A 2020 Look At Wilson Staff

A 2020 Look At Wilson Staff

A 2020 Look At Wilson Staff

Wilson Staff has a heritage most brands would kill for. It also has as vocal a band of loyalists as you’ll find in golf.

But for many others, it’s an also-ran challenger brand that’s barely a blip on their radar.

Five years ago, we took a deep dive into the former industry leader/icon. Our goal was to figure out how it got to where it was, where it was going and how it was going to get there. What we found was a small but still proud brand putting out solid gear, not content with being has-been.

Stuff sure can change in five years. It’s time to put Wilson Staff back under the microscope to see what progress – if any – the brand has made over the last half-decade.

A Return to Relevance

There are folks with a Dyna-Powered yearning for Wilson’s return to greatness. Others can’t wait to tell you Wilson is going nowhere fast and needs nobodies off the street to design their drivers on TV. And others stay on the sideline, just watching.

In other words: fanboys, haters and everyone else.

“I told you this back in 2015: haters are gonna hate,” Wilson Golf president Tim Clarke told MyGolfSpy during a pair of in-depth interviews this past year. “My view is there’s still 90 percent of the market that’s open-minded and curious about us. We may have lost that last 10 percent for the sins of yesterday.”

Wilson was the game’s standard-bearer for decades but, by the mid-2000s, had spiraled into irrelevance. By 2006, Wilson’s irons market share was only a touch higher than Blutarski’s grade point average at 0.6 percent. That means out of every 200 iron sets sold that year, only one was Wilson. By 2015, market share – according to Wilson – climbed to nearly three percent. Considering where it was, that’s a remarkable turnaround. Wilson’s market share is fairly similar today but the larger point is this: while it isn’t back to where is once was – and it may never be – Wilson is once again relevant.

“We had to change that perception with the consumer,” says Clarke. “We had to get consumer-centric. We had to get innovative. We had to get disruptive.”

Wilson Staff Tim Clarke

Clarke’s first full year as Wilson Golf president was 2007 and even the most hardened cynic can sense that his energy and optimism are as genuine and infectious today as back then.

“The nice thing about 2007 is I was still young enough to be dumb enough,” says Clarke. “I had the mindset that you could do anything. I still have that mindset but at that point in your career you don’t look at the mountain you’re climbing, you look at the opportunity. I was always a Wilson guy and the coolest job you could have was president of Wilson Golf. To have that actually happen, it was like a dream come true.”

That dream wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. $15 million in losses and a 0.6-percent market share actually sound more like a nightmare.

“The energy required to get it to this point today has been substantial and the energy required to get us to where we’re going is even more substantial,” he says. “I think getting from there to here has been about gaining credibility. Once you have credibility, there’s still hard work but it’s much more strategic than it is to try to change the mindset of millions.”

Say It, Do It

Clarke is a believer in what he calls the Say-Do Ratio: how much of what we say we’re going to do did we actually do?

“I look at low-compression golf balls and what we did there. I said [back in 2015] we were going to refocus on our iron heritage and we’ve retrenched there,” says Clarke. “When you do the right thing for a period of years, you expect to see acceleration, which is exactly what’s taken place.”

“I remember one of my comments to you was it took a few years to get the brand on the wrong path. It’s going to take as many years to get people to forget about that. I think we’re at the point where we’ve done a lot of right things.” – Tim Clarke

Wilson still gets knocked over the whole boxed set/Walmart stigma. It still sells them, but look up boxed sets on Walmart’s website and you’ll see a lot more Callaway than Wilson.

“We walked away from about $10 million in packaged sets,” says Clarke. “That’s a lot of revenue, a lot of business, but it’s not good for the brand.”

What is good for any brand is innovation. Even though equipment cynics scoff at that word, OEMs know they can’t stand still.

“We’ve made huge investments in innovation,” says Clarke. “Over $3 million in additional technology and people. We made a huge investment in simulations. We can run almost 3,000 simulations in a 24-hour period with the system we own.”

“Callaway has a better name for it but it’s basically a simulation system. If we were a golf-only brand, it would be pretty hard for us to make that kind of investment. But the system works for baseball bats, tennis rackets, basically anything you can hit a ball with.” – Tim Clarke

Based on info from publicly traded companies, OEMs typically budget roughly three percent of their overall sales numbers to R&D. Since Wilson Staff is part of the much larger Wilson Sporting Goods (and is now privately owned – more on that later), its R&D budget is a little harder to nail down but it’s a fair bet the percentage is the same as larger companies.

