“The MyGolfSpy Awards”  {PGA Show}

“The MyGolfSpy Awards” {PGA Show}

“The MyGolfSpy Awards”  {PGA Show}

mygolfspy awards

First Annual “MyGolfSpy Awards”

Today MyGolfSpy introduces the “1st Annual MyGolfSpy PGA Show Awards”! We awarded the golf companies who attended the PGA Show that we felt created the most “Innovative” and “Envelope Pushing” golf products on the market!


We awarded companies in the following categories:

  • Most Innovative – New Product
  • Most Innovative – New Driver
  • Most Innovative – New Iron
  • Most Innovative – New Hybrid
  • Most Innovative – New Putter
  • Most Innovative – New Wedge

1st Place – GolfCar.tv


You will now be able to bring your family room & office to the course! With GolfCar.tv you will now be able watch the big game while you play…email your friends about your hole in one…get work done while waiting for the slow group in front of you…order lunch before the turn…and of yeah it won’t cost your course hardly anything…because they re-coupe their cost for the cart with advertising on the screen…So watch out Club Car and Yamaha!

So go tell your local course to get the GolfCar.tv today! It was only a matter of time before the computer and the golf cart were meshed into one.

Honorable Mention – Stracka Line


Anyone who has ever played Tiger Woods on PlayStation or XBox wishes that the putting was that easy. It actually tells you where to aim in order to make the putt. We all would love for a guide on the course to tell us to aim 2 ft. to the left and 8 in. past the hole when we were reading a putt.

Well you might be able to soon…if Strackaline.com has anything to do with it. They give read outs that will most likely make it on tour very soon. It gives the golfer an exact reading of the breaks on the green…and it is all done by computer…so no human error is involved!

Honorable Mention – The BIG Putt

the big putt

There are hundreds of crazy contraptions that promise to improve our putting…problem is…most of them don’t work! This one does….it’s simple…putt with this thing for a while and then putting with a regular ball is like putting the ball into the “Hungry Hippo” mouth…ho many of you remember that game? TheBIGPutt is helping pros so I am sure it can help you and me.

1st Place – (Tie) Taylormade R9 & Nike Dymo2

taylormade r9

Hey we are all about David vs. Goliath here at MyGolfSpy we love long odds on golf betting…but there just isn’t that much new technology out there in regards to drivers of late. We have drivers that we felt had a better feel and better overall stats…but none of those were that technologically advanced. So there really is not a way that we could not give the award for “Most Innovative Driver” to the Taylormade R9 & Nike Dymo Str8-Fit for their adjustable drivers. Even though we feel like the technology they are using has already been done and the weights TM uses does little to nothing in relation to moving the CG (center of Gravity) of the driver. But…they are pushing the envelope…so the award is theirs.

Honorable Mention – Callaway FT-iQ


Don’t know if you remember Callaway’s first attempt at a carbon fiber driver or not…it was called the Callaway C4…and it was a major dud! The sound it made even sounded like…dud. But even then I gave them props for pushing the technology barrier. Well fast forward to 2009…they have stuck with similar technology but have improved it dramatically! Their new driver the Callaway FT-iQ Driver is a superb carbon fiber weapon for the average golfer.

Honorable Mention – Adams Tech A4 (Formerly 9015D)

adams a4 driver

This is the MyGolfSpy Favorite! It might not look like there is not a whole lot of technology going on under this hood. And really there isn’t if you are looking for bells and whistles…BUT…if you are looking for a driver that performs…THIS IS IT! The only reason the Adams Tech A4 didn’t get first was because you guys might think we were crazy for picking a driver that didn’t have pointless adjustable weights or adjustable shafts that 99.7% of golfers will never change…because the shafts you need to change them with run about a gazillion dollars.

1st Place – Mizuno MP-52

mizuno mp52

You might not hear much hoopla going on about Mizuno irons…but they don’t care. They might be the only golf company that has built its entire following because of the quality of their clubs. Year after year Mizuno makes THE best iron…period. You might not see them ranked there in the (biased) golf magazines but thats because they don’t pay them to have them ranked. But if they did you would find them in the #1 spot every year! And this years MP-52 is no different.

Honorable Mention – Ping S57

ping s57

Where Ping’s S59 and S58 lacked the S57 fill the gaps. The S59 was Pings attempt to make a true player’s iron, but in my opinion they fell short. The new Ping S57 takes care of that!

Honorable Mention – (TIE) Callaway X-Forged & Fourteen TC 1000 Forged

fourteen tc1000

You might have never heard of Fourteen Golf…but that will soon change. The company has already made a name for itself in Japan and now has its eyes set on the US. They make classic styled great feeling irons and their wedges aren’t too shabby either. Be on the look out for Fourteen Golf in 2009!

We had to give Callaway’s X-Forged iron a piece of the prize as well. They have always made a great hacker club…but honestly they have never been known for their forged irons. But after this year there might be more lower and mid handicaps switching to a Callaway X-Forged

1st Place – Adams Tech a4

adams a4 hybrid

Adams Golf did it again! Honestly they built themselves around specialty clubs like the Tight Lies™ and in the last few years they have owned the hybrid market. The Adams Tech A4 is a combo of all their years of knowledge wrapped into one.

Honorable Mention – Nickent 5DX

nickent 5dx

Similar to Adams…Nickent has made a name for themselves with the trusty hybrid. And with the new Nickent 5DX getting it’s inspiration from the auto industry…they can only hope to have a better year then the auto-makers. If it is going to happen we feel like the 5DX hybrid might carry them through. The “King of Hybrids”™ has done it again

Honorable Mention – Taylormade Rescue

taylormade rescue 2009

Similar to their new R9 driver the hybrid will allow for adjustability…but like we said 99.7% of golfers never use it. We think the technology is a great idea…but we will have to wait 6 months or so to see if the golfer actually puts it to use…but kudos for giving golfers a chance Taylormade!

