Seller’s Remorse? Rahm A Major Disappointment Since Switching To LIV

Seller’s Remorse? Rahm A Major Disappointment Since Switching To LIV

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Seller’s Remorse? Rahm A Major Disappointment Since Switching To LIV

Jon Rahm withdrew from the U.S. Open on Tuesday, citing an infection in his left foot.

It’s the latest disappointment in a year bereft of accomplishments—and that has the former top-ranked player in the world struggling to keep pace with Scottie Scheffler, Xander Schauffele and others of the game’s best.

Rahm arrived to Pinehurst sporting one flip-flop to keep his foot dry. A lesion had developed between his pinky and ring toe, causing an infection. The injury led him to withdraw from LIV Houston last week despite receiving a pain-killing injection during the tournament.

The issue didn’t improve much at Pinehurst so Rahm called it quits well in advance of Round One. He announced the decision via Twitter on Tuesday afternoon.

“The pain was high,” he said. “The infection was the worrisome part. The infection is now controlled, but there’s still swelling and there’s still pain.”

Nobody can fault Rahm for an infection on his foot but it is another setback in a forgettable 2024 campaign.

Rahm bolted for LIV in December 2023—just six months ago, though it feels a lot longer than that—and has already seemed to slide slightly in the hierarchy of pro golf’s elite.

The 29-year-old is on a streak of seven consecutive years finishing in the top six players of the Official World Golf Ranking but that streak seems destined to be broken. He is No. 8 in the OWGR, his worst mark since the summer of 2019, and LIV doesn’t receive world ranking points.

Data Golf, which does include LIV performance, has Rahm down to No. 7, his worst ranking since briefly falling to No. 8 in 2022.

According to Data Golf, Scheffler is gaining 3.11 strokes per round relative to the average PGA Tour field. Schauffele is No. 2 in that metric at 2.53. Rahm is at 1.63, nearly a full shot worse per round compared to Schauffele.

There is no doubt Rahm is still a premier talent and the best player to flee for LIV but it’s also fair to say he looks a little off, so far in 2024.

A T45 Masters finish (among just 89 players) and missing the cut at the PGA Championship are the only data points we have for majors and now he is a no-show for the U.S. Open. Rahm will need a standout Open Championship at Royal Troon to salvage a major championship season where we barely noticed he was playing.

In terms of LIV events, it’s somewhat concerning Rahm hasn’t won in eight starts. We’re talking about someone who has spent prolonged stretches as the No. 1 player in the world over the past four years.

Although he has seven top-10 finishes throughout this LIV season, he’s going up against a top-heavy field with only 53 other guys to beat. Rahm’s C+ game should take care of more than half the guys in the field. He should be performing better than zero top-two finishes in eight starts. He’s supposed to be the guy on LIV.

Rahm doesn’t see it that way. He’s staying optimistic.

“It’s not like I’ve been playing bad, even though a lot of you make it sound like I’m playing bad,” Rahm told media before withdrawing. “I had two bad weeks. I’ve been top 10 and had a chance to win in most of the tournaments I’ve played and then unfortunately Augusta and PGA weren’t my best showings. It hasn’t been the best first half of the year but there’s been many times where I haven’t had a great start but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a great finish.”

What frustrates me with Rahm is that he is a fiery competitor—maybe the most intense in golf over the past five years—who now seems neutered by his situation.

He is playing events like LIV Houston and LIV Nashville in front of sparse crowds rather than being at Memorial and the Travelers Championship those two weeks. Those Tour events have the majority of top players and tremendous fan support. Rahm won the Memorial in 2020 and would have won it again in 2021 if not for testing positive with COVID-19 (he had a six-shot lead at the time).

It’s a shame we don’t get to see him at the Memorial. At the same time, would he even have played last week if he wasn’t mandated to compete on LIV? The fact he had to push himself in Houston—while it ridiculously hot and humid—might have kicked away his opportunity to play at Pinehurst.

The TV ratings for both the Tour and LIV continue to struggle, but LIV is particularly abysmal. Last Sunday, 2.85 million watched the Memorial. LIV had 148,000 viewers. Those numbers don’t include streaming for either circuit but I think we get the picture here.