“Callaway and TaylorMade spend a lot of money to tell you they’re innovative,” says Clarke. “I would argue if you look at innovations – from power-hole technology to low-compression golf balls to changeable sole plates on a driver – there aren’t many brands that have done more innovation in the last five to seven years than Wilson.”

“That’s my personal opinion and have we gotten the credit for it? Had TaylorMade launched low compression, would it be a huger thing today? Probably, but what it’s done for us is it has allowed us to go from very low market shares to relevancy.”

The Journey Back

Wilson fanboy or not, you can’t deny Wilson Staff is a player in premium golf gear once again.

You can chalk that up to several factors: a decade’s worth of high-performing irons, a commitment to innovation, and Gary Woodland’s U.S. Open victory at Pebble Beach last year (more on that later, too). One thing you can’t overlook, regardless of your opinion of the show or the products it produced, is the impact of Driver vs. Driver.

“People can say they loved Driver vs. Driver and people can say they hated Driver vs. Driver,” says Clarke. “I really don’t care. But they sure talked about us an awful lot.”

If you still think Driver vs. Driver was actually about the driver, you missed the point entirely. It was, in fact, a high-profile seven-week branding initiative. According to Wilson, more than 3.2 million viewers watched Season One and more than four million watched Season Two. Wilson’s market research shows people interested in buying Wilson Staff products rose appreciably after both seasons.

“The whole Driver vs. Driver business model was to elevate our brand awareness and consumer awareness of our investment into R&D, which was successful,” says Clarke. “It was also to put out the best possible Wilson driver in the market. If you look at the test data and everything that driver did, I’d say Cortex is the best driver Wilson has put out since maybe the Killer Whale.”

There are talks of a third season and maybe a different product category but Clarke is wary of one too many trips to that particular well.

“It’s hard to get anything as exciting as a driver,” he says. “If you start talking about Putter vs. Putter, it’s interesting, but are you going to be able to hold an audience?”

Torch and Pitchfork Nation did go Code Red when Cortex hit the streets at $499. In fact, many of Wilson’s retail partners thought the price tag was too high. Clarke, though, has no regrets.

“Everyone would have loved the driver at $299 but it wouldn’t have made sense,” he says. “You’re talking about a marquee program that showcased the brand and our R&D capabilities. It did everything we wanted it to do. It’s a space we’re not well known in and I will say we’re selling more drivers today than we were prior to the show.”

Retail Relevance

In our 2015 series, many of you commented that Wilson wasn’t available at retail in your areas. That’s changing, too. In 2015, what Wilson calls its door count (the number of actual stores stocking product nationwide) was around 700. Today, Wilson says its door count exceeds 3,000.

“The Driver vs. Driver programs have given the consumer confidence that Wilson is a premium brand,” says Worldwide Golf CEO Al Morris. “While the sell-through (of the Cortex) has not been stellar, the value of the advertising has helped the brand tremendously.”

“We’re finding more people asking for Wilson than they have in years past,” says Randy Peitsch, Senior Operations VP at PGA Tour SuperStore. “[Wilson is] actively seeking feedback from us on whether their products are resonating with customers. They take that information and make a game plan on how they’re going to approach the next quarter, season or year.”

Pete Line, GM at Carl’s Golfland, says he’s also seeing more consumer interest in Wilson.

“Most customers are positive about the Wilson brand,” he says. “More are asking specifically for Wilson products. We believe their Golf Channel exposure and social media strategy is creating more consumer brand recognition.”

Clarke has always maintained that wins in major championships move product and the Woodland effect has been substantial.

“Make no mistake, the business acceleration from winning a major is strong,” says Clarke. “Our business in Europe is up substantially since the win, our U.S. equipment business is up since the win. Major wins matter. That’s just life.”

Signing Woodland for the 2019 season was a big cash investment for Wilson. Clarke had to clear the deal with new ownership, since it was a larger the normal contract for the brand.

“I had to sell my boss on the idea,” says Clarke. “He said ‘give me one good reason why we should make this investment.’ I told him, ‘because Gary Woodland is going to win a major, and he’s going to win it this year.'”

That, as Roy McAvoy would say, was a defining moment.

“Make no mistake, Gary picked Wilson,” says Clarke. “Every brand and his brother wanted to sign him and other companies thought they had him. But he loved the irons. And I insured his major win bonus, so thank God I did that!”

