Shocking News! TaylorMade SLDR Driver Isn’t Just a Tour Prototype

Shocking News! TaylorMade SLDR Driver Isn’t Just a Tour Prototype

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Shocking News! TaylorMade SLDR Driver Isn’t Just a Tour Prototype

Written By: Tony Covey

Here We Go Again

3 weeks to the date after the first pictures showed up, the mostly poorly acted charade of the golf season has come to its predictable conclusion. Not that there was much doubt this day would come…and quickly, but TaylorMade just killed whatever suspense there was with the announcement that the “Tour Prototype” SLDR Driver would be available for retail purchase on August 9th.

Did anybody not see this coming?

From Tour Prototype to scheduled release in 3 short weeks?

This SLDR thing must really be something.

A New Flagship Driver

Before I talk about what SLDR is, I have to tell you what SLDR isn’t.

SLDR isn’t like when Callaway released an ultra-lightweight, semi-niche driver where they can argue they’re not flooding the market; they’re just trying to round out the lineup.

Nope. SLDR ain’t that.

SLDR is TaylorMade setting sail with a new flagship driver right in the middle of the damn golf season.

In case any of this is the least bit unclear to you, let me spell it out.

The TaylorMade SLDR is the direct replacement for the TaylorMade R1 (released 6 months ago)…and by extension the R1 Black (released 2 months ago).

Wow…just wow. In fact, holy shit!

It’s one thing to release a larger head, a smaller head, a head with upgraded adjustability, a head with a glued hosel, a head with a new paint job…TaylorMade has done that sort of stuff in the past, but a mid-season, new line replacement for their flagship model?

It’s weird. Frankly, I’m not entirely sure what to make of it.

What Can I Tell You About SLDR?

I’ve spent the last several days banging away at my keyboard trying to tell you the story of the SLDR driver. No exaggeration, I’ve written nearly 10,000 words on the subject, and haven’t found 2000 that I’m happy with.

Here’s the issue; apart from the most hardcore TaylorMade fanboy, I can’t find anyone who is legitimately excited about this driver. The wow factor, for a multitude of reasons is almost zero.

I love a new driver, as much as…hell, more than anybody, and even I’m struggling to muster any excitement.

That’s a big problem for me.

Not Another TaylorMade Driver

I know what you’re thinking…This is just TaylorMade being TaylorMade and releasing 10 drivers in a season. This is just more of the same.

Factually, if we’re counting Tour, and Tour Issue, and new paint jobs, it’s really only the 6th, which is still a lot (some would say too many).

The only emotion SLDR seems to be stirring is anger. That’s no audience for a new driver.

I’ve heard plenty of theories as to why TaylorMade would release the SLDR now instead of waiting until next February. To one degree or another, most of them make sense.

Metalwoods market share is down. Callaway took a chunk. Nike got one too.

Revenue is down.

Some would say TaylorMade is desperate.

TaylorMade has an answer for all of it.

The market share drop was expected, and TaylorMade’s cut is still more than 2 times that of their nearest competitor.

Revenues are down, but percentage-wise it’s just a couple of ticks, which isn’t bad when you consider the brutal winter that hurt everyone’s bottom line.

Desperation is a stretch when you have the number one selling driver in golf.

TaylorMade would say they’re releasing SLDR now because innovation can’t wait – not because Callaway just released a new driver too.

The Truth of the Matter

As with most stories where viewpoints diverge, the real story of the apparently early release of the SLDR driver almost certainly lies in the middle.

Absolutely, competition is stronger than it has been in years. TaylorMade is being pushed, and when you take an objective look at their post R11 driver releases; it’s hard to argue they’ve released anything of real consequence. It’s all been solid, but none of it revolutionary.

Absolutely Callaway has gained momentum, and it stands to reason that even if we’re only talking about a couple of percentage points, TaylorMade would rather not finish behind last year’s numbers.

But despite a multitude of factors that suggest that SLDR is as much about putting new product on the shelves as anything else, I’ve come to believe that TaylorMade actually believes SLDR is a special driver.

All Releases are Not Created Equal

Ask anybody at any golf company and they’ll say the same thing:

“Everything we make is really good” – Everybody at Every Golf Company

And yet, despite the stench of perpetual awesomeness, deep down these guys know that some products are actually better than others – and it comes across when they talk about them.

When the MyGolfSpy staff was at Callaway last winter, they stepped us through their entire product line. It was all really (really, really) good – best ever kind of stuff (even the RAZR Fit Xtreme fairway wood), but the XHot fairway was special. They didn’t just tell us they had there answer for RocketBallz, they believed it.

Look…maybe I’m gullible, even stupid, but certain releases just come across differently. R11s, R1 that was business as usual. In fact, it’s been business as usual for every TaylorMade driver release I’ve covered since R11.

SLDR is different. I can’t tell you why I believe that, because I don’t fully understand it myself, but my gut is telling me that behind all the hype, and fluff, and the “this is the longest driver we’ve ever created” stuff; inside of TaylorMade, they absolutely believe that SLDR is their best work in the driver category in years.  I think they think it’s the kind of driver you build a franchise around.

And that’s a problem for TaylorMade because I think when golfers see SLDR they aren’t seeing anything special. It doesn’t look the part of a flagship TaylorMade driver, and that means golfers aren’t nearly as likely to take it off the rack to find out how good it really is.

But, But, But . . . Mizuno

Right about now is where the clever crowd starts chiming in with, “Of course it doesn’t look like a TaylorMade driver. They stole it from Mizuno”.

We’ve covered it before, but in the interest of helping you not go through life all ignorant and whatnot, let’s get a few things sorted out right quick.

Any resemblance to Mizuno’s FastTrack system which first appeared on the MP-600 is superficial at best. Mizuno’s system was designed with the goal of moving weight around the rear perimeter of the golf club.

TaylorMade’s SLDR weight system is forwardly placed, and the weight is relocated parallel (as opposed to around) to the face. That may sound like a small detail, but as far as the performance implications are concerned they’re worlds apart.

The other key thing to consider and this is the part you’re really going to want to pay close attention to; we did some extensive research on patents pertaining to sliding, rail-based weighting systems. As it happens, TaylorMade’s patent pre-dates Mizuno’s by over a year.

Your Mizuno argument is invalid and uninformed…please move along.

What We’ve Got Here Is . . .

TaylorMade’s marketing team would almost certainly tell me that this SLDR thing is just getting started and that I should sit back (probably shut up), and watch them do what they do. Before they’re done, the golfer is going to believe what they believe (SLDR is really, really, really good).

I don’t see it happening.

The excitement level feels low. And what’s worse, this isn’t about converting the “I’d never put that in my bag crowd”, it’s a battle against early indifference – and that’s a problem for TaylorMade too.

Worse yet, I believe a lot of golfers are going to see SLDR as nothing more than something TaylorMade threw on the shelf to kill time until the spring.

If this is what TaylorMade says it is…the flagship driver for a new generation of TaylorMade product, they could find themselves in a difficult position this spring when their competitors are putting new product on the shelf next to TaylorMade’s six month old relative relic.

Then again…the can always release the next generation SLDR.

According to TaylorMade’s Tom Olsavsky; when it comes to the number of drivers TaylorMade can release, there is no limit. “The golfer is always looking to buy better performance”.

The R1 Black Fail

I’m not positive why, despite tour player tweets, and launch monitor photos, and all the other pre-release stuff TaylorMade did to build buzz, there isn’t the same level of eager anticipation there usually is for a new TaylorMade driver.

Absolutely the timing sucks. It’s not even August. There might even be a TaylorMade driver hangover of sorts, but more than anything else, the issue is that SLDR, I believe, simply doesn’t have any real wow factor.

Even if you hate all of it, what’s more interesting to you – all lofts in a single head, an adjustable sole plate that looks like a compass and a bold crown graphic or a shiny piece of blue anodized aluminum on an otherwise ordinary looking driver?

Now let me ask you this – What if Back in Black (or Back in Charcoal) was part of the SLDR story?

What if in addition to the re-invention of moveable weights, the SLDR was the first black driver TaylorMade released since the R9 series?

SLDR is a whole lot more interesting if R1 Black doesn’t exist. It might even look like the game-changer I think TaylorMade thinks it is.

“This is a magical, magical golf club” – Tom Kroll, Product Evangelist, TaylorMade-adidas Golf

A Boring Performance Story

From a performance perspective, TaylorMade is saying some pretty compelling things about SLDR. While they are calling SLDR the longest driver they’ve ever made, TaylorMade won’t be making any specific distance claims (contrary to the popular myth, TaylorMade hasn’t made a specific driver distance claim in years).

What they are telling me personally, however;  is that compared to R1, most players will pick up 2-3MPH of ball speed, and decrease spin by up to 400RPM. According to TaylorMade Product Evangelist, Tom Kroll, TaylorMade staffers are picking up between 6 and 10 yards.

That’s pretty bold. R1 is no slouch.

While the numbers sound great, the story behind them is much less compelling.

For years every new release has included a blurb about how extra distance was achieved through a relocation of the center of gravity.

For the better part of the last decade it was all about moving the CG lower and further back. Now it’s about moving it low and forward. It’s different, and that should matter, but for most golfers, the center of gravity story, no matter how new, or how different from the one that came before it, is basically played out.

Like I keep saying, I think TaylorMade believes they have something special, but so far it hasn’t come across that way. I know…it’s early.

Better Adjustability

While the sliding rail system provides the eye-candy, and plays a substantial role in the previously mentioned center of gravity placement thing, functionally not much is new.

The new system features 20 grams of re-positional weight (compared to 9 grams (excluding additional weights) under the old system). The 30 yards of lateral change in ball flight TaylorMade claims it offers is actually only 2 yards more than the 28 yards offered with 2007’s R7 SuperQuad.

Nearly 6 years has netted us 2 yards. And that’s if you believe 20 grams is enough weight to shift the center of gravity and fundamentally alter trajectory.

