with distributors in Japan and Korea and a cellphone full of contacts for anything else he would need to get up and running. Most importantly, his years of experience had given him his own ideas and a vision.


If he assembled a team, it wouldn’t be a build the plane as you fly it operation. There would be a well-thought-out strategy and an understanding that not everyone would love what he did. Detractors would be seen as a positive indicator that he was on the right track.

Venson would want people to be drawn to the designs and quality of the product, not necessarily his name, so he’d need a creative way to attract people to the brand first – before they found out who was behind it.

In contrast to the other putter artisans, Venson would work to take the human element out of putter creation. So-called handmade putters are fine, but from a design and finishing standpoint, hand-finished putters are imperfect. Certain areas are over-polished, bumpers aren’t geometric reflections of each other, and toplines don’t have a precisely consistent radius. Many of these imperfections go unnoticed by those who don’t care if the torched and hand-bent hosel has exactly ½ a shaft of offset, so long as it is relatively close.

Venson’s objective would be to make a technically perfect putter. Every excruciating detail would be programmed into the CNC machine and what would come out would be a putter void of any inconsistencies or flaws. Every line would be intentional – some to cast shadows at perpendicular angles to achieve a certain look at address, and some to ensure the absence of distracting light, and most importantly the sole draft would be such that the putter would sit perfectly square at address.

Collectors and putter aficionados would be challenged with a question, “What’s more impressive, 5 hours of hand polishing or 50 hours of programming?” What if a CNC mill could be programmed to produce a single-piece 009/Dalehead with a flow neck? Might that reset the expectations of what constitutes exceptional craftsmanship?

The putters wouldn’t be cheap, but exorbitant prices often breed the cultish sycophantic behavior his brand would be positioned to avoid. $300 ball-markers and $5K putters play right into the hands of those who believe loyalty to a single brand is synonymous with true collecting. “I would want to get putters in people’s hands,” says Venson. “Collectors want to be able to collect.”

The lottery concept is fine to drive demand, but collecting isn’t fun when golfers know they have a better chance of getting a sunburn in Siberia than landing a putter.

And It wouldn’t be just about the putters either. Venson would offer headcovers and accessories where he could push boundaries and likely the buttons of those who prefer khaki pants and blue blazers to neon lights and pumped-up kicks. He would pay extra attention to how every item was packaged because those are things collectors care about.

Venson would bring a genuineness back to putter collecting, where people couldn’t buy their way into an inner circle. Sure, there are social hierarchies, but big spenders wouldn’t get favored status or special treatment. The hope would be that collectors would pick and choose based on which pieces spoke to them. Say’s Venson, “I don’t want you to own every one…I want you to get the ones you like.”

Digging deeper into materials and design philosophy; Venson wouldn’t be big on contrived labels (i.e., German Stainless Steel aka GSS) or ornate features such as welded and twisty-necks. He would want there to be an authenticity to the putters which didn’t rely on tricked up marketing pitches, and the look would be distinct and cohesive; he’d skip the gaudy bling of Timascus and Damascus inlays. To Venson, it doesn’t make any sense to pay more to import 303 stainless steel from abroad, when it’s already available in his proverbial backyard. People would want to buy his putters for what they are, not some tricked up idea of what someone else has convinced them to think they are.

On the wall-hanger-gamer spectrum, he wouldn’t be making claims that the putters are universally better for every player or that he was offering some breakthrough technology, but through his attention to detail and design, he could make a putter which might be better for that specific player. Moreover, there’s no way in hell he could go this alone – he’d need a team that was as committed to crazy venture as he was.


Nick would be the visionary, the “hey what about this…” guy with the mentality of a creator who cares more about great ideas than who comes up with them. He’s had ideas stolen, some by people with names more recognizable than his. Venson wouldn’t do the same in return. “That makes me sick,” he says. “I could never take credit for someone else’s idea…”

Venson would take the approach that success would come as a result of a team whose collective strengths would offset his weaknesses. He’d hire someone to handle tour operations, and a facilities engineer to make sure the shop could run efficiently. He’d need someone to handle the day-to-day business operations, and a creative director who would make Nick look at the hundreds of perfectly decent designs he did for Bettinardi and remark, “I’m inadequate. I suck.”