New Ownership

It’s been just over a year since Wilson’s ownership changed hands. A group led by Chinese athletic apparel giant ANTA Sports paid an estimated $5.2 billion for Amer Sports, lock, stock and 5-iron.

Amer was publicly traded on the Helsinki Stock Exchange but the ANTA group, which includes LuluLemon founder Chip Wilson, is strictly private.

“Old Amer, Stock Exchange Amer, was very much a margin/profit company,” says Clarke. “I think this new company wants to see accelerated growth in all the assets it acquired, including Wilson. One of the opportunities they see is the opportunity to open up markets we aren’t strong in.”

That would be Asia, where Wilson has never been much of a player. Clarke thinks ANTA’s expertise and operation ooze with potential.

“It’s my job to present a business case,” says Clarke. “You just spent $5 billion acquiring us. If you want to really see accelerated growth, baseball is going great, tennis is going great, but if you want to grow, golf is where you need to go.’”

Wilson’s sales numbers have always been lumped into Wilson Sporting Goods overall numbers, which have always been lumped into Amer’s Ball Sports Division. We’ve heard the $120-million number bandied about, which sounds high but does include balls, bags, accessories, Wilson Staff and recreational Wilson golf gear.

“I don’t see why we can’t be a $200-million player in North America. That’s a pretty reasonable target,” says Clarke. “If ownership decides they want to play, then I think it’s a whole new ballgame. I’d be looking at a half-billion-dollar global business.”


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The Market Share Tango

Wilson isn’t going to be crashing the Big 5’s party any time soon – the status quo simply doesn’t change like that. And growing market share isn’t as easy as saying sell more.

This is purely an example, but say you’re a company selling 50,000 irons sets a year. A 10-percent increase would be 55,000 sets. First, that kind of jump isn’t changing your market share. Consider a market share increase from three percent to four percent may be only one percentage point but it’s actually a 33-percent increase. That ain’t happening. Second, even 10-percent jumps don’t happen without major marketing dollars.

And if you think cutting the price and making it up in volume is the answer, go back to business school and let the adults talk.

Wilson says it’s been achieving consistent year-over-year growth and is fueling that growth with the tool of the new decade: social media.

“The biggest thing I see going forward is our ability to communicate with consumers directly. It’s a much more level playing field,” he says. “Five years ago, you had to spend a ton of money with Golf Digest. Now it was just sold for a lot less than it was bought for.”

From a marketing standpoint, social media takes away the Big 5’s ability to box everyone out by spending big dollars. That gives smaller brands the opportunity to be disruptive.

“I call it digital levelization,” says Clarke. “We can post Woodland’s irons on social media and, all of a sudden, we’ve sold out of them. When those irons came out, we knew what we did for volume with the FG Tour 100 blades so we planned on selling a few more than that. We should have planned for thousands more.”

Wilson Staff Blades

Wilson uses social media as well as anyone. Clarke admits at his age, he’s never going to be a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram whiz but adds he does enjoy interacting with customers.

“I get more joy hearing from people who just had their career round, or just broke 100 for the first time with their D7s and they want to tell me about it,” he says. “To see people who have unbelievable experiences because of something you’re doing in an iron or fairway wood or driver or golf ball, and to see the joy it brings somebody? Those are special moments.”

Strengths and Weaknesses

Clarke is remarkable at exuding confidence and positivity about his brand but don’t take that to mean it’s all Skittles and cotton candy for Wilson. Golf equipment remains a very competitive game and the status quo is a harsh mistress. Wilson’s market share in irons remains in the sub three-percent range and despite claims of yearly sales growth, it’s still a small number. And while driver sales have improved, that’s an even smaller number.

Clarke has always owned Wilson’s failures as well as its successes and is straightforward about the brand’s strengths and weaknesses. He’s very proud of the team he’s assembled and believes the company’s biggest strength right now is its collective focus.

“We have very aligned strategies,” he says. “Everybody knows what we need to win at, what we need to do well. We need to accelerate our irons business and we need to accelerate our golf ball business. That’s where our focus is. Yeah, we have Driver vs. Driver, it was our disruptive model but, in the building, it’s focusing on what’s going to drive us long term and that’s irons and golf balls.”