That’s fine though. The sliding weight…that’s the eye-candy. It’s cool, but it’s not the real story.

Low and forward…that’s the real story.

As far as the updated adjustability goes, the real selling point for the SLDR weight system is that it’s easier for the average golfer to understand, and takes far less time to adjust the weights.

Nearly every golf company talks about doing a better job of enabling the golfer to adjust his own club. On paper SLDR does just that, but in the real-world, I don’t think it will change much of anything. Those who want to adjust already do, and those that don’t probably never will.

For fitters, and compulsive tinkerers, however; TaylorMade has cut the time it takes to reposition the weights down to about 10 seconds. That’s actually a huge improvement.

Obligatory SLDR Specifications

As is the case with most TaylorMade shafts, the stock non-TP shaft offerings are “designed for variants”, while the TP model is a “real” Fujikura Motore Speeder TourSpec 6.3.

Swing Weight Woes

For compulsive tweakers, there are some issues with tuning the weight to work with a variety of shafts. With the old system you could buy additional weights allowing you to basically hit your desired swing weight with any shaft.

While TaylorMade estimates those guys (guys like me) represent less than 10% of the market, because of some issues with the USGA, TaylorMade was forced to put a barely removable plug over the access hole for the weight cartridge. The USGA felt the opening could provide an aerodynamic benefits, and for whatever reason they haven’t yet allowed TaylorMade to use a screw to secure the cap (the opening is threaded, so maybe the USGA will come around).

The result is that while adjusting the weight is easy, swapping it isn’t. TaylorMade is looking into making aftermarket kits available, but as of right now, guys who constantly experiment with different shafts are going to have some issues.

Putting SLDR to the Test

I’m told it’s going to be a few weeks but as soon as we get a complete set of samples of the SLDR driver we’re going to be putting them to the test. Once again, here’s what TaylorMade is saying:

Compared to R1 SLDR offers:

  • 2-3 MPH Ball Speed
  • 400RPM less spin
  • More Distance (6 to 10 yards)

As soon as we can, we’re going to bring back the 6 testers from our Most Wanted Driver test and have them hit SLDR vs. R1. head to head.

Just because TaylorMade thinks they have something special, it doesn’t mean that they actually do.

If SLDR is the real deal, we’ll tell you. If it can’t measurably outperform TaylorMade’s own R1, you can bet we’ll tell you that too.

In the meantime, would it kill you to show a little excitement?

TaylorMade SLDR Tidbits

I spoke with members of the TaylorMade team about the SLDR for nearly an hour. Not everything made it into the story, but I did want to share some of the more interesting notes from my conversation with Tom Kroll (TaylorMade Product Evangelist), and Tom Olsavsky (Senior Director of Product Creation for Metalwoods).

    • On the flurry of Callaway Trademark Applications: TaylorMade won’t comment specifically on Callaway’s recent run of Slider-Like trademark claims, but Olsavsky did say that they’re not surprising, and that it’s to be expected in a competitive environment.
    • And speaking of Callaway (loosely), Olsavsky claims that that while a 15% improvement in aerodynamics yields only one additional yard, moving the CG 10% lower produces 7 more yards. What this means as that aerodynamics offer the most benefit to higher swing speed players, while CG improvements benefit everyone.
    • On rumors that TaylorMade pilfered the SLDR design from Adams:  Olsavsky and Kroll told me in no uncertain terms that TaylorMade has been working on SLDR since 2006. It is, they say, an original TaylorMade design.
    • On market saturation: There is no limit to the number of products. The important thing is to cover different segments and assist retail partners by controlling volume and helping manage inventory. R1 is the best-selling driver of 2013 and has sold roughly 300K units. When you consider that there are 6.6 million avid golfers and 15 million total golfers when if you include recreational golfers; despite its success, R1 reached less than 5% of the avid golfing population and only 2% of the population as a whole. That’s obviously a comparatively small number on both accounts. If you have the opportunity to reach more golfers, why wait? Olsavsky pointed out that R1 is still a great driver. “If you’re happy and playing well”, said Olsavsky, keep doing it.
    • On the disappearance of ASP: While TaylorMade absolutely believes the technology was effective, the ASP design requires a raised sole. When you raise the sole, you raise the center of gravity. With SLDR the goal was to place the CG as low as possible, which meant ASP had to go.
    • On moving away from 8°-12° in a single head: TaylorMade says 98% of golfers fit into a head with a face angle between 3° open and 3° closed. With a 4° range like R1 had you get extreme face angles on either end. By moving back to stamped lofts, TaylorMade can better fit high and low loft golfers.
    • On the difference between the V1 and V2 head: It’s purely cosmetic. The same casting tool was used. Only the engraving is different. As of now there are no plans for a smaller T-serial head. Players haven’t asked for one, and the suggestion is TaylorMade is looking to move away from creating distinct products for tour players. Curiosity point – only about 30 of the V1 heads were produced.
    • On Sound and Feel: TaylorMade believes the SLDR is the best sound and feeling driver since the R510.
    • On Performance: TaylorMade’s Tom Kroll believes SLDR is the best driver on the market.
“I have my product and I will stand it up against anybody. I have zero apprehension about taking on anyone.” – Tom Kroll

TaylorMade SLDR Driver

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Tony Covey

Tony Covey

Tony Covey

Tony is the Editor of MyGolfSpy where his job is to bring fresh and innovative content to the site. In addition to his editorial responsibilities, he was instrumental in developing MyGolfSpy's data-driven testing methodologies and continues to sift through our data to find the insights that can help improve your game. Tony believes that golfers deserve to know what's real and what's not, and that means MyGolfSpy's equipment coverage must extend beyond the so-called facts as dictated by the same companies that created them. Most of all Tony believes in performance over hype and #PowerToThePlayer.

Tony Covey

Tony Covey

Tony Covey

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      10 years ago

      Currently have an R1 with stiff shaft that I can fly about 260 on center face hit. Have demo-ed SLDR twice:
      Demo #1
      R1 at 10.5 degrees vs. SLDR at 10.5 degrees = 6 yards longer for SLDR

      Demo #2
      SLDR at 10.5 degrees (stiff shaft) — 260 to 280 yards, with max of 293 yards
      SLDR at 12 degrees (stiff shaft) — 250 to 270 yards, with max of 281 yards

      My experience with SLDR similar to Rick Shiels (You Tube video): very long but mixed results on loft up. More work needed (11 to 11.5 degrees perhaps, using 10.5 head as basis).

      SLDR will be in my bag soon. May wait for white version of SLDR.


      Mark Brittain

      10 years ago

      It has one major flaw. The SLDR emblem on the bottom of the club is a stamped metal emblem. After a little use, the emblem will peel away from the club and 2 sharp points will appear away from the club. This is a major design flaw that Taylor Made needs to fix.


      R holes

      10 years ago

      We’ll had titleist 913 d2 land loved that driver
      Hit this taylormade sldr driver loft at 10.5
      had to get it, Added 20 yards more carry and the roll out was amazing.
      It got a great feel to.
      Sorry titleist. Much try!


      Keene Ferrer

      10 years ago

      Holy confusion Batman.I think I’ll use my cape tee off!



      10 years ago

      you say the plug for the access to the weight cartridge is barely removable but you show it as removed. how did you do it and is it replaceable?



      Tony Covey

      10 years ago

      It’s not elegant. Keep in mind that the weight port cover is basically glued in to place (the damn USGA wouldn’t let TaylorMade put a sensible screw in there. It’s relatively easy to pop it loose with a flathead screw driver to pull everything apart. Last I heard additional weights weren’t available, but TaylorMade was looking into it. It’s a little bit of a downer really. What I loved about the old MWT system is that you could dial in swing weight for a variety of shafts with very little issues. That’s not the case with SLDR, which while not a dealbreaker it’s a bummer compared to R1 and previous.


      Paul Draper

      10 years ago

      If the SLDR is 460cc then what is SLDR TP? Thank you!


      Tony Covey

      10 years ago

      TP is different shaft only.



      11 years ago

      this it for me you lot are the most cynical set of negative idiots I have come across,i putt like o drive and on a course like ours at 7600 yards I need all I can get. I was on tour in late 70’s and I know a lot about drivers. keep on groaning and moaning I am just glad I have found a superb driver that works not like most


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago


      LMAO, yea right. Name of course please. This I gotta look at

      “On Tour in late 70’s”…your name please, this I gotta see.

      LMAO, Dude, if that the second lie were truth, you should be able to pick up ANY driver and have it “work.”

      “Cynical set of idiots”

      HaHa, Dude, the only reason that I am cynical is because of bullsh*t posts like yours, lol

      “This it for me”

      Promises, promises……..

      Fairways & Greens 4ever



      11 years ago

      TM will introduce the white SLDR in few months by claiming they received so many requests from fans that they had to come out with a white version.


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      I think you’re probably right about this. It’s a market reality. It’s all but a given that TMaG will release a replacement for RBZ Stage 2 early next year. That gets them something new on the shelf at $299, but Callaway is sure to release a premium ($399) offering as well, so it stands to reason TaylorMade will want something fresh on the shelves as well.

      The simplest way to do that without totally alienating the consumer is with a white version of the SLDR…perhaps a new take on white for those who want it.

      I don’t think you’ll see a SLDR Stage 2 or anything like that, but they’re not going to sit back and do nothing either.