Everything about Rahm’s personality seems to suggest he should be at the Memorial and Travelers, competing against Scheffler, Schauffele, McIlroy and others rather than taking part in an exhibition cash-grab alongside Wade Ormsby, Ben Campbell and Kalle Samooja.

Rahm is built for big moments and meaningful tournaments. He’s won 11 times on Tour and seven of those were majors, signature events or featured strong fields.

We know him by critical made putts on the 72nd hole at Torrey Pines. Or cashing in a long birdie putt on the final hole of the 2020 BMW Championship en route to beating Dustin Johnson. Or showing steely resolve in running away with the 2023 Masters.

I’m afraid those moments will go away over time. I’m afraid Rahm, a guy built on intensity and an innate love of competition, has lost a bit of an edge with this move to LIV. And I’m afraid that his press conferences have turned more sterile and guarded, muting one of the best sound bites in all of golf.

These are the prime years of Rahm’s career. He is a key figure in the game, a world-class ballstriker who should be relatively immune to large dips in play. We should hold him in higher regard than a Jordan Spieth or Justin Thomas. He’s in the upper-most tier for elite golfers in the world. Someone who, when he’s on, is in Scheffler’s Zip Code.

Right now, Rahm isn’t even in the same hemisphere as Scheffler.

Where is he? Come back strong, Jon. I want to be wrong. The golf world needs you.

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Sean Fairholm

Sean Fairholm

Sean Fairholm

Sean is a longtime golf journalist and underachieving 8 handicap who enjoys the game in all forms. If he didn't have an official career writing about golf, Sean would spend most of his free time writing about it anyway. When he isn't playing golf, you can find Sean watching his beloved Florida Panthers hockey team, traveling to a national park or listening to music on his record player. He lives in Nashville with his wife and dog (of course the dog's name is Hogan).

Sean Fairholm

Sean Fairholm

Sean Fairholm

Sean Fairholm

Sean Fairholm

Sean Fairholm

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      1 week ago

      I’m sure he doesn’t care about your opinion. Wait, did he ask you? No? Didn’t think so.

      PGA tour players are making much more $ now…thank you LIV



      1 week ago

      Rahm mentioned his reason to join LIV was because his love of the golf game, if those words have any meaning why is he playing so bad, Go on take the money and run (Steve Miller Band)



      1 week ago

      PHDrunkard you are a fool because nobody in the US or overseas watches LIV. This is why they have no ratings and you have no friends (except the ones you offer candy to) please come to Dallas and shut me up



      1 week ago

      One might say it was karma!



      1 week ago

      Explain how having a foot injury is karma, you ghoul



      1 week ago

      Because he put his foot in house mouth when he said he is still feels he is part of the PGA Tour


      1 week ago

      That’s in a season and a half, doesn’t include 2024, and that is money won outside of their signing contract.
      If money isn’t the thing, then why don’t PGA Tour players go play in Japan, Korea, Australia, South Africa or the Euro Tour more, stay away from their families and their country?
      Don’t give us this crap about money when the whole world wants and operates on money


      Gilbert Garcia

      1 week ago

      Totally agree, when you aren’t amongst the best and get a paycheck whether you win or lose I can see it’s hard to get motivated to be the best.



      1 week ago

      Shankilroy took $200 Million over 5 years!!!!! in 2013!!!!! not 2020, not now, 2013!!!! from NIKE.
      Scheffler makes $15 million a YEAR!!!! from his endorsements.
      I don’t think you understand how much money these clowns get paid before they even swing a club. Sure, they had to get there, win a few, get to the top of the OWF



      1 week ago

      Now write one about Justin Thomas.