As for areas to improve, even in its heyday Wilson was never the top dog in drivers. Clarke says the D7 has been successful but the company enters 2020 with only the D7 and LaunchPad – both priced at $299 –  as current (Cortex is on closeout). There is no new “premium” offering. Clarke says other categories need work, too.

“Why couldn’t we be more serious in the putter category?” he says. “Why couldn’t we be more serious in the wedge category? On a holistic scale, the weaknesses we need to improve on are really just staying focused on what needs to happen.”

Wilson Staff, 2020

There’s a new-decade sea change going on at Wilson. The Staff Model moniker represents Wilson’s Tour-level lineup and you can expect the three-year-old FG Tour V6 irons to be replaced with a Staff Model upgrade within the next year. The new D7 Forged is a player’s distance iron, D7 a game-improvement bomber, and LaunchPad a super-duper game-improvement line. You can also expect a Tour-level Staff Model ball to be added.

“I can’t thank our R&D team, our marketing team, our product development team and our product line manage team enough,” says Clarke. “They knew we had to step up our game to get back into the core thinking of golf and they’ve done a lot of great things.”

Market share doesn’t change easily but it’s not the only – or even most important – success metric. For a company the size of Wilson Golf, consistent year-over-year profitable growth is the goal. If new ownership decides to release the hounds and invest in fast growth, well…

“It used to be, ‘yeah, don’t worry about Wilson,'” says Clarke. “Now, with an ownership change, I think a lot of OEMs are watching and wondering what the position is going to be with golf moving forward.”

Clarke is in his 14th year as the top exec at Wilson Golf and very well may be the longest tenured chief in golf today. When he took over in 2006, Wilson Golf was very much in danger of either being shut down or sold off. It’s no stretch to say Padraig Harrington’s three majors helped save the company, but it would be another decade-plus for Wilson to bag another one.

“Harrington’s majors – I used to think we’d have those every year,” says Clarke. “I mean, I get the job and then he wins, he wins, he wins, and I’m thinking, ‘hey, this is easy. Who’s next?’”

It took another 11 years but Woodland’s win was huge for Wilson, as is Harrington being named Ryder Cup captain. “It was one of those years,” says Clarke of 2019. “When I first got this job, we couldn’t sign anyone (on Tour). It didn’t matter how much money I was waving around. Now, if we want to get somebody and we’re willing to pay the dollars, the sky’s the limit again.

“We have a lot of bright, young people on the team with energy, which helps. I’m on the back nine of my career. I want to make sure the brand is in the right spot so when I do move on, I can go through the rest of my life looking back and being proud to have been part of something so cool.

“If you look at brands and their ebbs and flows, I would say that when brands lose their soul is when they usually end up heading for trouble. I think we’re on the right track.”

So yeah, Wilson isn’t what it was in the ’70s and ’80s. But what’s also true is Wilson isn’t what it was in 2006, either. For 2020, that’s the important part.

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John Barba

John Barba

John Barba

John is an aging, yet avid golfer, writer, 6-point-something handicapper living back home in New England after a 22-year exile in Minnesota. He loves telling stories, writing about golf and golf travel, and enjoys classic golf equipment. “The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight.” - BenHogan

John Barba

John Barba

John Barba

John Barba

John Barba

John Barba

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      Chris Veness

      3 years ago

      About two years ago I came across JB’s orginal 3 parter on Wilson which made me sympathetic towards the Wilson Staff brand because, like many, I have a soft spot for underdogs and grizzled ageing warriors. After much deliberation and research, prompted by a desire to upgrade my tools, I decided to give my support to the company and plumped for a C300 driver, Fairway and Hybrid. Until then I’d been using a cheap box set (ironically not Wilson). The big boys can spend all the money they like on slick marketing but sometimes just hearing the story can sway a sale, as it did in my case. In April 2021 I added the outstanding “L” putter to my bag and can honestly say that I love all of my WS clubs, even if I did snap the driver shaft with a particularly vicious swing just last week (should have been annoyed but at 50 years old I was quite pleased I can still swing that fast.). The point is I’m enjoying my golf more than ever because I’m hitting longer more accurate drives, have a fairway wood that I can confidently hammer and a putter that feels amazing compared to it’s predecessor (Slazenger V300 fang – don’t all laugh at once!).