      Jeff Trigger

      11 years ago

      If you’re 60 and hitting it 300, why aren’t you on the tour? As for affording it, well, my driver was fit with an Oban Kiyoshi White, 1/2 inch short. I’m willing to bet the shaft alone equalled your purchase price. As for open qualifying courses that is nice. Tell me when you break 80 at Pinehurst number two. You do know shafts effect spin rate more than the head right?


      dave clark

      11 years ago

      I also play at an Open qualifying course not the easy par 3 you must play at. don’t know your age but when you get to near 60 and can hit 300 yds come back and make your prissy comments. this club is the bees if you have not tried it or cannot afford it keep your mouth shut


      Jeff Trigger

      11 years ago

      Here is my two cents. If you want to be closer to the green on your second shot, you need not spend hundreds of dollars on a golf club. I have a very simple and cost effective solution, move up one tee box.


      dave clark

      11 years ago

      Idiot, as you get older the bones don’t twist as easy. I hit the SLDR 290-300 easy. I have tried it today with my old Stage 2 shaft in and it is awesome. I could whip your ass into the next game next tee box indeed .


      dave clark

      11 years ago

      Well I need to add my bit. I’m 58 play off 6 and wanted 10 yards extra to keep competitive. I bought the Rocketballz Stage 2 and although I did not like to colour or longer shaft, It gave me that BUT with less consistency than my previous 913 D2.I have now played 6 rounds with my new SLDR. you can criticise Taylormade all you want but this driver is unbelievable. The slider weight is great. The club already have a draw bias so most people I am sure will play neutral or even slightly open. I am now longer than my Stage 2. The club is super consistent and straight it gives you so much confidence. The shaft is slightly shorter and the sound off the fact – SUBLIME. I agree TM launch clubs with little difference normally, but this is one they have got spot on wither by fluke or by design. If you want longer straighter drives this is the one , and believe me I have tried them all.


      Sheriff of Golf

      11 years ago

      Is it lower spinning than R1?. Should I play get more loft than i’m playing due to lower spin?


      Douglas Fehan

      11 years ago

      I bought one today…played 18 with it after hitting 6 balls on the range. After just 2 additional tweaks I was was slamming it well past my RBZ-2, did not miss a fairway, with just extrodinary ball flight. I am a 9…I won’t be looking for another driver for a long time. Say what you will…believe what you want. This SLDR thing works and works very, very, very well.


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      HaHa, ya, this is good. Well written, concise & and I believe that even Dave would agree, grammatically correct. I myself believe that he’s one of those individuals who was a grammatical mess as a youngster, sorta like the fat person who finally loses weight and they then become obsessesed with everyone else’s weight.

      So he finally gets a computer/device with a fully functional spell check, and he’s sitting there with basically an empty life, cuz I mean come on, what kind of person goes to a golf blog and then goes off on a few nonconsequential errors, and let me remind you Davey, Tony’s writing was acceptable to EVERY other individual on this page.

      You wanna disagree with some of the content, ok, however to write multiple posts regarding his English and grammar?

      HaHa, but ya gotta give it to him. His response posts are better grammatically. Oh wait, you’re the type of reader that dropped in, posted that crap, and then you’ll stop back in 3-4 months to do it again, lol.

      Fairways & Greens 4ever



      11 years ago

      See my other comments, there’s meaningful contribution. It’s not an unfair expectation on my part, to read an article written by a staff member without typos and grammatical errors, is it? There’s a place where such errors are allowable – the comment section, submissions by folks who aren’t commissioned in any official capacity. If you feel that you should be allowed to write, and submit, articles with errors and not receive critical feedback then I guess my expectations should be reduced. Truthfully, I don’t think that’s too much to ask. It is, unfortunately, becoming the norm in today’s media.


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago


      Given that you have no idea what the time constraints were on this article, I don’t think you’re in any real position to speak on what may or may not be sloppy as far as a couple of typos are concerned. “Commissioned in any official capacity”? Seriously? Climb down off your high horse. “Allowed to write and submit” Seriously (again)? Whose permission is required?

      I’m also guessing you’re new here and have ZERO insight into our financial model, and how we operate vs. the rest of the golf media industry. Simply put…the consequence of turning down advertising dollars (six figures worth) from TaylorMade, Callaway, Nike, PING, Titleist, Adams, Mizuno, etc., etc., is that we can’t hire a full-time proofreader (one who incidentally would have been working at 1:30 AM when this article was completed and published). I’m basically good with that…and so are 99.99% of the people who visit this site regularly.

      Furthermore, Your expectations? Really? My god…give my regards to the Queen.

      You pay nothing for the content here. We give you the option of donating to help support us, but we don’t force you to pay…hell…we don’t even force you to read.


      Jeff Trigger

      11 years ago

      Apply cold water directly to the burn!


      11 years ago

      Do you proofread your articles?! You mentioned that out of 10k words you could barely use 2k, try a couple of things, proper punctuation, correct spelling, and using the right words in the right place. ESPECIALLY if you are going to be critical about a company’s product, you might want to get those details right. Just saying…
      Clearly you aren’t a Taylormade fan, but your hack article surely would’ve received negative marks in a 6th grade English class. Maybe you wrote it with a blindfold on? I have no respect for critical comments in a poorly written article, your opinion is yours, but try going the extra mile and at least getting the basics right. Blech!


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      Hey Dave,

      Do you actually have anything meaningful to contribute or are you just here to be the self-appointed grammar police? It’s a chasm broader than the span of your ego between a couple of typos and a poorly written article.

      Despite your apparent abhorrence for my work, you seem to have taken the time to read every last word of it (even the misspelled ones). How bad could it have been?

      Regardless, if it makes you feel better about yourself, I’m certainly glad I could help out. Sleep easy tonight, my friend.

      I don’t need your respect. I get plenty from the industry I write about.



      11 years ago

      Wow – the amount of time spent here hating TM proves their success. It reminds me of Duke and Carolina in college hoops. If this many people have this much interest in tearing you down you must be doing something right. Oh yeah – and sales don’t lie. #longlivecapitalism



      11 years ago

      Wow, a voice of reason amidst the clamor of haters!


      Travis Creed

      11 years ago

      Tried this club last weekend and was not impressed. It did not feel as solid as my Adams purchased last year and I saw zero added distance. Two of the lower handicap players in my group tried it as well saw no better results. To be fair, we did not tinker with it at all. Performance may have improved with some adjustment but the first impression did not merit the effort.

      As a former bomber in my youth, I’m a sucker for claims like “the longest driver we’ve ever produced”. Unfortunately, I have yet to find the 15 or 20 yards I’ve lost over time and this club is not likely the solution. As a devotee to the sedentary lifestyle of a late forties desk jockey, perhaps I should consult with my pharmacist instead of my golf pro for the magic bean.



      11 years ago

      In other words, the driver you tried didn’t fit your swing and thusly didn’t give you improved performance, surprise! Maybe you should utilize the fitting options available with adjustable technology (tried and true) to improve your performance, you might also try working out a little and working on your swing with a worthy golf instructor and then you’d surely gain the yardage you’ve lost to your desk job.



      11 years ago

      The physics of a more forward CG completely make sense. If CG is in the back of the club, the energy has to be transferred from the back of the club to the ball resulting in an energy loss. With a CG in the front, energy transfers from the club face to the ball without loss due to travel.



      11 years ago

      Plus, a forward CG reduces dynamic loft and increases ball speed. The loss in forgiveness is minimal since more loft is more forgiving and by reducing dynamic loft you can play more loft.



      11 years ago

      I have had ALL the Taylormade drivers including this years R1 white and R1 black. I took demo SLDR to the driving range and hit both SLDR and R1 with my Diamana blue shaft. BEST driver I ever hit. Straighter, Deeper (10-15 yds.) , Good sound, feels real solid. I was going back and forth with the two drivers. There is no comparison, it will be in the bag tomorrow


      DJ Criss

      11 years ago

      I was a taylormade guy forever, I went to the razr fit, really good club! Even hit the Red Nike for about a month, very solid and long! Just got the SLDR Tuesday, as far as the looks go and the technology put into it, I have no complaints. I think it looks very classy! Hated the TP speeder shaft in it for some reason?? Put a Miyazaki in it and also tried a VST tour SPX and it is truly a unbelievable club. The most solid taylormade since the 510 TP. This club is extremely long and a great fit for me, went in the bag right away after the shaft change. There’s no doubt it’s great club. I know TM is a little crazy about releasing clubs like no other, but that’s the business there in. Give one a try, got to find the right shaft, in my opinion. I Deffinatlly hit it longer and it feels better than anything I own and I own just about all of them!



      11 years ago

      Ok.. I drank the kool aid with the R1 and it is a pretty good driver with the 7M3 shaft. But I did wait until they came out with one (the Black one) that at least looked ok. Someone really tried hard to bring back 60’s era frat sweaters with the white one. But with the SLDR, I am really having a hard time. Much of the article states that a key feature is the weighting low and forward in the club. Guess what. That is where the screw-in weights are on the R1. I just don’t get this one.Yeah it might be the newest, longest and bestest Taylormade, but really by how much.Overhyped is becoming the norm in golf equipment. Next they will be reducing the lofts to 7 or 8 degrees so we can “hit it farther” … Wait a minute they already did that too.


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      Yes…the weights in the R1 are low. With the SLDR they are lower. What TaylorMade says…and it make sense…is that the supporting components of the old MWT implementation, threaded holes, the ports themselves, etc., not only required additional mass, they were a limiting factor in how low they could move the CG.

      What EVERYBODY on the design side I’ve ever spoken with agrees on is that every last gram of weight matters, so eliminating the structure required to support the old round-weight style isn’t insignificant.

      Regarding loft…pure nonsense. The reality is almost all drivers have higher than stated lofts. It’s defense against nearly everyone who thinks they need less loft than they do. Loft as catalyst for distance is a myth. It’s part of the fitting equation. Some guys get their best results at 8*, others at 14*.

      Lower lofts are not longer…and nobody inside the industry has really ever suggested as much. Incidentally, the same is true for fairway woods. 13* 3-woods aren’t inherently longer than 15* models. All other factors being equal (shaft length primarily), which produces more distance depends will differ based on the golfer.