With this team in place, he’d launch the brand at the PGA Merchandise show by renting a small space but stocking it with only a single putter and headcover alongside two attractive ladies serving as booth bookends. If things went really well, he’d sell 1500 putters in the first 9 months and he’d get in the bag of at least one Chicago-area PGA Tour player.


The truth is Nick decided a long time ago what his brand would be, but he never expected it to take off this quickly. Now the mission is to take every element of a putter, from design to delivery, and make it a little better. Precise milling replaces less accurate hand-finishing, and headcovers serve as a canvas for excessive stitch counts and creative expression. His brand is priced comfortably above standard off-the-rack options, but well below anything which would require taking out a second mortgage.

It’s a little bit loud and maybe too in your face for some, but from this day forward, Venson and his team will work to do something different and recapture the lost art of collecting.

Oh yeah, then there’s the name of Venson’s brand. Swag.

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Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris is a self-diagnosed equipment and golf junkie with a penchant for top-shelf ice cream. When he's not coaching the local high school team, he's probably on the range or trying to keep up with his wife and seven beautiful daughters. Chris is based out of Fort Collins, CO and his neighbors believe long brown boxes are simply part of his porch decor. "Isn't it funny? The truth just sounds different."

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

Chris Nickel

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      5 years ago

      Venno! Big congrats on being the Cameron Kid to the Swag creator. Miss the old TCC days when Doug ran things but c’est la vie.

      Good luck buddy!



      5 years ago

      I remember this guy on the wrx forums, he was a complete jerk to many people. i would never support his brand


      Jeff S

      5 years ago

      Nick was alway cool to me during my cameron collecting days and i bought a ton of covers from him and some amazing putters too. unfortunately we only crossed paths again when he was almost done with Bettinardi. Im happy to see him on his own, he taught me a lesson I live by to this day. There will always be more putters and covers. “Collect what you like and you’ll never be unhappy”, I think he said Vog taught him that very early on.

      He also was always brutally honest with me, talked me out of a few high end putters of the brand(s) he represented at the time! If something wasn’t great, he’d point it out and would make it known, sometimes I would still buy other times I passed. I think thats why he got such a bad rap sometimes on TCC/Golfwrx. He definitely doesn’t follow blindly and that causes a lot of animosity at times. Some people don’t like hearing the truth. Glad I saw this today and now I need that neon pizza cover! nice write up.


      Eric Seatvet

      5 years ago

      After reading your article I was intrigued by Nick’s main objective. Recapture the lost art of collecting. I believe his go to market plan makes sense. Machine milled putters made perfect. What I don’t have understand is lack of products available to purchase on his website. Only 3 putters are available. I would have no interest collecting if that is all that’s available. Clearly Nick has figured out the collector market. Limited products available. And when a new product becomes available, sold out quickly. That’s not collecting, that’s hoping I might get lucky.



      5 years ago

      Interesting looking product, very loud and obnoxious just like the name. Are they only trying to reach 16-35 years? Would anyone over 50 game a ‘swag’ item? TBD…



      5 years ago

      Great article and very cool putters. I hadn’t heard of them before but really nice, and unusual. I could see one in the bag in the future.



      5 years ago

      Interesting concepts. Raw putters. That saves money to produce.
      Somehow hundreds of items sell out in minutes.
      All tried and true before. Create demand from non existent demand.
      Another brand that will probably vanish in a year or so.



      5 years ago

      Thanks for the write-up. I’ve been following Swag for a while, but hadn’t really bothered to learn more about the back story of the company.