      It has been said many times below, and I’ll echo the experience, that Wilson’s website and customer service is pretty poor. In many UK golf shops there is little visibility for the brand either and any clubs that are on sale are frequently hidden in the corner of the store. If they do get the green light to go for growth from ANTA they really need in-store/club merchandisers or brand ambassadors on the ground to persuade people into considering WS as a viable choice.. Wilson Staff clubs are as good as any and great PR beats fancy adverts every time. The fact I’m writing this proves it but if Wilson can recognise that fact and up their post production game they could be truly dangerous to the status quo..

      Finally a heartfelt thank you to JB for a series of fascinating and educational articles that have turned me into a 21st century Wilson fanboy and served to increase the joy (and occasional frustration) that golf gives me..


      Ian Hamilton

      3 years ago

      Bought my first set of Tour Blades 1980. Havig now got three sets of Wilson Irons;
      V6, Staff Tour Blade and the New Staff CBs., I think I would fall into the Wilson Fanboy Category. These are Great clubs with a great Heritage. In my opinion there is no feeling like hitting the ball out of the sweetspot with the above. I’ve had Miz, Tit, Tay etc. I never ever got that superb feeling that I did with the Wilson
      However, on trying to contact Wilson Golf for information on the New CBs, I got we don’t have a golf Customer Service ? I got the information elswhere. If Wilson Golf are serious about market share they need to impove in areas like this.. Absolutely Super Golf Clubs. Wish I was 50 years younger.


      george triantafillou

      4 years ago

      Hello, I’m interested in trying one of your Latest Wilson Drivers. A little about myself,I worked for Active Leisure Sports the 80’s in the golf division for Wilson Golf. My manager was Jim Black a tough man if ever I’ve see one. I have a profound interest in the game from a young age and was a member of Spring Valley G C. for 13 years. I’m looking for a better life and believe I would be an asset to the company once again. Hope to hear from you…. George Triantafillou.


      Charlie Waffles

      4 years ago

      Probably the oldest and most respected brand out there, too bad the new owners don’t know what to do with it.



      4 years ago

      This article has prompted me to respond for the first time ever. I smashed a leg playing football in 1967 so badly that it was the end of that. I bought a set of golf clubs to do something. They were 1 year old Wilson Staff Dynapower fluid feel, not a good choice for a new would be golf maybe as blade clubs. I was a very casual golfer for the next 15 years before I had my first lesson and joined my first club in 1987 by then I had learnt how to use them. I still had the Wilsons and the club pro told to keep them but suggested a re-shafting. I did not and have regretted it ever since. I did speak to Wilson regarding reshafting and they told me that that particular model was one of their best due to the quality of the steel used in the head which they had not been able to replicate. I am now nearly 85 and would love to be still playing those clubs. But at least I am still playing



      4 years ago

      I was at a demo days last spring looking for a 3 wood. I happened by the Wilson tent after visiting all the others hitting 3 woods. I started launching balls with the D7. It seemed very light but I was killing it. Picked one up and haven’t looked back.


      Steve Sheridan

      4 years ago

      I have played Wilson Staff for years. Currently play their ball, two wedges, their bag, a hybrid and the Triton driver. Yes it is loud but its also long.
      Still, I do not understand how a company who also makes the best baseball and softaball bats cant figure out how to build a GREAT driver. The are so close to making a leap but it seems they like slow growth, Maybe the new owners will let them go for it. Tim Clarke is all class..


      Max Thore

      4 years ago

      Great article! I have played Wilson Staff golf equipment since 1964. I am currently playing the Wilson Staff c300 forged irons, FG5 driver, D7 3 wood, D7 hybrid, Staff wedges, and Wilson Staff Professional ball . 3 Club Championships and 4 holes in one. Their forged irons are awesome. Keep up the good work Wilson Staff!


      Tim Johnson

      4 years ago

      Got fitted for and bought FG Tour M3’s in 2016. Still got ’em, still love ’em. Not changing.



      4 years ago


      just got a new set of the D7 forged irons and can actually say, truly a awesome iron.



      4 years ago

      Ditto – picked up a set 2 weeks ago – unbelievably stout



      4 years ago

      Recently shot my personal best 68 with the v6’s. I love the traditional lofts. I hit them no where but love that I know exactly how far they go.



      4 years ago

      I would love to see Wilson really embrace building amazing irons. They already do a great job but they could be really special. The driver category is just so difficult to compete in, irons are more unique and not so Tech driven. I could see Wilson becoming more like the American Mizuno.
      Yes Mizuno is made in America but Wilson has much more of an American tradition.