      11 years ago

      17* with 1700 rpms is what research has demonstrated to be the optimal launch conditions for distance. Rocket scientists are designing golf clubs now, Taylormade is not only a marketing company, they’re also a research company. Once they reach that goal, then what? That’s when it will really get interesting. Since they’ve put this objective out there, and that’s seemingly as good as it can get within the current rules, my guess is that they’ll then have to change the rules in order to continue creating newer longer better drivers. Bifurcation has to be the answer.


      11 years ago


      17* launch and 1700 RPM is optimal for who? “Optimal” is swing specific. If somebody swings 85 mph, is 17* launch and 1700 RPM optimal? Any physicist worth their own salt would say absolutely not. Launch and Spin rate have everything to do with individual swing tendencies and they are NOT the same for everyone.

      I agree that TM is also a research company. About 10% research, 90% sales and marketing.

      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      gunmetal…we’re getting there…slowly. Wasn’t too long ago when people assumed (Dave’s post seems to suggest) that there is a magical set of parameters that are “ideal” for everyone. If only I could launch at 17 and 1700, my distance would be maximized.

      While I see what you’re getting at, I’m not a fan of using swing speed either…it’s all about ball speed. At equal swing speed, the guy who hits it off the heel doesn’t generate the same ball speed as a guy who hits it on the sweet spot, but regardless…if you take a guy who swings 85MPH, hits the hell out of the sweet spot, and generates 125 MPH worth of ball speed, 17*/1700 is a disaster. It’s not nearly enough spin to keep the ball in the air for that guy…and that’s before we even consider angle of attack, which is really the starting point from which one needs to work his way towards ideal.

      All of that said, if you honestly believe that TaylorMade spends so comparatively little on R&D, you’re delusional. When you have TaylorMade money…or Nike money there is ZERO need to pillage R&D to pay for marketing. There’s more than enough for everyone.


      11 years ago


      A while back when I was working towards an MBA, I did a case study on Callaway vs Adams Golf. I found that Callaway, Adams, Ping, Nike, TM, Titleist, etc – all the major manufacturers consider player endorsement dollars as part of R&D. In terms of the financial disclosures and accounting, Nike counts the 20 million they give to Tiger every year as R&D. They justify it by saying that player input is heavily relied upon in the design process. Fair enough, but I think that’s a loose use of the term R&D. I can assure you Callaway isn’t shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars to aerospace engineers and metallurgists to bring us the “Optiforce”. They’re shelling out hundres of millions of dollars to make sure we see their staff bags every sunday. The advancements in technology over the past 7-10 years back me up. Look at driving distance on the PGA tour over the past 7-10 years. Same.

      With that said, I was being a bit fictitious with the 90/10 comment. I know TM knows what they’re doing. They are one of the best at designing clubs. It’s probably more like 80/20 ;)


      11 years ago

      I’m a minority in that I luv the graphics of the R1 … it is cool. White gives more confidence – it’s big. I also like all of the adjustments because I am retooling my swing. The driver is a nice tool for finding what fits you.

      Yes, I thought all of those adjustments were weighty, but so is a sliding bracket. I hope they incorporate an adjustable weight into the slyder bracket.

      I’ve heard low and forward in the Slyder creates a more forgiving head and a larger sweetspot. It will help golfersfordummies who tee the ball too low. I do not think of the R1 as forgiving as I’d want it — so the Slyder may have better feel and more ballspeed.

      Will it help me? Occasionally. I already hit the ball towards the top of the face, so the engorged sweetspot may help an occasional poor swing.

      I’m just not enthused about a new driver. I want to play with a club the rest of the year, not keep on adjusting. I’ll wait for Slyder II or wait until Slyder 1 is selling for $100, which will probably occur around December.



      11 years ago

      Time will tell. The naysayers pre-doomed the removable weights, the adjustable shafts and the white crowns but TM proved that their engineering was solid and the competition was left to play catchup. I would not bet against them in the long haul



      11 years ago

      Right…and for the SLDR TM abandoned the White Crown. What gives? What happened to the “science of white”, LOL?

      Not saying it’s not going to be a fine driver, but leave the “our longest driver ever” crap out.



      11 years ago

      Still hit my Callaway FT-IQ Tour with the REAL Fubuki. It’s still the best combination or accuracy and distance I’ve ever hit, and I demo most of what comes out. The shafts drive the clubs, that’s the only place technology is actually improving anymore.



      11 years ago

      BEST post on here so far!!!



      11 years ago

      Another 6-10 yards, baby! Since R7 Limited gave me another 10, and R9 gave me another 10, then R9 Superquad gave me another 10, then R11 threw in another 10, then R11S gave me another 10, then R1 gave me another 10, now I get 6-10 more with SLDR.

      Mr Kroll needs to explain to me why the piss I’m not 80 yards longer than I was 5 years ago when my Swingspeed has actually increased.

      Let’s not mention COR and CT that were MAXED OUT 12 FREAKIN’ YEARS AGO. Leave distance claims alone, already. Sheesh! Just say we made a sweet new driver and pinched Cobra’s Amp Cell alignment aid. What’s so bad about that?



      11 years ago

      None of you has figured out the ‘real’ reason for a white club head. It’s because of weight! TM wanted to put the lie adjustment plate on the bottom of the club. This added weight to an already 460cc head. TM has told us for a few years that 460cc means distance. It is also the maximum allowed under the rules of golf. So how do you add weight to the already maximum weight head unless you invent a product as strong as titanium and as light?? Simple, make the head 440 and paint it white. White looks bigger by 5%. So, voila, a 440 head weighs less, add the sole plate adjustment plate and paint it white. You end with a club that appears to be 460cc and weighs the same as 460cc but has an adjustable sole plate. Net result is the stupid public think the next greatest thing is ‘white’ in truth the next greatest thing is a 440cc head that sells because it has an new plate on the bottom and isn’t too heavy.



      11 years ago

      So how do you explain the R11s and R1 which were both 460c and had sole plates? Volume means forgiveness, heads have been maxed out for more than a few years by the way. There’s also a limit on MOI so there’s only so much they can do. Head volume, dimensions, and face speeds have all been maxed out or limited for a while now. The frontiers are increasing the size of the sweet spot and increasing launch angle while lowering spin, I guess you could include aerodynamics as well. After that, they’re running out of things to do. This means that unless bifurcation happens, in a couple of years there won’t be anything else that they can do.



      11 years ago

      Leon hit the bail in the head.
      Sneds used it the first two rounds & it went like a dog. You also have to remember these guts are not using the off the floor stock crap, they get these direct. They have been weighted perfectly, they are totally different to what you & me will buy off the floor.
      If you want a good one… Find a friend from the Tour can like I have ;I)
      Will I hit it… Of course… Buts it’s just another TM market grab.
      We are 4 months out from X-Mas… So there will be another one then… The SLDR Mk2 ;o/



      11 years ago



      Joe Mama

      11 years ago

      I’ll probably buy one from the clearance on them this time next year.


      Frank Tank

      11 years ago

      Next year? Try in few months when the SLDR Stage 2 comes out.


      Joe Mama

      11 years ago

      I see a black club and i want it painted blue…

      Match the head to the slider, or stick with white.

      Black has been done forever.



      11 years ago

      Why would TaylorMade introduce a Mizuno look alike? The resemblance cannot be ignored. No only is the design lack immagination, but changing colors each time they introduce a driver diminishes their brand identity, and frustrates their following. ” Maybe I should wait?” What’s next?
      I have three sets of TaylorMade, but with this move, it may be time for a change. One of the reasons I dumped Calloway is that they kept changing up models, colors, etc, so often that you remained in a constant state of obsolescense.
      Enogh, this will be a looser. Get back to your brand identy, and stick with improvements that are evolutionary, not revolutionary. Loosing market share? How about no loyalty from your customer base for a recepie to fail!



      11 years ago

      Again, their model has been successful. The companies release products quickly because “new” sells best. Just because you apparently don’t have ENOUGH restraint to purchase and stick with your purchase, doesn’t mean the paradigm is flawed. It’s up to you to make an informed decision knowing that a newer technology will be released in the near future. Other industries do the same thing, computers, automobiles, athletic shoes, performance apparel, televisions, video games, the list goes on and on. If you don’t want your purchase to be obsolete then you should never buy anything other than toilet paper, or water maybe. As our society progresses, technological advancements accelerate. The only constant is that things will change, you have to choose what you want, the newest most advanced? Or is it good enough to purchase a driver that fits you well and game it for a few years knowing that a new model will be released every 6 to 12 months thereafter? You could’ve purchased a new driver any of the past 5 years and, as long as it was properly fit to your swing, played well. No one is forcing you to shell out for a new club every year or two, it’s your choice. There’s certainly no need to get upset at a company releasing “new” technology at an obscenely fast pace, after all, it’s their business not yours.



      11 years ago

      They say its all business with TM but why would any golf company would charge extra and I mean alot extra fr a good quality shaft of your choice when they are already charging you 600 clams fr a stupid driver, that tells you the charactor or lack of in this golf oops I mean marketing company has. That shows you that a company like this will go to any extent to make a profit, thats why they HAVE TO make their retail club line as cheap as possible, buyer should beware of a company like this because this is the worst it can get, They lie about their driver being number 1 on tour when they are selling you a completly different club plus paying the non staffers to use their driver and making people think its a choice of theirs,, comical.



      11 years ago

      Aren’t most drivers on tour a little bit different than what we the consumer purchase off the rack? I think TM is after all those guys that thought they’d wait until next year to buy a new driver. This way they get a couple months in with it. BTW….i can’t believe how many comments this has generated – that’s hype all on it’s own and personally I’d like to try and hit this SLDR and see what it’s all about. Wouldn’t anybody?