      1 week ago

      He doesn’t care what you think.
      You can hear that in his reply to everybody, as he believes he’s had some bad luck (now his foot infection certainly doesn’t help), has played fairly well this year, was in the top contention spots a lot, but he was playing against some players who just made more putts and scored better than him to pip him by a bit. Would happen anywhere on any given day.
      Rahm’s game has been fine. I’ve watched every second of every event, and some other players have played just slightly better than him – and he will point out to you himself, that his LEGION XIII TEAM has done well as they have won twice, including the now-20 year old protégé Caleb Surrat who is holding his own and is becoming a big name in the game of golf. It’s not just about himself, he has a whole team to look after, their caddies, their families, the team’s business dimensions, and all the travel arrangements from country to country. Again, the likes of Scheffler and the gang on the PGA Tour don’t travel to a foreign destination every other week having to drag their whole entourage with them and having to have to adjust to massive time zone and cultural and language changes as they do it.
      Why you keep bringing up the crowd and viewership as if that has anything to do with his performance is typically dumb and a seriously weak attempt to bring down LIV and give a negative connotation and makes no sense. I’ve watched all the rounds on their LIV Golf App for FREE without commercials every single time, so unless you can extract the viewership numbers from them for what was being watched on the App, you are being just a typical prejudiced cuck. Go take a look at the DP World Tour viewership and attendance at their normal, global Tour stops and tell me if it’s crowded – they are not, even when they went to Japan it was sparse during the first couple days – and the Euro Tour is well established, have done it for years, has their own big names, have proper sponsors – but look at what they get at most Tour stops.
      You’re just a HATER, and pretending to cry out for Rahm like is beneath him, he’ll just laugh at you for being so pathetic and ALONE. He has a whole TEAM



      1 week ago

      meant to say that his team includes Caleb, not that Caleb has won twice – that Caleb has been doin well himself in the team



      1 week ago

      Rahm is a fat lazy whiner that took the money and ran. He will never win another major and in 5 years will retired… but rich. LIV golf is unbearable to watch and I know this because I received free tickets to watch them in Houston. The atmosphere was a bunch of loud mouth fat drunks



      1 week ago

      Well, that’s just Texas LMAO bunch of fat loud mouths ROFL and you are one of them, it’s quite easy to surmise LOL


      1 week ago

      LMAO…Rahm doesn’t care about you drunktard. You need to grow up and quit praising these losers that say they are growing the game. The only thing growing is their bank account because people like you fawn and defend these has beens. ROTF that you actually believe LIV is worth watching but I should not expect anything less from a guy that CONSTANTLY writes about LIV and constantly has a response to almost every article written on this site. You think you know more than all the staff here and most of its readers but you DONT which is why you still live in your mommy’s basement. LMAO ROTF



      1 week ago

      It’s certainly not CONTRACTING the game, and you haven’t seen the reactions and support OUTSIDE OF THE US in other countries due to LIV.
      So shut your trap and wipe the corners as there’s some brown 💩 coming out of it FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️ 😂
      And you WOULD know about your mum’s basement is it? We don’t have such things where I live LOL 😂 but you love it in the closeted Yankee land don’t you 🤣 , closed off from the rest of the world just like your Left Lib government wants you to be


      1 week ago

      He might be a diabetic and that’s a HIPAA violation.
      I know He was born with a club foot so that may be a problem.
      I’m sure he is hurting.



      1 week ago

      LIV golf is awesome, love John Rahm. You guys talk about the PGA like they done something for you personally. They haven’t done a damn thing except exclude normal people from playing some of the great courses around America the local golf course around the Tampa area are 60 to 300 dollars for one round. They have a damn monopoly on all things golf. So sick of these guys turned there backs on the PGA. What about the s–t that goes down china and they why they treat the citizens. The PGA has tournament in China with the out cry bunch of damn hypocrite. That’s what I call each and everyone of you that criticize LIV (Dam Hypocrite). Push back on the PGA but you all won’t just keep carrying their water and drinking the koolaid chumps.



      1 week ago

      Stan, 100%. These clown writers are either wanting a check from the pgat or are on the payroll already.

      Like LIV or not, they have driven numerous changes for the players, and the players are better off for it.

      To your point on access to golf courses, you can play (almost) every Open course in the UK. Over here, most do not want you on the grounds to buy a souvenir.

      The US and the PGAT have / are the problem. LIV just pointed it out



      1 week ago

      Look at the GIANT winnings now at the PGA Tour signature dumps 💩 that they all of a sudden were able to dig up from some coffers they had been hiding, as Phil pointed out very quickly, where was all that money hiding?


      1 week ago

      I appreciate his WD. This way I won’t have to look at another awful LIV Team logo.



      1 week ago

      Yeah Randall, the NASCAR PGAT look is so much better.