      4 years ago

      Great article, honest ,straight forward .. I started with the Wilson blades back in the late 60’s -early 70’s and have played Wilson irons ever since . I play their Ball ,the 8802 putter , wedge , driver , V2 Tour irons and wouldn’t dream of changing.. Raised on Wilson and will die a Wilson guy!!!!



      Bob K

      4 years ago

      From the. Mid 50’s to the Mid 70’s was Wilson Blades were considered the best by far.. Most people here played Hillerch and Bradsby (a local clubmaker). I used their Scotch Blade irons. Gay Brewer and Bobby Nichols (both major winners) along with Frank Beard played them. Even Fuzzy used them for a good while. Their Citation Woods were the best persimmon woods made. They are still collectors items, especially for some reason. The Wilson Staff irons were known by all as the Tour Blades. In their time they held the same respect as the Titleist ball today. I used the H&B irons because the cost of a set was a lot less than the that of a top line wedge today.. The standard set then went 2 to wedge The only top line balls were the Maxfli, Spalding Dot, Wilson Staff and of course, Titleist. Sometime in the later 60’s or so, Titliest was handing out metal rings that only a perfectly round ball would pass through. This comparison of other balls to Titleist really hurt them because it was apparent that they weren’t round much of the time. This was the time that the Titleist started it’s dominance, which it still holds today.


      Jim Cox

      4 years ago

      Great article. Really enjoyed.


      Jim Cox

      4 years ago

      Played Wilson Staff for most of 60 years. Their clubs back then were fabulous and the new editions are following in great strides. My V6 irons are some of the best I’ve ever hit. The D series and C series drivers are phenomenal. The wedge assortment is the best out there. Now, if they only had more reps to hold demos on the East Coast they’d become number one again.



      4 years ago

      How can Wilson golf be making inroads when I can not find them to demo at my country club or Golf Galaxy in St. Louis?? They need to get the clubs our into the community.


      allan crowder

      4 years ago

      I was in the market for a set of replacement irons and just about pulled the trigger on a set of v6’s last year. They were getting a tad old and I decided to wait for a new offering. They haven’t been replaced and I was able to get a very nice (new) set of C300 forged at a deep discount. Absolutely love the irons and will be interested in Wilson’s new offerings in the future..


      Mark M

      4 years ago

      Played Staff Fluid Feel irons in the 80s and loved them.
      I’ve hit the 2019 Staff Model blades a couple of times since they were released and they felt better than any other iron I compared them to.
      I recently tested them again, with shafts fitted to my swing, and A/B’d them against my Cobra Forged Tours and a control iron (ended up being the Bluprint but covered in tape so I didn’t know).
      Hit the Staffs better (trajectory, distance, dispersion) than the others and on top of that I believe they may be the BEST FEELING IRONS I have ever hit.
      Wilson has got it going on! But now I’ve got a dilemma, because I made a resolution to NOT buy any new clubs this year.



      4 years ago

      Recently returned to golf about eighteen months back. Older now (50), and game the D7 irons, graphite shafts. They’re fantastic, and I tried a lot of GI irons. Since purchasing them a few months ago, I’ve seen a couple of even-par front nines (before my short game/brain blew the back nine. )
      Moreover, tried the new Wilson Duo Soft balls over nine holes the other day. Normally game Titleists, but the Duo Softs played pretty darn well. Long, accurate drives, and solid ball flight. My score was on par (pun intended), and was tops in my foursome.
      If you want to be competitive, give Wilson Staff a try. If you want to be competitive, and pay for a large advertising budget, stick with the Big Five.



      4 years ago

      Couldn’t quote numbers, but it seemed Cobra was in a similar position not all that long ago. With so many seemingly bemoaning the big brands duping us with rebranded junk every six months, their retro/alternative and more affordable brand can be the springboard to success.


      Jean Cullen

      4 years ago

      Play the Wilson 8882 milled putter & the Duo balls. They work for me !



      4 years ago

      I started playing golf in around 1969 and have never had Wilson golf clubs and rarely ever played Wilson Staff golf balls. Not sure why. My first two sets of clubs were made by Spalding and I played a variety of golf balls – in those days the big premium golf balls were Titleist (some things never change), Spalding Dot, Dunlap Max Fly and Wilson Staff. By contrast, I have had a number of Wilson tennis rackets and play either Wilson or Penn tennis balls.