      11 years ago

      Tm seems to differ more than most. Had a chance to ask Jason Duffner about equipment. He said the only difference with his driver is, that it was hand picked for measurements ie; loft, weight. And that is so they can make him back ups. Same with the rest of his equipment from Ttleist. He did have Cameron make him the putter. Said he new he made it to the big time then. haha


      11 years ago



      11 years ago

      Ron, the driver isn’t $600 – it’s $400, $500 for a TP upgrade, and $600 for some of the more premium TP shaft options. Guess what, if you don’t want it then don’t get it. Your comments are poorly written and your information is inaccurate. These companies have to have evidence to support their claims, sure they get creative with those claims, but they can’t just pull something out of their *sses and say it’s true. Taylormade is a club manufacturer, they are obviously very good at marketing as well. So far, this has been a successful model for them. Only time will tell if they’re latest decisions are demonstrating an overconfident angle of attack, but as far as recent history has shown, they seem to know what they’re doing. How are they lying about being #1 on TOUR? Darrell survey? Of course they purchased that statistic, but doesn’t Titleist do the same with golf balls?



      11 years ago

      RP Jacobs with all do respect you dont know half about golf equipment than i do and instead of looking at equipment all day why dont you go try to play in a state tournament fr once if you have the sack, instead putting down people.


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      Half the knowledge that you have? Forget half…

      Dude I don’t come close to having a fraction of the knowledge that you have. Regarding state tournaments, been there, done that, haha. USGA and all. Regional and I even qualified for the Mid-Am a life time ago, haha.’For a former football player, I held my own, didn’t embarass myself though I got no silver or crystal. I can still play a little but I’m sure that my game, like my knowledge, isn’t half of yours.

      Drop into the forum sometime. We’d love to have you.

      And not that he needs it, cuz he doesn’t, however the cheap shots regarding getting paid for his words, whether they refer to T, X or any spy, are chickenh*t and I always have responded and I always will respond.


      Take care Dude and have a great season

      Fairways & Greens 4ever



      11 years ago

      Does this mean that my Mizuno MP630 Fast track with movable weights (enabling a fade, a draw, high or low launch) is still a modern driver? Does Mizuno have a patent on this “sliding weight” ?.


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      Mizuno, Callaway, TaylorMade, and about a half a dozen others we could find all have patents on some form of sliding rail-based weight technology. In each case the US patent office found enough distinction in the designs to approve the patent request.

      Mizuno’s latest go around with their technology wasn’t that long ago, so I suppose modern still applies. In golf most everything old becomes new again as designers take a second look and find ways to improve on older ideas.



      11 years ago

      Wonder how much the author was payed by TM to promote the new SLDR driver ?


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      HaHa, LMFAO, I wondered how long before this appeared, lol.

      Dude, I speak for no one but myself, however please, with all due respect, go back to where ya came from

      I’m sure they miss ya

      Fairways & Greens 4ever



      11 years ago

      If he was paid, they probably want their money back. Did you get the impression that this was an advertorial? My feeling was that this wasn’t as biased as the GolfWRX article about the same club, they (GolfWRX) were slob-knobbing all over the SLDR and Taylormade.



      11 years ago

      Tony not Tom sorry my bad lol



      11 years ago

      Tom Covey That may be true but I seriuosly dought its that cheap for em to put a high end after market shaft in there, a buddy of mine told me that if you bought the 600 dollar v2 r1 from TM they are still making you pay alot extra for a shaft that your fitted for, WHAT A CHEAP ASS GOLF COMPANY, TO CHARGE 600 FR A DRIVER AND WONT INCLUDE THE SHAFT OF YOUR CHOICE IS A CRIME.



      11 years ago

      Ron, given the volume that the major club companies do, the shafts aren’t that expensive. There’s a pretty healthy margin in golf shafts. To your point regarding a $600 driver, that would cover almost any combination of head and shaft (except for maybe an Oban super TP) from Taylormade. $399 + $100 for stock TP + another $100 for premium TP shaft options = $599 and tax. You do have additional options to spend more for a very few other shafts, but can you really tell the difference when going from a premium TP shaft to the most expensive option? They’re good, but I don’t think many folks other than TOUR players could notice a difference, it’s more of a status purchase – a “look at what I can afford” product. You do get more consistent performance when changing from a stock shaft to a premium option, but the golfer has to be good enough for that increase in performance to matter. If you can’t make 3 consistent swings in a row, you’re probably better served to save the scratch and spend it elsewhere (lessons).



      11 years ago

      They spent 6 years to come up with that sole? Looks like they spent 6 minutes.

      They also forget to mention when you move the weight low and forward you lose forgiveness


      Andy (Uk)

      11 years ago

      Yep. Manufacturers have spend years telling us that the weight has to move low and backwards in drivers. Taylormade have spent a few years telling us they should be White.

      Now it’s suddenly moving the weight forward, abandoning White and doing it all at the end of the season..

      I’m going to be interested to see the full driver line up for 2014.



      11 years ago

      please do a head to head with the r7 superquad v SLDR


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      I think a major thank you should go out to both T and X for taking the time to respond in an amazingly timely, appropriate & accurate manner to the appropriate posts. This i obviously very time consuming and really does take away from their daily MGS activities.

      Stop and think how long it would take for a response from one of the other sites that I’ve already mentioned, if, #1, your post even made it onto the board and #2, the powers that be even bothered to respond at all, lol ;-)

      It’s safe to say not in the manner that these guys have.

      Thanx a lot

      You both are a class act

      Hat’s Off

      My Best,



      11 years ago

      my question is: the photo of the sldr showing a back CG is low launch higher spin. For years I’ve read that a low and deep CG created high launch low spin, when did this change???


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      White sorta grew on me though it’s like a beautiful blonde, its high maintenance, lol(keepin it lookin like new) ;-)

      Fairways & Greens 4ever


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      Wait, white was scientifically chosen due to the advantages that it gave the golfer in allignment. What happened to that? Why would you go backward technologically if you had a bonified, legitimate scientific based advantage for the golfer, haha?

      I’m sure nine guys in a group sat around and thought of an answer to my question and the TMaG mouthpiece will speak it with all of the conviction of an evangelical zealot. I would just like to hear the answer as to why they went away from white if it was superior to black or the darker colors.

      It will be scientifically based, lol, ya can bet in that ;-)

      Fairways & Greens 4ever


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      The science of white thing fell victim to it’s own marketing. The story was never “white is better than black”. The visual benefits came from the contrast between a white crown and a black face. It’s not about white itself, it’s about the contrast (and the matte finish reducing glare).

      While they won’t be making any real fuss about it, TaylorMade is saying they do have some contrast/alignment stuff in the SLDR.

      They now have the contrast between the black crown and the silver face (I know…it’s a stretch), plus the rear alignment piece.

      Much of what they said about white, I believe is basically true. It does create contrast, it does make the heads look larger, and it does reduce glare.

      The reality is, some people just want a more traditional look.

      I believe TaylorMade felt it was important to release a distinct offering for players who want a black/charcoal driver. SLDR gives them that.

      But my guess is we haven’t seen the last of white.


      Adam Huckeby

      11 years ago

      well put

      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      Thank you for the well thought out answer. HaHa, you should answer for them because between the content and your delivery, it makes sense.

      Thanx for takin the time to respond

      Fairways & Greens 4ever


      11 years ago

      And let’s be honest, white stood out on TOUR better than anything on the market. It was fairly obvious that the Mizuno head cover on Luke Donald’s driver was subterfuge. Now, with all the crazy color schemes in drivers, it’s getting harder to differentiate from a distance.
      I do think it’s pretty ballsy of TMaG to go away from white after touting the benefits, especially “hot spots,” not long ago.

      Adam Huckeby

      11 years ago

      I read through this article and all the comments again this morning. And i just grin. If most of you are are anything like myself …I’m just excited to have something to talk about. If taylormade’s only real thought was to keep us talking about golf and make sure it was about them rather than the other guy…well done.

      I love this game.


      Bill Tetley

      11 years ago

      I find it humorous that you wrote that this driver has no excitement around it, and yet it destroys every other article on the front page in terms of comments.



      11 years ago

      LOL…exciting, no. Polarizing, yes!


      Bill Tetley

      11 years ago

      Right, but it’s generation as much buzz and being as polarizing as EVERY SINGLE TMAG RELEASE SINCE R11. It’s the exact same story, just with a different club.

      Andy (Uk)

      11 years ago

      Personally I’m very disappointed indeed at this product launch from TaylorMade and the timing is ridiculous, who launches a new product towards the end of the season. I remember reading an article here a few months ago where the recent history of the driver market was summed up. It stated that Callaway made a huge mistake 10 years back and TM took over as number 1, then have never looked back. It also stated that TM needed to make a fundamentally huge error to let Nike / Callaway back in the number 1 spot. Well it could just be happenning, next month.

      I went to TM with the R11 because I love the White drivers. I didn’t buy for allignment or the sales garbage, I just loved White. Now they are going straight back to “colours” I hate and blowing all that investment away overnight.

      To be honest. If April the 1st was coming up I’d just believe that all this was an elaborate joke.

      I’ll wait to see the full picture, but right now TM looks to have just lost my custom.

      This is just very very very wrong !



      11 years ago

      Andy, I don’t understand how you blew your investment. You wanted a white driver and that’s what you got. You spent the money and once you got the white driver in hand, that’s when you “blew your investment”. Your driver didn’t disappear once TM came out with a new driver.



      11 years ago

      “I have my product and I will stand it up against anybody. I have zero apprehension about taking on anyone.” – Tom Kroll. It seems I heard that comment by the Russians about their latest Mig jet fighter. Does that mean TMaG is owned by the Russian mafia? (lol)



      11 years ago

      Wait… weren’t RocketBladz preceded by Wilson’s Reflex by 30 years or more?


      Super Tuna

      11 years ago

      In the idea? Absolutely.
      In execution? No

      Wilson simply didn’t have access to the tech required to make the design function consistently 30 years ago.