      I’m admired several of their designs so far, but didn’t take the purchasing leap until the Masters menu headcovers last weekend.

      After reading this, I’m a lot more interested in picking up a putter too. If nothing else, to help support a fellow golf nut in their pursuit of building a business.



      5 years ago

      Great to see a recap of everything Nick has done in his career and obviously the man knows what he is doing. Huge fan of the SWAG brand and have been a buyer since day 1. Putters look and feel amazing and the headcovers are 2nd to none quality wise.
      Swag’s customer service is the best in the business and I can get behind a putter company that actually produces and sells PUTTERS unlike so many of the “others” out there that just focus on trinket sales.
      Keep doing what your doing, its been awesome to see the growth in just a short period of time.



      5 years ago

      I don’t think design is taking models that Karsten and his son John made 50+ years ago, but using a milling machine rather than a mold and adding a bit of color. These “designers” must wake up every day thanking their lucky stars for the Anser.


      Chris Nickel

      5 years ago

      I think what Nick is doing is quite a bit more than milling and adding a bit of color. If he was running generic CAD programs and tossing a couple stamps on there, I’d be inclined to agree – as there are some out there doing exactly that.

      Taking an established canvas and making it different in a way that matters to people is the very definition of design. That said, it may not be as unique as some would like, but I can also tell you what the most requested head shape is for custom orders. Can you imagine someone starting out and telling people, “Yeah, we don’t have any Anser style heads.” It would be like opening an Italian restaurant without pizza….speaking of which, why don’t people get all up in arms when a new bar/grill joint opens and they have a local take on how to best serve a hamburger? I digress.

      And I’d also offer that while Nick and his team are meticulous about putter design, Swag is really built around the architecture of collectors and giving people an opportunity to collect and trade limited edition items without having to fork over $2000 or get your name drawn out of a hat to have the opportunity to buy something.



      5 years ago

      I have had the pleasure of knowing Nick and calling him a friend for around 6 years or so now. People may not like the brand name or flashy colors but fact is the man knows the business and how to get people excited and talking. I know some scoff at $550+ for a putter or $100+ for a cover and if it’s not for you, then so be it. But the subtle changes and nuances of Swag putters and the ridiculous thread counts and attention to detail are what Swag is all about. Guys have no problem dropping $450+ on a new Scotty that is mass produced and imo all they are buying is the Scotty name. I used to collect Scotty’s back in the 90’s and then moved on to bettinardi and that is how I met Nick. I still collect bettinardi, as well as Swag. And if you ever get the chance to meet or even just talk to Nick you would probably be shocked at how down to earth he is. One of the most genuine people I have ever known. He doesnt care if you spend $20 with them or $20,000. He is going to treat you exactly the same way. He is borderline obsessed with quality control and customer service and will go above and beyond for any customer. This article was well written and showed the kind of guy Nick really is. No bullshit or anything. Nick will happily sit and talk with you for hours about golf with a huge smile on his face even if you are not a fan of anything Swag creates. I wish him and the rest of the guys at Swag nothing but the best because I know how hard they work.



      5 years ago

      Great article. I’ve been following them for a while via instagram and can really appreciate their attention to detail in their lineup. Everything is pretty much in line with what I feel makes a great putter: simple lines, thin topline, non-aggressive coloring, non-distracting flange lines, tri-sole, thin/simple milling… these are truly well-engineered. The name however… honest feedback… If I showed up with a putter with SWAG written all over it, my wife and buddies would both roll their eyes at me, followed by every missed putt them proclaiming that I just “dont have enough swag to use that thing”… Its interesting that such a simple, and understated putter has such an aggressive branding…


      Chris Nickel

      5 years ago

      Jordan – I hear you, but I don’t think I’d describe anything SWAG does as understated. In fact, I think the name is commensurate with the “Don’t Give a Putt” mantra, neon tour/staff bags and dripping skull images which adorn so much of what SWAG produces. It certainly isn’t a brand for everyone, which again, I think is part of Venson’s appeal.