      Ben S

      1 week ago

      Biggest disappointment in golf was Michelle Wie. She was destined to win 90 times and 20 majors but failed to deliver. A long part of her career was plagued by injuries and wild putting techniques that hampered her chances. Overall she did well but no one can say she played to her potential we all saw when she was 14 hitting it 300 yards.



      1 week ago

      She was always known to be lazy, and was only doing golf because her parents were really strict like so many Korean parents, and she happened to be fairly decent at it – but look at how quickly now the US TV and media squashed any signs of her negative and almost abusive upbringing that actually helped her find fame and fortune in the game, NEVER EVER bringing up the fact that she is Korean and that the strict methods is what brought her this success, only ever highlighting the fact that she won the US Open (they, the Americans, all breathed a sigh of relief when she did) and that’s all they ever talked about now.
      And that’s why they also never pursued interviewing her after she quit, to dig down as to why she quit, and she wasn’t really going to divulge the fact that she quit partly as a rebellion to her parents who you know would have wanted her to continue playing, but Michelle wanted to get married and have kids and settle down and not have to go hit ball all day every day like she was her whole life until she finally found her own independence when she finally got her own money in her pocket from her wins and managed to get away from her parents’ strictness about the dedication to the game.
      The question will always be asked of these female stars who quit playing even though they may have been able to win a few dozen times had they stayed playing, but a lot of them want to be women and have kids and all that and feel they can’t do that if they continued to play and wouldn’t be able to be good mothers if they play and not good players if they were mothers.
      Another example is Seri Pak, who was famously known for practicing on CONCRETE when she was growing up as that is what her parents thought would make her strong LMAO


      These women and probably most of the women in this world could beat you in golf. You need to step away from your computer and quit spilling your propaganda and thinking you are smarter and better than what you really are which is a fat balding pathetic little man that lives with his mommy. The people on this site laugh at the pathetic and silly comments that you think make you look smart but shows how much of a troll you actually are and vie so much for mommy’s attention by spouting so much nonsense that leaves me ROTFLAIFYM

      Anton Dicks

      1 week ago

      Moisture between the toes is a bad one and have nothing to do with clean or anything else. Easist way to prevent is to spray some normal deodorent between the toes to force away moisture, dont use anti perspirant , it will burn like hell and is no good. Deodurent will evaporate and leave the toes nice and dry. Been doing this for 40 years and it works like a charm



      1 week ago

      Yeah, but once it’s cut and bleeding, and then have got a bit infected –
      which is what happens, eh, and that’s what Jon has.
      He’s probably trying to dry it out and let it heal now, eh? Probably stayed wearing golf shoes and closed toe shoes all the time and didn’t let his foot dry out during his off times



      1 week ago

      Rahm is a turn coat and a crybaby! Golf doesn’t need him anymore.



      1 week ago

      I think Big Jon is too mean to go the way of the DJ bird. Hope he gets well soon.



      2 weeks ago

      LIV golf is God awful. Unwatchable. Shotgun starts?? It’s an absolute joke and an embarrassment to the game. An absolute joke. It’s ratings magic…



      1 week ago

      This article is ridiculous. Sean, you are clearly not an athlete and never were. Probably why you are a writer. I want to win my Saturday morning matches against my friends and we do not have millions on the line. A competitor is always a competitor. The watered down PGAT needs Rahm, more than Rahm needs the PGAT.



      1 week ago

      Sean would beat you in any sport you challenge him to. He is not only a great writer but a great athlete and person that does everything great… just ask your mom


      1 week ago

      The NBA is god awful. Grown men bouncing balls on the floor and putting it into a cherry basket. WNBA same. NFL worse. NIHL is ridiculously dumb, just violence with no meaning for violence’s sake, it’s ICE hockey, call it what it is, you play on ICE, Hockey is so much better, it’s played outside on the field with no helmet or pads, you can only use one side of the stick, golfers would appreciate HOCKEY more, and you can’t use your hands, you have to use the stick to knock balls down.
      All these Yankee sports are unwatchable. They’re so focused on ball-in-hand, taking turns, it’s childish.
      Glad that the best player in baseball is Japanese LOL
      No competition against foreign leagues during the season? They’re absolute jokes and embarrassment to the games of the world. An absolute joke. ROFL
      At least with the MLS they somewhat play to world football standards with interleague play against foreign leagues and nations during the season.


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