      11 years ago

      If Taylor Made is releasing drivers every moth or so, how much R& D can be involved? They are running scared and it shows… keep it up Callaway!



      11 years ago

      Why are my posts being deleted?



      11 years ago

      Not a single comment from your email address or IP has been deleted.



      11 years ago

      Sorry… my bad!

      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      MikeB, Hello and welcome to the blog. I can assure that MGS has NEVER deleted someone’s post here provided that it was not vile, crude or blatantly slanderous.

      MGS is not WRX, The Sand Trap or HP, lol, where that probably happens on a routine basis.

      And the reason that I am so confident of this is because I’ve been here over two years and on an occasion or two I was an *sshole and my posts should have been deleted however GolfSpy X, never, not once, deleted them.

      So if you hit “submit,” it’s here

      Have a nice day

      My Best,

      Fairways & Greens 4ever



      11 years ago

      Oh, The Sand Trap…huge, egos over there. Had a disagreement with the owner on giving feedback on someones swing…they are huge stack and tilt folks and if you don’t buy into it your posts are deleted and you’re ridiculed. I lasted one evening over there and left voluntarily. LoL.


      11 years ago

      I find it absolutely amazing that there are so many haters already. I understand that many are tired of the barrage of TM drivers year after year. I understand that every claim must be taken with a grain of salt, especially with TM touting this as the greatest thing in golf since those tees shaped like naked ladies. But for every improvement that TM has claimed before the mainstream has really got their hands on this club to see for themselves, there seems to be a hundred golfers saying that this club is crap…before they have got their hands on this club to see for themselves.

      You can argue validity until you’re blue in the face, but I golf with people who have upgraded every club in their bag other than the old Jazz fairway woods that are 10+ years old. The reason? They have yet to find a 3 wood that they hit as well with their game. This club is going to be a great addition to some golfers bags, a $400 slot holder in others bags, and an anitchrist-like club to others.



      11 years ago

      Agreed that M.G.S. would be better served to go with the following order of operations:
      1. Read marketing materials and formulate a list of questions to be answered by testing.
      2. Actually test the product before writing an article which has a negative bias.
      3. Write, PROOFREAD and release said article with concrete evidence supporting their findings.
      4. Maintain objectivity regarding equipment manufacturers.
      5. Recognize that companies can’t legally make unsubstantiated claims without being able to back it up.
      This would be better served than the ready, fire, aim approach they took with this article.


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      It’s fascinating to me that you would view this as anything other than objective. I’m fairly certain this must be your first day on the site, since you seem completely unaware of the fact that I’ve written numerous times about your point #5.

      I suspect that your read on this as having a negative TM bias likely comes from a strongly pro TM bias on your part. MyGolfSpy is as objective as the industry gets. Look around. If you find another golf site that has anything close to our readership without a single big OEM banner on the page we can talk about comparative objectivity.

      Read through the comments. While some agree with you that this has a negative slant, others see it as a puff piece about a new TaylorMade driver. They go so far as to ask how much TaylorMade paid me to write it. It’s simply a matter of perspective.

      I made no statements about the actual performance of the SLDR. My point throughout the article was TaylorMade has thus far failed to generate the same level of pre-release excitement with this driver when compared to past releases.


      11 years ago

      Am I right in thinking that if you move the CG forward the driver will put more side spin on the ball? I seem to remember hearing that low and back reduced side spin and hence reduced peoples slices and hooks.



      11 years ago

      UFO people from Roswell told them it was so.



      11 years ago

      Yes, a few years ago they were saying that “low and back” created high-MOI forgiving clubs.

      I’m no engineer, but surely “low and forward” is a lower MOI compared to “low and back”.


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      Harry – There’s no such thing as side spin. One of the myths is something along the lines of “back spin reduces side spin”. A golf ball spins on a single axis (it can’t spin two directions at once), and as such, there is only spin (along a tilted axis, the degree of which determines curvature).

      So short answer no…a forwardly placed center of gravity which helps to reduce spin.



      11 years ago

      Wow, here we go again. I’m not talking about TM releasing a new driver, I’m talking about all the bashers coming out of the woodwork to talk trash about a new product and its accompanying marketing campaign. No one does this when car companies come out with new models EVERY YEAR, or different trim levels within models, yet they freak out when a golf company releases a new product (one golf mfgr seems to bring this out of people more than others, but whatever).
      “OMG, they now have 6 different models in three colors, what a bunch of marketing BS!”
      Go look on a car lot some time, or a shoe store, or a bicycle shop… lots of different models, lots of colors, all designed to meet different tastes, needs, and budgets, and all designed to separate you from your money… why is this any different? Why is everyone so aghast when TM does it? They are in business to make money by creating new product… what are you missing about that?
      If you don’t like it, or don’t need it, then don’t buy it. If you’re planning to buy a new driver, here is another one to try out. That’s all there is too it. You can call them gimmicks, or marketing hype, or whatever… most rational people call it business.
      BTW, I have 14 different pairs of Nike shoes in my closet… am I brainwashed? Nah, I just like them all, and I can afford it.



      11 years ago

      Well the King is Dead long live the KIng!

      “THE CLUB DESIGNER” is back at Wilson Staff
      Give one a try it will impress you without all the HOODOO!



      11 years ago

      If anyone buys this club I hope you enjoy your 10 dollar shaft that they put in it.



      11 years ago

      $10…more like $4.


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      Don’t encourage him. I think Ron believes golf companies pay retail for high end shafts. If the designed for shaft is $4, the real one is is still under $10.

      Yes…golf companies do save money on shafts ($3 * 300,000 drivers sold adds up), but as much as anything its an acceptance of the reality that most golfers by off-the-rack. When you have a driver designed for the masses, you put in a shaft that gives you the best chance of providing an adequate fit for the majority of golfers.

      You want to create an under-performing driver? Put a $300 shaft into an off-the-rack offering and watch the average guy suffer.

      After-market shafts are almost all designed with a specific swing profile in mind…stock shafts are designed with a broad non-specific profile in mind.


      11 years ago

      Another comment on yours Tony, the average customer (12 to 18 handicap) wouldn’t see much benefit in an upgraded shaft as their swing variation is too great to warrant a change, especially considering the added expense for similar performance. You’d be better served to get the proper shaft length (probably 44″ to 45″), flex, face angle, loft, and draw bias. Then take the $100 they’d spend on a premium shaft and buy some lessons…


      11 years ago

      I’m still not sold that the average Joe or Josephine will want to tee a ball up with the term SLIDER in their minds. Unless they’re gaming the new Chilli-Dip™ wedge line…


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      Christopher, three years ago, I woulda agreed with ya hands down, 100%. However after RocketBallz I’m never openin my mouth again regarding TMag & their names,

      Fairways & Greens 4ever



      11 years ago

      Good point. At least Taylor Made knew they were been ridiculous back then and they went for it. If these are a massive hit Callaway execs might attempt hari-kari with one of their RAZR clubs…


      11 years ago

      Shanks for that comment.



      11 years ago

      Taylormade releases more drivers a year than Callaway, Nike, Cobra and Ping….combined. #number1gimmicksingolf



      11 years ago

      Actually not true.



      11 years ago

      More hype from TMAG? What else do they have?

      And Tony’s coffee must have additives………….

      I see a vague parallel to the boy who cried wolf here. TMAG have had SO many new, latest and greatest releases that the golfing public are wary, worn out and just plain bored.

      Whether the product is good or not (it probably is), has been over shadowed by the constant barrage of new product. The public will simply wait until the market tells them what the true value is. The $399 category is likely quite small compared to the $199 to $249 category.

      And despite Tony’s “spiked” coffee and patent dates – Mizuno did it first.

      There are just two golf club companies – Ping and Mizuno. The rest are marketing companies that just happen to market golf clubs.



      11 years ago

      How about Titleist? They sell balls for living, but their clubs are pretty awesome without any market gimmick…


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      They save their gimmicks and “pseudo-science” for their golf balls. Though I would say that they do not match TMaG in marketing balls as TMaG markets clubs, they definitely have a successful marketing strategy, as does TaylorMade, whether youo like them or not, whether you buy their clubs or not.

      And the funny thing is, and I don’t know how this could be proven or verified, however I very rarely hear an individual who has bought a TMag club or clubs saying, “boy does this/these club(s) suck, never again.” So the majority of TMag customers, are satisfied, if sales are the barometer, and as long as the business score card is what it is, just as in golf, the number in the box(sales) is what counts & speaks the loudest.

      Boy, did I fly offa the road on this post, haha. Sorry Leon, sometimes I do that :-)

      You are spot on regarding Titleist. Across the bag, they may have the best sticks in the business.

      Have a great season

      Fairways & Greens 4ever


      11 years ago

      RPJ2. We were just talking about this the other day. We have seen a big increase in the trade-ins of TM. Mostly drivers it seems. The pre- owned rack has a lot of TM in it. Way more than past. It doesn’t seem there is a certain company benefiting from this more so than another from what I see. What I am hearing is that people made the purchase based on advertising and past brand loyalty. Trust me when I say that, consumers are getting tired of being told this is the save all, to find out it wasn’t. What makes it worse is the companies themselves are saying what we had before wasn’t really all of that because we have abandoned that technology. I believe there’s a fine line between being on the cutting edge and over doing it. And I think that’s what is happening to TM. Though the average consumer doesn’t understand a lot of what they are being told, nobody likes to feel they have been bs’ed.
      The same answer still applies, GET FIT!!!

      Doug Hanson

      11 years ago

      Well, all this means to me is that a new black R1 is getting to be cheaper everyday for me. That’s if I somehow can give up my i20….
      I wonder if I would be better off going for new wedges…


      Kevin Johnson

      11 years ago

      Don’t wait to long on getting your black R1, it is a limited edition!