      5 years ago

      I agree, go all out on bags and head covers and such… thats great… but this is ultimately what i’m talking about:


      Look at that thing… its damn near perfect… then you have SWAG and skulls branded all over it… those are usually things that are custom stamped on a putter, not stock…

      The loud, brash PXG branding scheme only works when you have an insane billionaire backing your op budget… not so much for a new company trying to breakthrough in the market.

      Branding is tricky… look at Piretti… I thought for the longest time they were some Italian putter maker due to the lion branding looking like the Ferrari horse and the very Italian name of Piretti… never would have guessed in a million years they were from Texas! They make beautiful (albeit heavy) putters, but was initially turned off thinking they were some spinoff of an Italian car maker.

      Perception is 9/10 of the law.

      My honest opinion… once Tyson Lamb gets to a $500-$600 price point… its going to be very, very tough for a-lot of people. Scotty included.

      Chris Nickel

      5 years ago

      Jordan – Let me offer you a couple thoughts to try and move the conversation forward.

      Part of the liberty in owning your own company is you get to be your own brand. How things “usually are” or what you perceive to be typical or standard isn’t necessarily relevant to how Venson operates his business.

      You’re correct in that branding is tricky, but if units sold can tell us anything, the plan is working and if forced to wager, I’d think Nick knows far more about the custom putter/collectible market that either of us.

      Possession, like perception is established absent information to the contrary. But unlike possession which is easier to define, ultimately perception is inherently subjective. Perception can become your own reality and if many people share the same perception (USGA wants to protect par at every US Open) it can become a generally accepted norm. What this fails to assess is whether or not that perception makes any difference. It sounds like your wanting to believe that your perception is the majority one and if held by the majority it would pose major problems for Swag. The flaw with that possible thinking is: 1) We don’t have any information to support your position and in point of fact, Swag has experienced a lot of success in the last 12 months presumably because there are many out there with a different perception than yours. 2) We have to accept the fact part of your perception of the brand may be exactly what the brand wants and therefore reinforces the idea that the stronger personality a brand has, the more divisive it likely is as well.

      And then there’s Tyson Lamb. Tyson is a freakishly gifted individual – but in order for him to get to the $500-$600 range a lot has to happen and frankly, for his brand and the status it currently has, I don’t know if that would be a wise move. Think about what draws people to Tyson Lamb – it’s not OTR putters that are $100 more than OTR Cameron’s. Part of the appeal is the price tag and I think it’s reasonable to opine that even if Lamb did make a putter at $500 or so, it wouldn’t include his signature design elements and he’d after to be able to operate on a scale he thus far hasn’t been willing/able to.


      5 years ago

      Agree with you whole-heartedly, who I am to question it if its working. Maybe my tastes are bit more understated. What ultimately continues to frustrate me, and I would love to get your take on this… is that there is critical gap in the market right now for putters in the $500-$1000 range. You are either forced into mass produced $300-$450 off the rack putters (Odyssey, Toulon, Scotty, Betti) or you graduate into the $1500 – $4000 custom putter market.

      I don’t need my name on the damn thing, or some fancy stamping. I would just love tour validated shapes (tri-sole NP2, BB0, 009) with different sight or neck options, with quality milling from a single billet of steel, and put it in the $500-$1000 range. You don’t need to go overseas to turn a profit on something like that.

      Now I know you’ll point me to Byron Morgan, but I already have and love my 615 :), but my point is there needs to be more options like that… I would love to get feedback on some of the issues putter makers feel they have going into the $500-$1000 range. No need to continue the reply, but thanks for the convo.


