For the hundreds of MGS readers who have sent me an email regarding this new Adams driver in the past month…I think you are going to enjoy what I’ve got in store for you today! That’s because not only do I have the pics you have all been looking for…but I also have something else to sweeten the deal. (BE SURE TO READ FOR ALL THE DETAILS)
Filling Up My Inbox
I can always gauge the hype meter of a new club release by the amount of emails I get asking for spy pics and details before a product launches. And I must say the king of the hill has been the newest Taylormade driver for the past couple years. But with all the great new drivers Adams has been putting out…their new driver releases are starting to fill my multiple inboxes as well. And this one has been no different. Ever since the long drive machine (Jamie Sadlowski) was supposedly going to show a picture of this new Adams driver a month or so ago on Twitter…I have been getting tons of emails, phone calls, Facebook mail and Twitter messages wanting to get a sneak-peek. Most of which ask if I can just send them the pics and that they PROMISE they won’t show them to anyone else…lol. Well we got the “spy pics” you are looking for of the new Adams 9088 UL driver!
No real secret…I have liked most of the recent Adams drivers. I have hit just about every new driver on the market and there are a lot of them out there. The sheer amount coupled with the way technology has been hamstrung by the USGA over the past few years makes it very hard for one product to really stand out in a crowd. So the fact that the last 3 big sticks in my bag have all been Adams is pretty impressive in my opinion. I currently play the Adams 9064LS and before that the Adams 9032LS and the Adams 9015D. While I haven’t had a chance yet to put this new 9088 model in a head-to-head test against my current model…I can guarantee you that I will.
CONTEST! – The Adams 9088 Driver Giveaway
We told you we had something to sweeten the deal. Starting sometime next week we will be launching a contest you won’t find on any other golf site. That’s because we are going to be giving away this very first Adams 9088 driver you see to one of the MyGolfSpy readers! Sound good? I thought you might think so. How do you enter? Well you’ll just have to be sure to check back next week for all the details about the driver and the contest….
Until then…tell us who wants to win this driver the most!
Tim Whartenby
14 years ago
So did I miss the giveaway? I want this driver….. well at least a chance to DEMO it without paying for it. LOL> Boy I don’t ask for too much………… do I?
14 years ago
Contest is still going on Tim…will end this week ;)