1st Place – Axis 1 Putter

axis 1 putter

Back in December of 2008 the MyGolfSpy crew predicted the Axis 1 Putter would be the “Most Innovative Putter for 2009!” And guess what…Sports Illustrated agreed with us…because both of us voted them as the winner at the 2009 PGA Show. Now do we think this putter will be the one that sells millions….no…but the technology will start to change the way putter designers look at the old flatstick!

Honorable Mention – Machine Putters

machine putters

If you like to tinker with your golf gear then run out…hurry up…go get a Machine putter from DogLegRight! This is the ultimate tinkerers dream. And not only that …the quality is top-notch. If you ever wanted to be able to change from a blade to a mallet in a matter of seconds this is your ticket. Great job Dave!

Honorable Mention – Sizemore Putters

sizemore putters

By far the prettiest putter we saw at the show was a Sizemore putter…we would have loved to buy it for the office but at $10,000 it was a little too steep for our collection. But we will be adding one of their standard line to the bag of putters. Great stuff fellas!

1st Place – Scratch Wedges

scratch wedge

Vokey…Cleveland…Scratch? Yes Scratch is #1 for 2009! If you are looking for the ultimate in wedges look no further then Scratch Golf. They have taken the wedges to a whole new level of personalization and customization. 2009 will be a big year for Scratch Golf just watch.

Honorable Mention – Titleist TVD Wedges

titleist tvd

A close second to Scratch was the Titleist TVD wedge…this one is a beauty! There might not be a better looking wedge then this piece of wedge art. Vokey and Titleist had the right idea when they launched this custom tour’esque type wedge. But we feel the Scratch guys have a leg up on them when it come to a true custom wedge fitting experience. Although for a big name they have done a pretty good good at allowing the average golfer a customized wedge…well that’s if you can afford one.

Honorable Mention – Vega Tour Cut Wedges

vega tour cut

These are nasty…in a good way! Japanese forged wedges are regarded by many as the best you can buy. And now you will be able to get one in the US! The appearance of their wedges stunning…Feel crisp and buttery…control radar-like! A great way to enter the US market. Can’t wait to get ours…wink wink Vega ;)

Related Articles:

2009 PGA Show – Day 1 Coverage – Links

2009 PGA Show – Day 2 Coverage (Photos)

2009 PGA Show – Day 3 Coverage (Videos)

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Adam Beach

Adam Beach

Adam Beach

My name is Adam Beach. This place, this site, it’s more than just a business to me, it truly is an expression of who I am and what I believe in, down to my core. I feel the work I do is a reflection of who I am and the idea behind the work I do is more important than the work itself. You see, I don’t actually see myself in the golf business at all, I am in the business of caring. I am a guy who wakes up with one goal: do the right thing.

Adam Beach

Adam Beach

Adam Beach

Adam Beach

Adam Beach

Adam Beach

Adam Beach

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      16 years ago

      Nice review! This award is an eye opener. You’ll never see some of these stuff on the biased magazines.



      16 years ago

      look makes a big difference toe because i cant picture an ugly putter performing and that makes me mishit the putt



      16 years ago

      those axis one putters are ugly . i wouldn’t be able to putt with that thing



      16 years ago

      Might look ugly but it performs!



      16 years ago

      MyGolfSpy – I appreciate your added comments as they make a lot clearer your thinking behind the GolfCar.TV. I will now reserve judgement until I get to see/use first hand. I am afraid this awful image came to mind as I read your initial post. Although not in the golf industry I have been playing for 45+ years and over the last 5-10 have found a lot of things quite disturbing, slow play and disrespect for fellow golfers top the list. So anyway I really did enjoy the rest of your PGA Show report and once again thanks for your detailed reply to my initial “rant”.



      16 years ago

      If you have any other questions let me know.



      16 years ago

      Golfcar TV, this should really help with any slow play issues. What are you thinking ? Best new product ? This is going to have me talking to myself for awhile I’m afraid. Oh yeah, this will be really fun when some meat head 2 fairways over lets out a yell because his football team just beat their arch rivals or better yet the foursome in front of you gets hung up for “just a minute watching daytime re-runs of “Dancing with the Stars”. Come on really ?



      16 years ago

      I appreciate your comments about the GolfCar.tv…although I think you would have to see it to understand why we ranked it that high. We have been in the industry a long time and we would not have voted it if it did not deserve to be there. Believe us when we say this WILL be the future of golf carts in the next few years. It might not be named GolfCar.tv but it will happen. It is much more then about the football game. It really is about the course and actually speeding up play as well. Many other features are included that help with speeding up the game believe it or not.

      It has many benefits for the course as well which is the main reason we chose this. Many courses are having a hard time with the cost of carts and the maintenance that comes along with them. This cart solves that problem by allowing advertising to be displayed on the screen during many of the attributes used by golfers. And by increasing revenue through its food and beverage system. It also has a ton of features for tournaments that increase the bottom line and many many other items. This advertising model pays for the cart the majority of the time. This will eliminate a tremendous overhead for the courses out there that are having a tough time staying above water.

      There are also a ton of teaching pro items for the course owners to use at their disposal…it will video tape your swing play it back in real time…built-in handicap system…..takes care of all pro shop ordering….handles tournaments much easier….and the list went on and on.

      We could have included many of these in the review but most would not have read that much when there were so many other items that we covered in the awards. So I hope this helps you understand better why we chose this as our winner.

      Thanks again for your comments.


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