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      HaHa, so much for all of the opthomological benefits of white, LMFAO. Though ya have to give em credit for spewin all of this stuff with a straight face, lol. Hey if ya hit it farther, and that is the bottom, regardless of who’s driver you’re bangin, then all’s good :-)

      Fairways & Greens 4ever



      11 years ago

      Taylor Made is readying their next innovation… The black club head with a white face!


      Super Tuna

      11 years ago

      They’ve already got that one in the JDM market.

      Check the Glorie Reserve

      Adam Huckeby

      11 years ago

      guys I know as a rule you test clubs as they are off the rack. In this case you can use an R1 sleeve in your SLDR head. I wonder, as i always do how much of the difference between the two clubs will be from the shaft (rip phenom to the SLDR’s Speeder)

      Assuming there is a measurable difference (R1 vs SLDR) Id love so see a switch out test….to attempt to associate the change with the head or the shaft….especially If you were lucky enough to have a tester that actually games the R1.

      Might this be a case that such a test would be more relevant and useful than before considering the current circumstances?


      Nic S

      11 years ago

      On Sound and Feel: TaylorMade believes the SLDR is the best sound and feeling driver since the R510…..

      I hit this club last week… I can only hope that the sample I hit is COMPLETELY different from the clubs coming to retail. SLDR could be the WORST sounding and feeling driver that I have ever hit. Ever.

      ( I currently play the R9 SD, and the SLDR feels and sounds like a broken toy in comparison.)

      I will reserve final judgement until August 10th.



      9 years ago

      R9 Superdeep w/GD 702, best ever! Runnerup’s- r7 Quad, TXXX & r9 with WB, Ahina, Hd6, Rip Phenom, RIP 60 tx, Matrix HD, etc… never impressed with later models, r11, 1 sldr etc…
      r7 tp 13 ts best 3 wood with 757, and Mits TP 64, same shaft sergio used in r7-


      Dave S

      11 years ago

      I just bought a black R1 driver and don’t hit it any better than my old Clevelan Hi-Bore XL from 2007… I really don’t think tech has improved much in the last 5-7 years… good thing I had a Golfsmith gift card…



      11 years ago

      Waiting to see you testing. Been trying to decide on the R11, err R11S, err RBZ, err R1, err RBZ2, err R1 Black, waiting to see how the SLDR does on spin. Spin eats me alive, and yes I should work on my swing…

      In the meantime, a G25 snuck into the bag and it will be hard to kick out.



      11 years ago

      We plan on getting you that answer. We will be testing this head-to-head against the R1 as soon as we get the testing samples.



      11 years ago

      Isn’t it funny that GolfWRX has already tested the SLDR and gave it a perfect score? Are they (GolfWRX) an Adidas company?


      11 years ago

      Funny? I don’t know.

      I think I would more characterize it with a word like “typical” . Because the majority of not only media sites but people will take the money and keep those happy that provide them the money almost 100% of the time. Nothing wrong with that if you look at from the position of feeding your family or providing a roof over your head. But for the consumer it’s never good.


      11 years ago

      And on a final note: Their is no perfect score for a golf club. We use data and a well thought out review process. And when you have one like this you quickly learn that no club can come even close to being perfect.


      11 years ago

      Thats why Im waiting for MGS testing. Nothing is 100% perfect.

      I gleaned the driver test data and came up with a G25 that bombs. Even if I like the SLDR, I doubt I get one. SLDR uses R1 tips, correct? I do have an R1 tip on my favorite fitted shaft…


      11 years ago

      I disagree with most of what you say here T. To me, as an engineer is really the first driver since the R11, maybe R7 since I really did not pay much attention to TMag then, that offers something new.

      The ASP, has no effect on the club if you do not sole your driver. Since I do not, then that bit of technology has never made any difference to me. MWT works. I have an R9 Super Deep and an R11. I have experimented with these and will state that in my test they absolutely made a difference. Adjustable hosel also works, to a certain extent. Still not significantly different than rotating the club before taking a grip. Also you can adjust your spine angle to add or subtract loft.

      So I bought an R11 and like it. The R11S came out and did not offer any benefits that I thought I needed so I passed. The R1 came out, and the same story. The R1 Black came out and it was only a different color.

      This driver actually looks intriguing to me. I look at the sole and see a similarity between it and the original RocketBallZ driver. I see the track may even offer something akin to a speed slot. And I see the MWT that I have already established works. Do you need 21 settings? 5 would probably be enough but marketing says 21 is more than 4 times better than 5 so why not.

      As far as the color goes, I wonder if this is part of the “Marketing of White.” For a number of years, you could spot a new TMag driver from 600 yards away. I remember standing on the course one time and looking to see all the white drivers. Now OEM’s are making a variety of colors or flat black. This color it reminiscent of the older Titleist 905 and earlier drivers. Very classic looking.

      TMag did not wait until Spring because then they would be an also ran. Callaway and others may have something similar by then. They now have the advantage of having theirs out early.



      11 years ago


      Everyone’s opinion is different, so I do not disagree with how you feel about your perception of this driver. But here is part of my take on what is going on:

      1. You say MWT works and I would disagree. The reason being is that I designed a lot of MWT driver designs in my career (including a Rail System very similar to what you see here) and spent an enormous amount of time testing this technology. Does it work? yes. Does it work the way golf companies have implemented it? No.

      Mass Properties testing and robot testing showed in all of my work and many other designers that the amount of weight they are using does not change ball flight the way they say it does. But the marketing lingo they and others have used is clever, it gives the perception that it does while never stating any concrete evidence.

      TM and many other companies met with me regarding my MWT technology well before any of these drivers were released and even then they knew that the amount of weight they ended up using would not be effective. Although, they could not get the base headweight down to allow for enough moveable weight to make it function properly.

      A QUCIK EXAMPLE: for easy numbers lets use 200 grams for a base driver head weight. If you have 20 grams of moveable weight that means you need to make the base headweight 180 grams to allow for the moveable weight. So you have to find 20 grams of weight to take out of the head. This is possible. But the magic for MWT starts at about 40 grams and really at 60 grams. But this means you have to get the base headweight down to 140-160 grams. They had and still continue to have a problem doing this without the fail rate, sound, feel etc being compromised. So, what did they do. They took a technology that worked and was ground-breaking and dummied it down to allow for all those components not to fail but in the end, they end up with a technology that does not work as it is intended but looks impressive from a “Visible Technology” standpoint.

      2. The color: you wonder if this is part of the “Marketing of White”. The point of white is to stand out. Even if many other drivers are flat black now, there are also a multitude of drivers that are colored and grey and etc. etc. This in my opinion does not stand out as well and hence is not as good at separating itself from the crowd as well as white.

      3. Intrigue – it looks intriguing to you I get that and probably to many others. But my feeling is there will be less appeal to the masses from this release then past releases and for that reason another market share drop (also taking in to consideration that they finally have some competition to take away some share as well). Taylormade is expected to “lead”, and for the first time in years they have competition. If this is their flagship driver, in my opinion it is a major miss.

      Something is going on at TM and we just haven’t quite put out finger on it. One thing I think is they are for the first time “reacting” not “leading”. They have been great at leading, however don’t seem to be doing as well at reacting.

      Once again my opinion only here, but I think they have opened the door for the competition and that door with this release opens slightly wider. Callaway is just one big technology away from taking the lead and that is not something that could have been said over the past few years. Now, Taylormade could come out with a big new tech as well and take the big lead back just as quickly. But my gut feeling says that if you look back 5 years from now and see Taylormade is #2 this driver release might be looked at the pivotal point in where the biggest change occurred.


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      HaHa, I’m finally glad that someone besides myself has stated that the MWT, as implemented by the OEMs, flat out, from a bio-mechanical standpoint, does not work, though obviously, you performed the tests that I just read about.

      Great Post!

      Fairways & Greens 4ever


      11 years ago

      We talked about this over on the forum. Come join us some time.

      I do not have a robot nor have I borrowed one for testing, but how does the club attach to the robot. Is there two arms like a human? Does the travel of the head have any reverse effect on the robot? I mean certainly the club head travel is a function of the swing but with a human, there is some feed back, some feeling of what the club is doing during the swing. I recently incorporated in my back swing a few practice swings holding the head of the club and making a draw or a fade that way and then flipping it over and making a couple of more because I can really feel what the head is doing during the swing. Then I hit the ball. This resulted in 14 fairways and 14 GIR in a round which is pretty good shooting because of the feed back I was getting from the club. If the MWT aides in any way of the ease of closing the toe or leaving the toe open than this works.

      For me to hit a draw I have to feel the toe of the club passing the heel at impact or there abouts. I felt that after changing the weights it was easier to hit a draw with the club after the weights were changed than before. I will not and cannot say that moving the weights in and of itself with change a hook to a slice, but I will say in my nonscientific test, it was easier to hit the draw than before.

      Even if this was a placebo effect then it still worked.

      Will this turn a slice into a 4 yard draw? NO!! I can hit a fade or a draw at will but I will say that it is easier to hit the fade now, if for no other reason than I know that it is set up to promote a draw.


      11 years ago

      1. Placebo effect is effective but only in the short term, it will not last.

      2. MWT is all about movement of CG and 14 grams whether you feel it or not does not move CG enough to make a difference.

      And we also did a lot of player testing not just robots and computer sims.


      11 years ago

      That is what I was talking about awhile back when I referred to the honeymoon stage.


      11 years ago

      I have to say that I completely agree with Rick. Taylor Made has been recycling older ideas for years. Now they borrow the look of the Cobra AMP Cell. All the holes, recessed areas and so forth create turbulence so aerodynamics are compromised.

      The golf industry is very cynical… examples are special edition clubs that are mega bucks where the only difference is the paint job! The sheeple should wake the heck up, companies are after your wallet! When nothing new or worthwhile is available, companies dress things up with paint schemes, gimmicky technology and mega marketing. What’s next? Chrome? Shades of Detroit in the 50’s.