      4 years ago

      I actually recently bought a C300 driver. I am a Wilson fan, but wasn’t sure what to expect. Well, I crush this thing. High, and for me, long (call it 230ish to the back of the range). Even better that you’re telling me it’s set up for success.

      Keep up the great work Wilson and Mr. Clarke.



      Warren Stewart

      4 years ago

      No more than two weeks ago (3/2/2020) I inquired at wilson.com about buying my father a wedge for his Wilson Launchpad set. I got three email responses saying that they were sending me to other departments to get an answer about my inquiry. My fourth email had one line: please see your nearest big-box store with a link. that was told that wilson.com could not help me with purchasing a single iron that they manufacture. My father and I did go to the big-box store and were introduced to competitors in the golf world. and of course we learned what we already knew that it’s the Indian not the arrow. My father is now a TaylorMade man. His results were very similar to Wilson but Taylormades website offers live chat, single irons for sale and a used section for up to 70% off. The Wilson website and experience was less than acceptable. No chat, no single irons and no used products. And the fact they sent us to my nearest box store only hurt them in the end. Wilson will continue to be an afterthought to other club companies because they are, in terms of social interaction and outdated 20th Century practices.



      4 years ago

      Call (731) 607-5557 Ask for Bart he will get anything Wilson ASAP and at a competitive price Lower than anyone !!!!!



      4 years ago

      If anyone else got bit by the “Triton” driver you will be hard pressed to spend another penny on Wilson equipment…



      4 years ago

      The Triton is a” super sleeper” ! Drag Racing term . The Triton can be tuned to where it’s a giant killer …. Don’t sell it short..



      4 years ago

      Yup, the Triton is a beast, straight down the fairway. Got it adjusted by a Wilson fitter and it is consistently longer than my Cobra F8. Avg drive is 210-220 but had two at 280+ last week. Just love it!

      Ian Marshall

      4 years ago

      I was a Wilson Staff contracted player in the late 60’s. Have always had a soft spot for them. I think some of todays pros would freak out, if they saw what we played with. And, yes, Wilson was innovative!



      4 years ago

      I have been playing Wilson for years and have played almost everything they have made in Left Handed. I have found that they have done nothing but better year after year. I played the blades as a PRO and as I got older started playing the GI clubs, all good. Now retired and a SR I play the D7s and love em.. I do believe Wilson is as good as anything out there today although the Marketing is not as good as the bigness spend Millions to convince you they are better, Wilson chooses to put the money into better product. Marketing or Ads if repeated enough convince people over time to believe that and especially with Golfers. I have a lot of the people I play with scoffing at me for playing Wilson but every timed I outdrive their Epic or whatever they start asking questions, but of course they but the BS and of course what to look good with their bag of whatever. Too bad.


      Jason Moehl

      4 years ago

      I watched Driver V. Driver and really enjoyed the show. I have purchased some Duo Soft golf balls and currently I game a D7 driver and Infinite putter. The Staff Model irons are fantastic and I’m very much a fan of Wilson Golf products. Keep up the great work.


      Thomas A

      4 years ago

      Most of my bag is Wilson, including the bag. FG Tour F5 driver, F5 5-gap wedge, and 2 PMP wedges. The Nexus carry/stand bag is awesome as well. I’ll be looking at the D7 forged this year.



      4 years ago

      Anyone who was a player in the 70’s played Staff’s and still have my persimmon woods ( real wood ) my second set was the X 31 + . I don’t know what happen to the golf side of Wilson but I’m glad there back. Good Luck


      Jay Klutenkamper

      4 years ago

      I got the D7’s last year to replace my Di11’s. It has not helped to lower my scores, but my accuracy and distance are increased. That should normally reduce scores, but my short game still needs a lot of work



      4 years ago

      Thanks JB, for your excellent appraisal of Wilson Staff Golf. I can honestly say that my 3020 bag includes the Wilson Staff Triton Driver and Wilson Staff D7 irons. I recorded two 280+ Drives last week with the Triton! On occasion I game the Duo/Duo Soft/Duo Pro golf balls. Guess you could put me down as a Wilson Fan!



      4 years ago

      Been playing the V6 Irons 2-3 years after playing Mizzies for many years prior. .
      Dropped my index by 3 pts to a 5….they didn’t hurt my game.. Liked the price point bigly., compared to Miz, TM, Titleist. IIRC they are about 30% less.
      I’ll be sticking with these until the replacement comes out.