      5 years ago

      Jordan, I am 100% with you on this. I’m sure Nick is a fantastic guy and he definitely has a heck of a backstory. However, to call a spade a spade, this branding strategy is poor and will most likely end up alienating a lot of potential customers. And don’t get me wrong, I get the desire to be bold in a market that’s tough to penetrate. However, the whole skulls and rainbows thing from a company called Swag is extremely gimmicky, cheap-looking, and hinders the image of what otherwise seems to be a really quality product. Honestly, for golfers that are willing to spend a little extra on a putter (myself included) no one wants to pay that much for a club only to be ridiculed because it looks like it came from a Walmart clearance rack. For $555, I don’t know a single golfer who wouldn’t rather just get an Odyssey or Scotty and be the envy of the Saturday foursome as opposed to the butt of all jokes.



      5 years ago

      having gamed either a scotty or a Bettinardi the last 10 years, I can say the Swag putter I have is without question better feeling and looking than either of them. While most of the exclusive putter releases are 125 units or less, every release has sold out. The head covers go for $100+ and literally sell out within a minute. Yes, some of the designs are too bold for my liking, but overall the head covers are worth every penny. The craftsmanship is incredible


      5 years ago

      Adam, after reading responses like this it is actually exactly why I love the idea of SWAG and why I own a rainbow swag putter. I have no problem showing up with a rainbow putter and listening to the ridicule from my foursome. Nothing better than making money off them with a putter that is actually amazingly well made and totally unique and cool. Nothing like it in the market. If you like to follow the herd grab an OTR odyssey or bettinardi. If you want to be “cool” buy a $3000 lamb and wait 2 years to get it, and it isn’t as nice a tour scotty 009! If you have balls buy a swag and piss off your friends at the course. I’ll bet more people have swag in bags in 2020 than lambs.


      5 years ago

      For what its worth, I wouldnt even mention Odyssey and Swag in the same sentence. The Swag feels a million times better than anything milled (or even un-milled) that Odyssey has put out. The shame in all of this is that people are letting the name deter them from trying the putter and are making general assumptions about it that just are not true (and those that have tried one or more will validate).


      5 years ago

      I gotta give credit where credit is due. This guy has a lot of balls to be doing what he is doing, but he is also right to be doing what he is doing. The man has a passion for what he does, and it is reflected in his work. The BBO is way over the top for me, but I love the hedcovers. I can’t wait to see all the new ideas he comes out with. Surely there will be at least one that appeals to my slightly over the top taste as well. I wish him well.



      5 years ago

      I thought I had seen it all, now I see there’s a market for $555 putters. I feel I’m getting too old to play this game. Though I’m only 48 and in my peak earning years, I will not be wasting my retirement on golf equipment. I’m sure there’s a market for those who can afford, but not sure if they’re avid MGS readers.

      Not knocking the business model, as this is evidence in America opportunities are in abundance.

      Wishing you success, unfortunately this product will not be in my bag.


      Chris Nickel

      5 years ago

      Scott – The market for “expensive” putters predates SWAG by quite a bit and the standard disclaimer applies in that more expensive items do not preclude the existence of lower priced alternatives.

      For you, $555 for a putter might be wasteful. For others, it’s a reasonable expense. As always, to each their own.



      5 years ago

      Tks very interesting story so many putters to choose from I love the bbo putter with the Peace Symbols That putter is to cool to be played My best golf was played in the 70s I used a Spalding Cash in and dang I made a lot of putts! I am still standing over 6 ft tension putts and chasing 10 more yards no doubt my eyes were better and my stroke was consistent Bo knows football…..Nick knows putters



      5 years ago

      The putters looks are good looking. I like the BBO putter best. The twisted hosel with the colored metal is very appealing. Maybe sum day I can pick up a used one.


      Chi town

      5 years ago

      The tie-dye BBO is a Bettinardi and clearly the best looking putter featured in the article. I can understand using the images but atleast label them properly so readers can make informed thoughts of which putter they prefer.


      Chris Nickel

      5 years ago

      The image has been replaced to limit confusion. While Nick did work with Bettinardi for nearly a decade and was instrumental in many designs, the previous picture wasn’t one of them.

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