      11 years ago

      This is why Callaway stayed away from it for so long, there were no benefits and they new it. They only succumbed due to Taylor Made brainwashing the golfers into thinking it did. Now, how about explaining Adams slots in their heads, does it really make a difference?


      11 years ago

      How can you say MWT doesn’t work? Are you referring to swingweight changes? From a bias standpoint, it certainly does work. From my experience in fitting drivers with MWT, you can take a player who slices or hooks their driver and reduce or eliminate their issue. As far as changing swingweight, agreed, there isn’t much effect. Once again, your writing skills are subpar and need attention. A 6th grade English teacher would be disappointed with your clunky and poorly written submissions. With today’s technology the computer practically writes for you, but using “out” when you meant “our” is an error that won’t be caught, same with then and than. It’s hard to give your comments respect when you can’t use our language properly. That said, point taken, TMaG is slipping – and seemingly pissing off some of their customer base in the process. I guess we’ll just sit back and see what happens, only time will tell. Here’s an example – Titleist has been losing market share, yet still sees fairly strong sales on their golf ball… Once again, take a writing class (or three) and your thoughts will be better received, or at least harder to blow apart…

      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      It does work. Just not the weights that TMag has put in their drivers. That has been proven time and again(actually two university engineering studies). They were both in vitro and in vivo(Lab/robot & humans/real world).

      And you’ve got this thing about proper English. Is your life so empty and your self esteem so low that you have to show up here once in a blue moon and barage the page with posts spewing ad nauseam about Tony’s or X’s English. You can’t address the subject with out getting personal & insulting?

      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      You obviously are bright, articulate & informed on the industry, though I have to ask, why take the shots at Tony and/or X? It just takes away from your viewpoints and positions, and while I may not agree with them all, they are well reasoned and more clearly stated than most on this page.

      I just think that it takes away from your credibility. It is not my intent to start anything out here, as I spend most of my time in the forum. However your posts stood out, and not for the informative content that was in them. It was beacause of the defensive, sour, cheap shots towards Tony & X.

      It’s unfortunate because you actually have some good things to say, however the incessant, childish & extremely immature personal insults draw the attention away and your posts & they will join the minions that are mostly forgettable.

      It’s one thing to attack the message, however it’s another to go after the messanger..

      In a golf blog?

      Oh Dude, how empty your life must be sitting there smuggly typing these posts.

      Well, I do wish ya the best in the remainder of your season

      Fairways & Greens 4ever

      John Barry

      11 years ago

      Echo…no excitement here, sure I will hit it at Golf Galaxy, but my R11 S is in the bag for a long time. Yes, there will be an updated version for Spring also, be sure of it.


      Adam Huckeby

      11 years ago

      So. You buy it in stamped lofts (at which is sits basically square at each stamped loft) and then you can adjust it up and down from there. Sort of like the 913 D2/D3 Right??


      Adam Huckeby

      11 years ago

      never mind i found the info


      Adam Huckeby

      11 years ago

      Personally i find taylormades constant “we have on upped our selves again” marketing exhausting. Taylormade is no startup company. Do you guys suppose they have a stack of ideas 30 deep each one better than the last? They know how to get more out of all this tech but why go all the way the first shot…”if we can slowly move the needle we sell more clubs every year…Until the next big advancement is discovered and them we will do it again”.

      some might say that’s obvious, and some might say that’s crazy why would you no blow the competition away with the best you can possibly offer…I say because that’s not a very good long term strategy. And that all these companies want to make lots of money and for as long as they possibly can.

      My guess is that the club probably is longer for a good portion of people. Their claims seem to hold true for the releases so far this true as can be expected…at least for a a percentage of the people testing.



      11 years ago

      T, I think you hit the nail on the head with the comments about the an in general lack of enthusiasm about this club, as that describes precisely how I feel about it.

      Will I hit it when it comes out? Sure, of course I will. Would I game it? Yeah, sure, if it performs well and I like the look an feel of it, no problem.

      But. . .I don’t really care about it one way or another. I expect it to be a decent driver, it is TM after all, they’ve made some great drivers over the years. I just don’t expect this to be some groundbreaking milestone in driver technology, even though I am happy to see them get away from white and obnoxious crown graphics. It could be that as a MGS regular I’ve become a bit more informed about clubs and the golf industry, but to me the hype surrounding club releases is turning into nothing more than background noise. Yeah yeah, “10 MORE YARDS! LESS SPIN, MORE SPIN! Weights here, there and everywhere!!! RED PAINT, BLUE PAINT. . .. “‘ Yawn. . .whatever. Let me see the club and hit it.

      Thanks for the early info though T, great to know what to watch for!



      11 years ago

      I’m more curious to compare this to the Stage 2 Tour head than to the R1 head as the Stage 2 Tour was already billed as having the COG moved forward and down and is supposed to be a lower spin head.


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      Thank You, my sentiments exactly :-)

      Hope that ya bang the RBZ T 16.5

      Fairways & Greens 4ever



      11 years ago

      400 less RPM. thats VERY SUBJECTIVE…..

      For the average golfer, how Does TMaG come up with that. If you take 10 “in the Groove” swings your RPM is going to be different 50% of the time. (At least for Joe Smoe)

      If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck…………



      11 years ago

      Oh Man, I just got an R1 and loving it.
      I really like the white head and the graphics are invisible when it’s in play.
      How can TMaG give up on the white head?


      Brian Criscuolo

      11 years ago

      I started playing golf in the r5 era, and continued to purchase TaylorMade drivers through the early r9 era. What made me stop buying? The R11. Because it was white? Absolutely not, I thought a white crown was an awesome idea.

      It was the fact that they released the *white* r11, with an almost subliminal message that the white color on the club was a technology. That lead me to speculate that the club couldn’t hold up on the course or simulator against competition, and lead me to switch over to Callaway.

      This SLDR driver interests me more than any previous over the past few TM drivers. The lower spin interests me, the actual technology interests me. Callaway is tough to beat nowadays though…


      Aussie Mike

      11 years ago

      I started playing with wooden woods when I was 12, and my first metal wood was the original Wilson Killer Whale. To date its still hit the longest drive I have ever hit (340m with a slight tail wind), I have had R360XD, R5, 2008 Burner TP, R11s.. recently I even purchased an old 200 steel of ebay for fun.. distance between them is negligible I can hit most between 275-300m regularly.

      I too am keen to test this one out as i prefer the feel of TM drivers. I tried Titleist twice and regretted both times.

      haters can hate as long as they like, don’t buy, or at least go to a demo day and try.



      11 years ago


      Do some research and you will find that, this is old school tech! Mizuno came up with a “sliding weight” driver with the MP line (I think it was in 2005). So this is probably an “improvement” of an old technology…….

      Looks like the TM R&D guys are looking at the past for future techs!


      Tony Covey

      11 years ago

      If you’re going to tell others to do some research, you should probably do some research first. Mizuno’s MP-600 was released in 2008. TaylorMade claims that they’ve been working on their sliding rail technology since 2006.

      Here’s the thing…even if you don’t want to believe them, there’s no disputing the FACT that TaylorMade’s original patent on sliding rail system for a golf club pre-dates Mizuno’s.



      11 years ago

      Thank you Tony! That fact is even mentioned in this very article. Pinoyobserver, are you reading before commenting? Throwing stones in glass houses can be dangerous…

      Matt Andersen

      11 years ago

      The article also says that Mizuno was experimenting with the sliding weight around the rear perimeter of the golf club. And, like Tony said, TaylorMade’s patent predates Mizuno’s by more than a year. Read and then comment in that order.


      11 years ago

      Did sneds have this thing in play this week? The CBS announcers made a big deal about his Fairways Hit at 63rd in the field which was much lower than his normal ranking. His putting won him the tourney ranked 1st.

      At least its not white.

      But i am sure they will get around to a white sldr eventually.

      So if a pro can eek out 6 to 10 yards. I am sure we can get what 2 to 4 yards.

      I will demo it. But only because its not frickn white.

      Personally i think they know their run is about over and they know that budgets and people are next to get cut and all they are trying to do is hang on just a little longer.

      I agree cally and nike have and will continue to take market share.

      Hit’m straight like Sneds with a SLDR!




      11 years ago

      Sneds used his old Burner driver on the Sunday. He used the crap SLDR on the first two days and barely made the cut. What a difference…


      RP Jacobs II

      11 years ago

      Good call Leon!!

      Yep, Sneds went back to his ’10 Tour Van SuperFast TP. Obviously, I don’t know the exact number though Rookie probably would, however it’s the first generation SuperFast, black, one piece and all that primitive stuff, lol

      The Best

      Fairways & Greens 4ever


      11 years ago

      Like most of the new drivers, I’ll pick it up and have a go with it – if by some chance it outperforms my 2009 Burner then it might get bought. Nothing has suited me as well as that.

      No issues with the looks, the gimmicks etc. at the end of the day I don’t care what the manufacturers do, if your someone who must change clubs when something new comes along….is it their problem or yours?

      Ps. It’s early in the morning and I’m being stubborn – I’m as big a club ho as most of the regular visitors here!



      11 years ago

      The Burner Bubble out performs that!



      11 years ago

      When are TM gonna realise they have not produced any new technology in 15yrs. In fact no OEM has.
      They will saturate the market with an inferior product again, and expect their marketing team to come up with more bullshit to sell to the punters or should I call them { the brandwashed } suckers who will believe it all.
      Why don’t they sell all their drivers with genuine shafts instead of the cheap ass $10 dollar chinese copies they have now.
      I’m getting to the stage as to say that TM are just a gimmick company.


      Ken thomson

      11 years ago

      Thank goodness for some independent research. I’m as big a sucker as the next but have been wary of changing drivers since owning the R11.
      Tested many at demo days that don’t fulfil advertising blurb.



      11 years ago

      They should change the name from SLDR to SNKOIL and they sure know how to sell them.


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