      4 years ago

      Wilson is a brand I am more than familiar with. I loved their irons, and the D7’s almost won a spot in my bag as it’s back to Super Game Improvement for these old arthritic shoulders. The Cobra FMAX Superlites barely edged them out. Before the set of Srixon’s that got replaced I was playing a wonderful set of Wilson Staff Di 9’s. I also packed a Fybrid in the bag. I have a lot of respect for Wilson Staff Equipment. Up until 2 years ago, I was gaming their balls as well.



      4 years ago

      I love the irons, played v4 and v6 and am ready to order the moment the next one is announced. The woods are still too draw biased, the C300’s were better but not great performers for me. Trotting out that hack Shiels did not help my opinion of their show.



      4 years ago

      I’ve been saying this for awhile now, they need to change names. The Wilson Staff name will always say “cheap” to me and most others.



      4 years ago

      bet you wouldn’t say that to Sam Snead but I date myself



      4 years ago

      That, pal, is YOUR problem. W/S = Class!



      4 years ago

      Hey Ed,
      That would NOT be my problem. That is Wilson’s problem. I am not trying to sell golf equipment, they are.


      4 years ago

      Agree completely Ed. Players on tour have been playing Staff gear, even as they’ve lagged in sales. Harrington won Majors with their clubs. They’ve maintained a solid stable of PGA and Euro players.
      Some people just spout nonsense.

      Mile Biggs

      4 years ago

      That’s not how it was not too long ago. Wilson Staff meant what the pros play. They got there before; they can do it again. I played junior golf with FG-17s (in the 70’s) and used them until 2001. I haven’t found any club since that I like as well, and I’ve played nearly every blade out there. Go get ‘em, Wilson! I hope you succeed with flying colors. Just don’t ever start sacrificing quality for volume again.



      4 years ago

      WilsonStaff Was the King and it Will Return !
      It had all the Top Golfers for years as present day TM is staffed . Tim is doing an outstanding job in getting the company and name back to the” King of The Hill “. Persistence , Patience ,Performance. ,Young upcoming talent Playing like their hair is on fire …
      p..s. I too prefer the name “WilsonStaff”



      4 years ago

      No, they need to get rid of the cheap PROSTAFF name for box sets, because that is what hugely devalved the Wilson Staff name. W/S is a brand with long, long history in golf, getting rid of it would be huge mistake. But they simply can’t have new golfers in shock wondering why “staff”” clubs are so expensive compared to PROstaff… where you have 10 clubs for 300, including bag.



      4 years ago

      Wilson needs to change their website. It’s awful. Really, really awful. Selling in this market with a website that’s a horrific mishmash of brands, sports and unrelated products is death. How do they not know this?

      Here’s my idea for replacing Driver vs Driver. How about Website vs Website or Branding vs Branding?
      They could engage web developers and marketers who are golf freaks. An equally effective miniseries of marketing.



      4 years ago

      Have to agree, undoubtedly the worst website for golf equipment, demo days etc – where are your stockists! I’m keen to try D7 forged, finding an experienced fitter via the website is a non starter.!



      4 years ago

      I agree the website must be updated it’s bland !!!!


      4 years ago

      My first irons were Wilson Staff; once I learned to hit them, sure were sweet feeling/accurate. Now play Mizuno irons, but would give the Staff replacement of the V6 irons a try…



      4 years ago

      I have the V2’s. No need to replace them. Got the 2, 3, 4 utility hybrid v4’s — they’re great too.


      Bob Pegram

      4 years ago

      When I worked for PGA Superstore we would try all of the brands. I could hit the Wilson C300 farther than almost any other driver including the Cortex. At first we thought it must have been the shaft. For most people a rear weighted driver is best for both distance and ease of launch. However, the MSG Center-of-Gravity study of driver heads showed the C300 head is front weighted towards the face and high – the exact configuration most better golfers need. It wasn’t until I saw the MSG study that I knew why I could hit the C300 so far. I was surprised more tour pros who use Wilson didn’t use those heads. The C300s were never promoted much which surprised me. Wilson could have promoted them along with the blade irons Woodland and other touring pros use. I don’t think the C300s are made any more. They were also extremely adjustable with three weight ports – another advantage.



      4 years ago

      I have the Cortex now , and I’m hitting that good but now I will be looking for a C-300 now.
      Thanks for the great tip.


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